8th Ed. question about odd charge

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Pinktaco, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    So a friend of mine had a game vs another friend. Woodies vs snobby britonnia.

    Here's the deal though: The britonnia player issues a charge against an archer units, HOWEVER, said unit is placed just a bit behind a second archer unit.

    The issue is not whether or not the charge itself is possible due to wheeling past the blocking archer unit, it's that the woodie friend argued that because the archer unit that is being charged is also blocked by the other archer unit they can't all attack. The reason is because of the rule that states that a maximum amount of models should be able to attack, BUT, since it's always the charging unit that'll have in position and not the one being charged it becomes impossible to have all the archers to attacks.

    My woodie friend then argued that the charged should be redirected into the blocking archer unit.

    I disagree.

    I read the rule "maximum amount of models should be able to attack" as it's something you have to consider in the current situation.

    I'll provide a picture:

    Is it possible that this should be considered an "unsusual situation" as described on page 22 called "closing the door"?.
    It's not quite the same, but in this way the maximum amount of attacks is actually in effect.
    Or do you simply just accept that not all archers can attacks and leave it at that (that's what I believe).

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  2. lizard_sNow
    Cold One

    lizard_sNow Member

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    "Maximum amount of attacks" is there to clarify the most possible, not that all models are supposed to attack. It also is not a requirement for a successful charge. If there is a blocking unit the knights would have to avoid the unit and then close the door to the charged unit. This rule is to prohibit positioning by a unit that denies all possible attacks that could happen in a front arc charge.
  3. Citadel4711
    Jungle Swarm

    Citadel4711 New Member

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    You would be able to throw maximum amount of attacks because everyone would be maximized.
    When you make contact with the woodies - you would maximize the best you can without coming into contact with the other woody unit. Once you maximize, the woodies would then close the door to you.

    I'm wondering why the Brets just didn't just attempt to blow through the first unit and over run into the second unit?
  4. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    In my opinioin;
    -Charger (suspected knights bus) charges archers who stand and fire. A third of the archers are shooting at hard cover.
    -The charger wheels and moves into the archers, moving as close to the unengaged archers (ignoring 1" rule) without touching them and hit the engaged archers.
    -the wheel of the charge is made to miss the unengaged archers and the charger must move directly forward, then close the door.
    -only those in base contact at this point can fight. Archers can reform at the end of this round and get more guys into contact.

    Then angle that the charger would need to be (according to your image) would put at least half a knight overhanging the archers. all three files of knights can attack, and I would guess about 3 fles of archers can attack.
    The only way wood elves could have forced the charge on the blocking unit of archers would be to have moved his unit in a way that stops the wheel. There is no question here at all :D

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