The slow spawing grounds. by Mux

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Mux, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Mux
    Jungle Swarm

    Mux New Member

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    Greetings and welcome!

    This is a matter of fact my first attempt at tackling our scaly friends with the brush and I hope it will suffice your taste aswell as mine. Let us begin!


    My flying Skink Chief on a Ripperdactyl. Which will act either as a bsb or the pole acts more as a trophy holder of the gifts given to him. More of a fluffwise thing in the campaign he will be in.
    - I know the base isn't done yet though I havn't getting around on the theme yet.

    I am pleased that the Skink Oracle could act as a Chief with a bit of greenstuff and patience. (Since he actually is a few atoms from being to big.) Will hopefully compare in a few weeks the rest of the ripperdactyls riders and the size of the Chief.

    Anyway. Hope you like it and hopefully you will see more from me sooner rather than later.
  2. Silverblight

    Silverblight New Member

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    Looks solid! I think the oracle convert fits just fine, I didn't notice him being too big even after you said something. Can't wait to see more!

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