hello all. im starting up lizardmen and thought that this would be a good place to help me on my way. just thought id say hello here and show my face on a side note does anyone here have any oppions on what model to start off with to go with the battalion box for my hero choice
Hi there, welcome to the forum! As to your question, I would either go for a saurus oldblood or a skink priest. You will definitely need both eventually so might as well go for one of them. Slann is a good choice though you need a 2000 point army to field him. Perhaps you could also consider a stegadon with a priest and EotG.
Welcome, hatchling! I would go for a stegadon, that was certainly my first purchase. Almost all armies field at least 1 now. Sure an army needs hero choices, but I'm not so sure about an old blood or priest... I bought an old blood, and now I find he doesn't fit in any of the lists I like so he will be nothing more than an expensive saurus unit champion. Remember the steg comes with both a priest and a chief on top of the 5 skinks, so if you plan on getting more than 1 steg you can just get a priest from that kit.
cheers for the reply and words of welcomeiv got a sarus oldblood for now. as im starting off at the lower points end. im going to invest in a stegadon once iv got built and painted the battalion. i wil be posting pics of my commander in the next few days when he is done