7th Ed. Want to build a 2250pt Cold One Cavalry list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by foster, May 28, 2009.

  1. foster

    foster New Member

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    This is my first topic onto this site so I'd like to say hi there. Here's a list I've been working on for awhile now and I thought why not post it here and see what you guys make of it:

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, The Blade of Realities and mounted on a Carnosaur 455pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    L2 Skink Priest mounted on an Ancient Stegadon with War Drum of Xahutec, Plaque of Tepok and mounted on an Engine of the Gods 435pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    6 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Warbanner 255pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Sun Standard of Chotec 235pts
    6 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer 230pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts


    The only thing I'm worried about is not have enough decent counter units that can take on small skirmishers or fast cavalry units that becomes a nuisince, since blowpipes have a hard time hitting them and I don't have any other units to go after them. Can you guys suggest a unit?

    Anyway I have lots of Lizardmen so if you feel there needs to be changes that could help this list out pls tell, and I'll see if I can swap them out.

    Thanks for reading :D .
  2. ironchestnut
    Jungle Swarm

    ironchestnut New Member

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    Well from what I can see it's not a bad army list but your spending more point's on small unit's and not enough on your large unit's for instance your Cold Ones each cost between 235pts and 255pts you should try to keep them in the range of about 240pts but that's just my opinion I would also say your Old Blood cost more that it could be but other than that it's fine :D
  3. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    I'm still stuck in the past so I am not sure if it is still the case, but in the last edition including Kroq-Gar meant that cavalry became core choices.

    If that is still the case you could just switch your general for Kroq, drop the skinks in exchange for another unit of terradons.

    By doing this you lose 3 units of throw away troops for an even more expensive only slightly tougher general (but without BoR) and another unit of lightweight flankers so the big picture is that it isn't really a better option, if anything this list is worse as you no longer have that nice skink shield to cover your troops during that first turn advance. I just like the fluff...Kroq's legendary raiding party...

    I like the idea of a cold one cav list, was planning to make one myself one of these days...only wish they weren't prone to stupidity...thank all things green for lizardmen psych dice rolling.

  4. foster

    foster New Member

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    Sadly Kroq-Gar only lets you count a single unit of Cold One Cavalry as Core. If it was allowed for all my Cavalry then yes I would throw away all my Skinks Skirmishers. But since it only makes one unit core then I don't think it's worth spending 145pts just to make one unit core, even with the option of throwing away a Skink unit. Anyway I find skinks are still usefull for running fleeing units of the table after a charge from my fear and terror causing units.

    I've made a big mistake earlier and posted one of my older lists up. This is the list I am currently using:

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, The Blade of Realities and mounted on a Carnosaur 455pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    L2 Skink Priest mounted on an Ancient Stegadon with War Drum of Xahutec, Plaque of Tepok and mounted on an Engine of the Gods 435pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    6 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Warbanner 255pts
    6 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Sun Standard of Chotec 270pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts


    The Sun Standard of Chotec is there so when I'm up againsts lots of Bolt Throwers I can hide my Carnosaur with them, does noting for Cannons or other artilery but still usefull for even small arms fire. Especially from Dark Elves fast cavalry units with repeater crossbows.

    BTW can Cold Ones re-roll thier stupidity tests when near a Banner that allows re-rolls to break tests? I know it's a long shot but can their tests be re-rolled? But still failing a stupidity test is still very unlikely with cold-blooded rolls.
  5. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    I'll have you know I failed my first ever stupidity test with CoR's... :D

  6. foster

    foster New Member

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    I have yet to fail my stupidity test ;) .
  7. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I'll have you know it's a 89.35% chance of passing. Been doing some mathcraft to write up a big article on magic so I just looked up the 3 dice probability off one of my diagrams (i have no calculator except when i come use a computer so i've been doing it by converting most of it to geometry, doing a maths degree helps though as geometry gets tricky in 4+ dimensions ie 4 or more dice)^^ Almost got it wrong by forgetting the fails on (5,5,4) (5,4,5) (4,5,5) lol.
  8. foster

    foster New Member

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    Omg omg omg.... I just realized after reading a few articles on the site that Cold One Cavalry have a 2+ armour save :jawdrop: ! I can't believe I missed that, now those boys are tougher then ever. I have alot of reading to catch up on what's changed since I last dusted these bad boys off the shelves :pompus: . Can someone do a quick summery for me on the important changes, or post a link that has already done so?

    Here's a small 1000pts list that's been knocking around in my head for some time, it's the same theme so tell me what you guys think:

    General Saurus Scar Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on Cold One 133pts
    L2 Skink Priest and Dispel Scroll 125pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer 300pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts

  9. foster

    foster New Member

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    Hate to bump my own list but I wanted to run this by you guys.

    I won't be getting an Engine of the Gods for some time (due to money issues), so I'll be modifying the list not to include one until pay day, till then I hope to have a few matches:

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, The Blade of Realities and mounted on a Carnosaur 455pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Rod of the Storm and Blood Statuette of Spite 150pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Warbanner 325pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Sun Standard of Chotec 340pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    Even though I have lost the defensive capabilities of a 5+ward save, and the opportunity to do great damage with an unstoppable blast, I feel alot lighter. Without having to worry about a quater of my army being turned into Cannon Fodder should free me to concentrate (and worry) on other stuff.

