It's been a long time since I've posted on these forums and I have nobody else to blame buy myself... A lot has gone on in my life over the last 3 or so years and I've got to see some amazing things along the way but now I've settled in and have gotten back into playing and painting big time. I've continued to keep up with my Lizardmen army and my blog but have neglected to post here... But no more! This will hopefully be a comeback for me and I can share with you all my latest escapades in painting! I present to you my latest addition to my army, Skink Oracle and his trusty Troglodon:
Re: Painted Skink Oracle and Troglogon. Welcome back Iggy, and your Trog looks great. what kind of basing are you going to use with him ?
Re: Painted Skink Oracle and Troglogon. Hey N810! Good to be back! My entire army is aquatic-themed so they all have some water on their bases, along with painted rocks and various plants. So I'll just do my best to make sure he's tied in with the rest of the army. I'll have that done by this weekend.
Re: Painted Skink Oracle and Troglogon. Looks great, but if I'm not mistaken, it's actually a Troglodon. So much work for such a mediocre model. At least painted like this it can be a huge decoy. It must be powerful, look how impressive it looks. Meanwhile, the sharpened horns steggadons are only primed.... -Matt
Re: Painted Skink Oracle and Troglogon. Matt, Thanks for catching the typo, I never even noticed it. And not sure what you're getting at with your comment... I have 2 Stegadons that are painted...
Re: Painted Skink Oracle and Troglogon. I'm saying that the rules for the Trog are horrible. The best use for it is to paint it up as pretty as possible, and use it to draw the opponents attention away from the real threats. The real threats are more likely to go unnoticed if they aren't as attractive. I've seen opponents go after small units of forsaken due to the wow-factor of the conversions over a fairly normal looking unit of chosen. -Matt
Amazing paint job!! Beautiful model I wish the images were larger though And don't listen to Matt, he is just being a negative-nancy
I don't get how the Trog rules are "horrible"...? We have a couple other units that can qualify as "horrible" *cough* Cold One Riders *cough... but I think the Troglodon can be effective if played right... The biggest thing (IMO) is getting the bellowing roar right next to all of your Saurus units while engaged in combat... And his shooting attack doesn't suck...
Well that the rules aren't as we were hoping for is completely true, but indeed it could be working if you get the massive centerpiece next to your warriors! I think you can use the monster with more models, if you use a troglodon with a stegadon or maybe 2 stegadons and a cowboy your opponent can't target them all and the troglodon is not the most dangerous... Coldone riders could be effective, use them in the same way as knights! you have saurus warriors with 2+ saves! and coldones have 2 attacks now! Still things as bastiladons and ripperdactyls are better!