NEED an AWSOME painting scheme for my army !

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by OldOne, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Hi there lizard guys !

    I ve been playing warhammer for over 10 years and i have finely decided that i ll align my strength to the true eldar race the lizardmen.

    And here is where my problem starts i would like to have an uniq army and i am looking for some insane color scheme i am a pro painter myself so i dont have any issues with painting the only issue that i have is that i cant decide the right color scheme for me ,....

    But i have some ideas how would i like to paint my lizzies:

    So far i have been thinking to make black scales orange skin lizies with blue lines over scales ...
    Or pure yellow with green scales
    or black scales and skin white red ....

    But i am not sure can anyone help me out with perfect color scheme the issue i have is i would like to have a theme army llike the albino one but that looks borring ... since albino where the first lizies on earth...

    Ill maybe paint the leaders white with some orange and tatoes...

    Anyways i would really apriciate any sugestions or ideas for the color scheme itself ... or maybe some nice looking miniatures or anything :)

    Anyways ty for your help guys !
    And remeber the oldones are watching you !
  2. tyrannustyrannus
    Jungle Swarm

    tyrannustyrannus New Member

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    I started my Lizardmen in the Blue GW scheme and it's too late to change it now. I've wanted to try this color scheme out.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  4. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    With the coming of the End Times and all, you could attempt a ghost/wraith blueish white scheme for your lizardmen. Necromancer Slann raising up hordes of undead saurus to fight off the enemy :p Or even just painting pale (not white, as you said but pale) zombie lizardmen.
  5. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Well first of ty for reply but i have already checked the link and the program to be honest offers to low diversety,.. i want my army to look spectacular but i just cant brainstorm the painting scheme that would look good
    hmm so maybe you guys have any miniatures to show or any more ideas cause i must say thr dead army sounds interesting but its not my style of an army i would like to have since i hate the bloodie vamps

    What i know so far is that
    I want my army to look really bright so ill forsure be using the white basecoat and bright colours (orange,white,yellow,blue,green)i just cant come up with a good and awsome color combination,..

    The reasion why i want this army too look special and awsome is cause i have been for 10 years painting other guys armies and i never actualh had time to put and create my own and since this will be my own army i want it to look amazing, outstanding :)

    Anyways i am thanking you all in advance for any replies and help
  6. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    well since nobody came up with any idea i decided i ll paint my army somthing like shown on picture below


    I would really apriciate it if you guys can comment the scheme and if you like it and if you have any neat or good ideas for it and possible changes on it :)
    TY for replys !
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    not bad. :)
    I definately a unique scheme.
    the green and orange offer a good contrast.
    perhaps you could bring some of the lighter green into
    the dark green back scales with a light dry brush.
  8. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    Alrighty well here's a picture to kind of showing the 'spirit host' paint scheme I was thinking about.

    Now they're not lizardmen obviously, but I've never seen this particular paint scheme tried before on lizardmen which is why I think it'd be cool. I've seen quite a few other people paint up undead, bloody, zombie models, which isn't what I'm suggesting (I don't like all the bloody vampire stuff either :p ). This particular scheme would have some very bright colours which you said you'd like (white/blue/green), but you could even try doing some spirit-like, transparent metals or other colours which would be a bit more of a challenge. :)

    As another example, look at the spirits on the bottom of this model (I know it's a vampire and stuff but I'm specifically referring to the spirit/ghost green and white)

    Now I'm gonna be a bit biased because I simply don't like orange very much. xD Now the paint scheme you pictured above wouldn't be bad or anything, but if you're going for lighter colours then the black over most of the model kind of contradicts that. If you do want some black I'd suggest using it in smaller areas like the spikes or the claws.

    All things considered this is just advice from a fellow painter, and they're your models! :D so go ahead and paint them up as you like and I'm sure you can still make them look awesome.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by n180. Good point, if you did want to keep the black then drybrushing it green would be a good idea.

    EDIT #2: Just realized it's dark green on the back, not black xD Still, the darker colour should be lightened up a bit imo if you're going for a brighter paint scheme.
  9. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Ok first of thank you for the comments!
    I must admit that idea of making ethreal lizardmen sounds tempting, but the issue that i have with that is that i dont like ghost either and if anything i would like to create the old ones lizardmen army that would fight the ghost not to be the one.
    Although i ll consider that option and i ll prolly make some stuff feral/ethreal, maybe some skins that will look like illusions summoned by the great slann :)

    But since the Ablino skins are too boring to paint and too borring to look like i came up with an idea of painting the chaff core like skins saurus and other non lord/hero units like the scheme i presented up, but my lords will take up the colors of an albino with a mixture of green,orange and black contrasted into their albino skins.

    So here is my photoshoped picture for some more skin details on how i would like to make my figures to look like

    So Again Dont bother with sword and shield highlights tell me what you think about the color scheme and if you do have any other colors in mind :D.

    But keep in mind that i want a mixture of light colors :) So yea yet again i am thanking you for all your help and replies
    TY guys !! :)

    EDIT: Since the picture may be too small to see the highlights heres the direct link to it :)
  10. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Or Maybe the opposite selection something like that ?? :D


    Or maybe i ll just do a mixture of that two combinations what do you guys think ? :D
    n810 likes this.
  11. Vosrik
    Chameleon Skink

    Vosrik Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, I do like the look of the second one you have there! Although a mix would probably look good too :)
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    why not do both...
    one for temple guard and one for saurus.
  13. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Ok so i have decided i ll paint the army in that concept it will be a mix of both schemes togather :)

    I am getting 3 boxses from skins tommorow and a slann so i ll be working on bases first and iwill also oppen a new thread so you guys will see the development of my army :)

    And since i ll be starting off with bases i would like to know if you guys have any crazy ideas on what to put my skins on :D
    So far i ll get 75 skins 10 of them will be converted with green stuff for cameleon skins 2 for skinks priest 2 for chiefs the other will be skins jevelin shields :)

    So yeah any good ideas for basing the miniatures, and i must admit i never was good in making bases .. :p
    So do pls help me oout :)

    Oh and also thanks for helping me out on final decision guys !
    Best regards and stay well ! :)
  14. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well If you like my basing,
    it's just white glue, sand and paint.
    (free sand is best)

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