Hey So I've decided to finish painting my army, however, so far all my units have been using the standard paint scheme and I got bored of it. I decided I want to make something new. These are some of the ideas I've got and I'd like to hear your opinion on them and if anyone knows a scheme / a painter that has done similarly, links would be very welcome. I love green so I would love to have a nice green theme running through my army, which also goes nicely with a Life slann I usually use. I really dislike gold. I've tried using silver but somehow with the green / darkish colours I plan to use its barely visible/ Has anyone been using silver insead of gold? I would have liked to see how it looks on a bigger scale. I thought I'd make them darkish - light grey belly, darker grey scales, maybe a red spine then perhaps I could paint jade instead of gold. However I am not very good at painting jade so I am not sure it would work out well. The second idea was to have a grey belly and bright ish green scales The third idea is a mix between the two. Grey belly, darker scales with several green lines, green (jade ish colour) spine and silver armour. What do you think? Any green themed armies links will be appreciated.
I honestly just went for green lizardmen. The blue is awesome and all, but a pain to do and a bit too vanilla. So my Saurus are Knarloc Green with bone crests/spines, and my skinks are a Camo Green with bone again. Should get some pics for inspiration for you... Green lizzies work well. I also have red/orange temple guard, and various units that are "normal" colours. Thankfully you can have your army fluff however you like to explain the colours!
Turquoise goes good with silver. Painting the wristbands to look like a different material is cool. but jade will sort of blend in. Possibly a red?