    I've added more bodies into the Cold One Units to make up for their lose of a 5+ ward save and added some salamanders because everyone likes them. I'm not totally sold on the 2nd wizard but I need magical defence. I also like the idea that when my opponant has used up their dispel dice and scrolls (for most armies) I'd be able to surprise them with some unexpected bound spells, not a game winning strategy but it's all I can think of.

    If there are anything you disagree with or any changes that would help with the armie's overall options pls let me know. Any tips would be most helpful (e.g. some deployment tips wouldn't hurt ;) ).

    TY for reading
  10. D. Thang

    D. Thang New Member

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    i like the newest list better. i took a list a lot like it to a tourney recently and got 3rd. however, if you are planning to use the diadem to hold over the mage's dice i would suggest giving up on trying to cast magic and focus them on dispelling.

    run a combo like
    150 skink priest- lv.2, diadem of power, dispel scroll
    115 skink priest- 2x dispel scroll
    it will save some points. and with an army this fast you should bo on them by the time your priests run out of usefullness.

    also i don't see what that the 3rd smaller unit of SCoR really have a purpose. if you dropped them and ran the dispelling priest combo you should have plenty of points to either really buff up your calvary or through in a baby steg. or even a solid unit of spear saurus to put in the middle and run as a anvil unit.
  11. foster

    foster New Member

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    Here's a quick list at 2000pts that I had to quickly put together against my opponent who had a 2000pts Dryad list with 1 wood elf in it, it was a tie game due to me playing badly:

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, The Blade of Realities and mounted on a Carnosaur 455pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of Power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    L1 Skink Priest with X2 Dispel Scrolls 115pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and War banner 325pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer 195pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    Basically we couldn't finish the game so we both opted for a tie. I made a lot of mistakes first by not using my Terradon's to run fleeing units off the table. I then wasted a couple of turns forgetting to face my Carnosaur to charge at units.

    However the unit of the match has to go for my 8 Cold One Unit and Vet for receiving 3 charges from a big Tree, a Special Character (wood elf on a monstrous creature) in the front and 20 Dryads in the flank. I say good because they failed to do a single wound to my unit, but since the Tree was stubborn I couldn't chase down any of the fleeing units (sadly this is where I forgot to use my Terradons :depressed: ). Still it made a decent Anvil at holding up some of the tougher units.

    The Carnosaur did its business against some weird looking Tree Troll models by completely annihilating them with a few swings of his Blade, but then I seemed to forget about it and failed to bring it round to rear charge very vulnerable units still in combat.

    Skinks were great distractions but that's all they were.

    Not a bad list could do with some improvements (basically needs a better player). I hope to add a Stegadon to this list soon to increase the army to 2250pts again; the question is what type I want.
    I'm leaning towards an EotG's but I would need to swap the priests magic defence weapons for Drums and Tepok, I think it'll damage my magical defence.

    TY for reading

    BTW D.Thang thanks for your Priest dispel suggestions; if it wasn't for you I would have had my Cavalry completely stuck in the woods.
  12. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Maybe a suggestion ?

    If you want a cold one army, maybe drop the Carnosaur ? Yes its a great beast and looks hard.
    But try make a 3 units of CoR with each a Saurus character. 2 scar-vets and 1 Oldblood.
    And 1 lvl1 priest scroll caddy. 1 Scar-vet should be a BSB and the oldblood should have The Scimitar and the Maiming Shield to have 8 S5 attacks. This together in a unit with "Huanchi's Blessed Totem" !! truly is devistating on the field. It just runs through anything. And if you face a strong cavalery unit the Totem truly works wonders.

    I've did this before with lots of proxies cause I only have 8 real Cold Ones. And worked nicely for me.
    Played a DE with 2 Hydras. But even those couldn't stop my CoR units. Just pitty it takes special slots wich leaves only room for 1 unit of terries. But a unit of 4 terries is enough.

    together with Skirmishers and 2 units of 2 sallies to soften some hard units. Its a pritty hard list.
  13. foster

    foster New Member

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    Now I see what you mean, adding extra Heroes and Lord into every Cold One Cavalry will drastically improve thier combat efficiency. I have to add about 270pts worth of points to make the list 2250pts, so if I drop the steg idea I shouldn't have any trouble adding another Scar-Vet, Salamanders and Huanchi's Blessed Totem to the list without having to drop the Carnosaur.

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, The Blade of Realities and mounted on a Carnosaur 455pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent and mounted on a Cold One 163pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of Power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    L1 Skink Priest with X2 Dispel Scrolls 115pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and War banner 325pts
    7 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Huanchi's Blessed Totem 290pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    Ok I did have trouble adding even one Salamander to the list so I added a few Cavalry. Instead of giving the Scimitar of the Sun Resplendent to the Old Blood I gave to the new Scar Vet for two reasons:
    1. I wanted to keep the Blade of Realities for killing Monsters and Trolls with ease.
    2. Scar Vet has familier stat's to the Oldblood so I still have a Str 5 modal with lots of attacks, just 2 less then an Oldblood with Maiming shield.

