Hi guys, girls and lizards. Long time fantasy player, but have decided to leave the chaos wastes and join the good fight. Being a khornate player im a little sort of magical knowledge but i know one end of an axe from the other!! Hope every one had a great Christmas and got in a game or 3!! Cheers
Welcome! X-mas is the ultimate opportunity for me to play, I brought my army back to my home town in Norway (I usually live in Denmark), and now I get to play against my childhood friends this saturday! Cant wait! I even get to try out the models i got for christmas; a stegadon and a second bastiladon ) Have you have any good matches so far this holdays? Do you have a playable lizardmen army yet ?
Hi guys, thanks for the welcome. I have 2 x30 Saurus with spears 1 block painted, 10x skink skirmishers, 26 temple guard and a skink priest, Waiting on slann, carnosaur, sallies and swarms and either flyers or a block of kroxi. Aiming for 2.5k What is the general consensus on unit fillers? I use the for my bigger blocks of infantry to break it up, and they are themed but some ppl frown on them Im not on wargamerau, im only new to the forum scene. I got a few 40k games in, one nice 6k game used my entire imperial guard armoured company with air support. Vs some nids, was an awesome game But mostly painted and planned this army out ill post a list soon.
Get on WargamerAu. Biggest Aus wargaming community. Sure some bullsh!t flies sometimes, but mostly it's just laughs. Also a great buy/sell/swap community. Most people shouldn't have worries about unit fillers. I've never really found a need for them, I was going to make some but it was too tricky for me. I do have a re-painted plastic anklyosaurus model repurposed as "two kroxigors" for a Skink Cohort though, looks neat