
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ScaryBiscuits, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. ScaryBiscuits
    Jungle Swarm

    ScaryBiscuits New Member

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    Well, a little about me, I've been wargaming in general for about 6 years now and over those years I've played a lot of 40k, many different armies and bought too many models to count. For the last eyar and a half I've been focusing on Fantasy as I wanted a change.

    I've enjoyed it hugely, with my VC's stomping all over people's faces and to be honest I'm getting tired of people saying "OMG NOOB YOU ONLY WON BECAUSE YOU ARE TEH OVERPOWERED VC NOOOOOOOB".

    I've tried persuading people that while VC are a strong army I don't play the harder builds (I never use the max characters, no Black Knights, no Blood Knights, no Wraiths etc.etc.). So I've decided to convince them that I can win with an army other than VC's, I took a look at the current armies and I've decided that Lizards would be a good way to both practice my painting and hopefully have some fun along the way to making my army.

    I really enjoy the 'feel' of the Lizardman army and how they seem about as competitive in either magic (which they can dominate) or combat. Also taking Ld tests on 3D6 and discarding highest is awesome.

    So really, any advice would be very welcome and I might start a blog of how my Lizards army progresses.

  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Hello and welcome to the site!
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Greetings, welcome to the forum!

    It is a shame that you face such flack for having a VC army. My friend played them and was winning all the time to start with, I took it knowing they were powerful and tried many different things until I eventually beat them with a (unbelievably) overpowered and tweaked HE list. Really they are powerful and very easy to overpower, but if you run a balanced list there should be no problem. I enjoy the challenge of facing them.

    Anyway, enjoy the Lizardman army! :)

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