8th Ed. 2.5k Tournament List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Amrod, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Amrod

    Amrod New Member

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    Hi everyone, I´m new here, I´m from Perú and have 5 armies (HE, Ogres, Dwarfs, Skaven and my beloved Lizzies), I play and follow the forum for about 2 years. I want to go to a 2.5k Tournament using Lizzies. We have 3 scenaries: Battle Line, Dawn Attack & Tower one.

    I use this list againts a Khemri Noob, so I don´t know if this have competitive potencial, I use to play a Saurus strong list, so I want to make a change and I read the people use a lot of skinks skirmishers unit with Javelins and shield, so this is my first intend:

    Lizardmen 8th Edition (Standard) Selections:

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest (Warhammer: Lizardmen p31)
    (Cold Blooded, Mage-Priest Palanquin, Telepathic Confabulations)
    Battle standard , Belcaming Cogitation , Cube of Darkness , Focus of Mystery , Harmonic Convergence , Ironcurse Icon

    + Heroes +

    * Sarus Scar-Veteran
    (Cold Blooded, Predatory Fighter)
    Enchanted Shield Light Armour , Opal Amulet , Sword of Anti-Heroes

    * Skink Priest Lv 1 Lore of Beast
    (Aquatic, Arcane Vassal, Cold Blooded)
    Dispel Scroll

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    (Cold Blooded, Predatory Fighter)
    Champion , Musician , Standard Bearer
    * 23x Saurus Warrior
    23x Spears

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Javelin and Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Javelin and Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Javelin and Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Javelin and Shield

    * Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher
    10x Javelin and Shield

    + Special +

    * Chameleon Skinks
    5x Chameleon

    * Chameleon Skinks
    5x Chameleon

    * Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns , Unstoppable Stampede

    * Temple Guard
    (Cold Blooded, Guardians, Predatory Fighter, Sacred Duty)
    Musician (, Revered Guardian , Standard Bearer 19x Temple Guard

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns , Unstoppable Stampede

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns , Unstoppable Stampede

    Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

    I need all the comment you can give me. Need to put the Lizzies on the top!
    I´ll have many HE list, WoC, Ogres, Demons, Dwarfs.

  2. Amrod

    Amrod New Member

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    So, nobody? SO I think is an Ok list or it pass without notice. Well I make a few changes:

    2.5k Lizardmen 8th Edition Roster (Standard)) +++


    Lizardmen 8th Edition (Standard) Selections:

    + Lords +

    * Slann Mage-Priest
    Telepathic Confabulations, Battle standard, Belcaming Cogitation, Channelling Staff, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence

    + Heroes +

    * Sarus Scar-Veteran
    Cold One , Enchanted Shield , Halberd , The Egg of Quango

    * Sarus Scar-Veteran
    Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza

    * Skink Priest
    Dispel Scroll

    + Core +

    * Saurus Warriors
    Champion , Musician , Standard Bearer
    * 23x Saurus Warrior w/Spears

    * 05 units Skink Skirmishers
    * 10x Skink Skirmisher w/Javelin and Shield

    + Special +

    * Chameleon Skinks x05

    * Cold One Cavalry
    Champion, Musician
    * 5x Cold One Rider
    5x Spears

    * Temple Guard
    Musician, Revered Guardian, Standard Bearer, 18x Temple Guard

    + Rare +

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns , Unstoppable Stampede

    * Ancient Stegadon
    Sharpened Horns , Unstoppable Stampede

    Any help?
  3. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Well, Lets start..

    Your second build of a Slann is decent, still not the best but it's OK.

    About the cowboys, they are good but not with this set-up.
    One of the build I Like is as following:

    Scar-Veteran on Cold One w/
    Sword of Striking, Light Armour, Charmed Shield, Dawnstone, Potion of Foolhardiness

    Scar-Veteran on Cold One w/
    Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Dragonbane Gem

    There are many builds possible, see the forum, but it is important that your cowboy has a 1+ armoursave with reroll or a 1+ armoursave and a wardsave.

    23 saurus warriors wont hold their ground. If you want to play a unit of saurus play a unit of 30 or don't use them.
    The skirmishers with javs and shield are good.

    Please drop the cold ones, think about an additional stegadon, bastiladon or ripperdactyls. Use the ripperdactyls to vanguard 12" and if you go first move them behind enemy lines so he can't charge and if you go second, try to charge the unit you marked with the blot toad.

    Chamo skinks are decent. Might think about one unit of 7 or two of 5.

    The templeguard are ok to use, but use more. Your list don't have any big blocks to claim steadfast. I use 36 of them, pretty expensive, but with a signature slann to boost they are really awesome and a very strong unit. Up to 36 attacks with predatory fighter, WS4 and Str5. You really smash down every unit, a bastiladon a very good option to take to ensure you have a better initiative then your opponent.

    Last but not least, the ancient stegadons.
    Really good units, but only use the sharpened horns! Stegadons must win combats with their impact hits, bot because of that single extra attack.

    I think it is a good list, but there are still enough points to improve.
    The list you described above is a fun list, no competative.
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    I think your missing out on a tool by leaving out the salamanders, for hordes of rats or for those ever so common elves the S4 breath weapon does wonders
  5. Amrod

    Amrod New Member

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    Thanks! That´s what I´m looking, good advide to improve this list. I would change the list and let you know how it goes in the City Tournament.

    I someone else, want´s to add anything about it is more than welcome. :D
  6. Amrod

    Amrod New Member

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    Thanks for all peokpe who help me with advices for my list. I finish 2nd in my city Tournament, behind a Demon of Chaos army.


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