    Can't wait to use this list.

    Thank you for the good ideas Gannon, but be sure if I fail to win I'll be coming for you :rage: .
  14. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I'm counting 5 hero choices... maybe you forgot to delete one of them? At 2250, you can have a Lord and THREE heroes, not 4.
  15. foster

    foster New Member

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    Thanks for spotting that, but I just looked at the Lizardmen codex and saw I can take 1 Lord and 4 Heroes above 2000pts. It's a legal list apparently, sorry for ruining your day :p .

    BTW I'm looking to replace the Scimiter of the Lost Sun with a cheaper weapon for my Saurus Scar Veteran, maybe giving him an additional hand weapon for a 1+ attack. Does anyone have any advice on which weapon would be best for the modal, maybe tell a situation where the blade did wonders in a game? If there are already Posts withthis information pls post me a link.
  16. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    Actually it says that for games of 2000 or more points you can have a maximum of 4 characters with a maximum of 1 Lord. Both Lords and Heroes belong to the Characters section so the sum of Lords and Heroes cannot be larger than 4 (for 2000pts)
  17. foster

    foster New Member

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    Does anyone have an opinion on which hero should be dropped?
  18. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    One of the 2 priests. Either the one with 2 Dispell Scrolls or the one which can add 2 DD and has a Dispell Scroll. Choice is yours.

    You know, a Scar-vet with Burning Blade of Chotec is a real hydra killer too. Is what I used in my games versus DE Hydra's.

    I really don't like BoR. Is near useless vs an enemy infantery block. Won't kill so much. And if you are worried of things like trolls or hydra's. You still got skinks or terries to marchblock too. I'ld prefer my general in a strong unit where he's save and where he can take a beating and really do some serious damage to the enemy.

    I count 20 CoR in your list. 5+7+8=20. Or you make it 3x5 and open some points for extra sally or in combo with dropping the 230pts carnosaur to open some points for a steg.

    Or you make it 5- 5- 10. 10 being your unit with your general and Huanchi's banner to get them into the hard enemy unit you want them to utterly destroy.

    Or by dropping the Carnosaur and by dropping your 5th character, you open op 345 points.
    With them you could upgrade your Lvl2 priest to and EoTG and give your cavalery the safety against magic and shooting which it can use to get into combat. Still leaves you with 69 points left to spend on other stuff. Like champions for challanges or by dropping something else for an extra sallie.

    You can still keep it as it is and test it out too see what count be tweaked or changed.

    Tell us how it runs for you ;)
  19. foster

    foster New Member

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    It's abit of a shame that I've already maxed out my charactor choices, choosing either a wizard for magic offense or a warrior to boost my combat potential is sometimes tough to decide. But since I'm up against Dark Elves again and that there is no way I can beat them in the magic phase I might as well out do them in combat :bored: .

    I'm going up against the Dark Elves again and it'll almost be the same 2000pt list as before in the earlier posts. They will obviously have different magical item selections which as I understand is their greatest edge, so I'll try to be careful.

    Here's a list I'll be working on:

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Blade of Revered Tzunki and mounted on a Carnosaur 445pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Sword of the Hornet and mounted on a Cold One 150pts
    L1 Skink Priest with X2 Dispel Scrolls 115pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and War banner 325pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Huanchi's Blessed Totem 220pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    I just like to point out that changing a 2250pt list to a 2000pt list is really hard, enough said.

    Gannon I didn't really want to get rid of my Carnosaur yet, but yeah I will remove it later when I finally get my hands on an EotG's. Before that happens I decided to take your advice about dropping the Blade of Realities with other reasons to; Dark Elves have a basic leadership 9 so their Lords and Wizards will pass their leadership most of the time, normal elves will mostly get their saves and my opponant does not use Hydras or Trolls.

    With the new rules I've noticed there are no limits to taking common magic items and can take the same common magic item many times over as long as they are not on the same charactor. Scar-vets with 0+ armour saves anyone :bored:? Shame I can't afford to do it for all my heroes. The hornet blade is there to shave off chargers from Dark Elves Cold One Rider units that get lucky.

    BTW I was wondering if I gave my Lvl 1 Priest the Diadem of Power am I allowed to save basic power dice? If so I'll definetly be swapping a dispel scroll for it, 5 dispel dice a turn is too good to pass up :) .

    I think that having all my Cold One Riders into 5 man units is abit risky, since they can be easily taken out by spells or shooting that reduces or negates armour. But then again with an 8 man unit I won't be outnumbering anyone, which is really the only reason why I have 8 of them. I'm still not convinced but I would like to talk about this further.

    I may not outnumber my opponants cold one riders in combat (10 in each squad), but I will sure as hell try to get the most kills.

    Ty for reading.
  20. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    I'm fairly certain that you can't get multiples of the same magic items, even common magic items.

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