Kroq-Gar question/comment

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by strewart, May 18, 2009.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    So I am painting up my Kroq-Gar model, going to use him as just an old blood, and was wondering what colour I should paint his shield. I am thinking maybe something special/unique since he will hold the maiming shield, or red (scales of my army will be orange/red), green (not sure how it will go with his blue) and anyway I decided to look in the army book for what GW did. To my surprise, the Kroq-Gar model pictures in the army book do not actually have a shield! I am thinking what the hell? Did I get this weird shield from somewhere else? His box seems to suggest he came with one, but on the box the pic showing his left arm clearly doesn't have one either, so there are no clear pics of a shield and definitely not one at all in the army book.

    So I guess this is just a bit of an observation thread, and also I am asking for suggestions on how to paint his shield given he will be blue with bright orange scales, and the carnosaur is bright orange with black scales. Strange that there are no clear pics of his shield.

    Incidentally, I checked his rules and he doesn't carry one now (don't know if he did in the old rules, maybe Suppe can tell us since it seems he got the old book accidentally :p) and the scetch of him in the entry doesn't have one either. Hmmmmm.
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    No Krox-gar has never had a shield, he uses the magic of his glove hand, to shoot energy. In the old book it was the same (I have both). The shield is thrown in there so you can make him an oldblood instead, seeing as he is the only Carnosaur Rider.
  3. Great Lord Tlanxla

    Great Lord Tlanxla New Member

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    Yes my Kroq Gar model came with a shield as well but i use him as kroq gar mostly so i just never used it.
    If u want a better maiming shield the GW website has 5 awesome new shields for sale and one of them would make a good maiming shield.

    As for the color, do u have a stegadon? if so i would paint it the same colors as its scales so it looks as if the oldblood is mighty enough to take down a stegadon

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