8th Ed. Lizardmen End Times Important Moments *SPOILERS*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Overlord of Serpents, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    A huge thank you to Overlord of Serpents!

    I got my copy today and have finished going through it, so know it wasn't easy or quick for you to put that summary together, but you've done it far better than nearly everyone else on other sites have (big ones being, they mentioned ALL Slann perished and tehenhaiun died too, neither of which happened).
    Warden likes this.
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Awesome Synopsis man. :meh:
  4. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I'm assuming so, haven't seen any reference to him dying yet, his army was about to be overwhelmed, so he offered up the heart of a plague priest he'd just killed to Sotek. In response there was MASSIVE swarm of snakes that surged forward to tarpit the skaven.

    Using the delay, he orders the retreat and telepathically tells Mazdamundi things are not going well.

    He's not mentioned again beyond the fact that 3 of the 4 plague priest lords track the remnants of his army to Hexalot, only to get ambushed by the army of Krok-gar and Mazdamundi.

    Likewise, it doesn't mention Slaaq getting killed either, Mazdamundi merely returns to his body (mid Itza battle) when he realises what's going on and that Slaaq is taking damage.
    He then surrounds Slaaq and himself with a nimbus of flame blades and teleports into Itza.

    Slaaq is not mentioned again, though if he was still fighting when the meteors hit, he would be killed, as Itza gets obliterated by the impact (Kroak's body gets engulfed with fire from all the explosions and he's sitting on top of the highest pyramid of Itza at the time).

    Points worth mentioning.
    - Mazdamundi is helped by "dozens" of other slann.
    - numerous other areas take off (pyramid of Tepok), some Slann return to the stars taking other Lizards with them, but it says the "majority" are left behind.
    - Krok-gar is surrounded by a "nimbus" that cures poison against him, his spear seems to be empowered too as it burns the verminlord who grips it (to remove it from Skrolk). He is commanded by Mazdamundi at the last moment to leave the battle and get to an obelisk (will have to look the name up) as that's one of the areas (not yet shielded) that will be saved.

    -Oxyolt = Assassin killer.
    the Assassin was of the dreaded 13, but Oxoytl already knew where he was and was waiting for him. The assassin only knew something was terribly wrong when Oxoytl charged down the temple slope and peppered him with darts before he even had a chance to grab his throwing stars.
    ChapterAquila92 and Warden like this.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    *in the aftermath, on their way to the stars, an echo'y conversation took place*

    tehenhauin: ".............so......"
    Surviving Slann1: "...dont do it Tehen..."
    tehenhauin: ".....Im just saying tha..
    S.Slann2: "SERIOUSLY! dont go there!"
    tehenhauin: ".............."
    Slanns: ".............."
    Kroq-Gar: ".........*grunts*....


    Slann1: "OLD ONE DAMMIT TEHEN!! AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!..do you REALLY wanna do this now? REALLY?!!

    tehenhauin: "All im saying is MY gods thing is RAT-RATS!! and look where NOT going with that got US!"

    Slann2: ".......you think he will fit in that escape-pod?"

    tehenhauin: "FACISTS!"

    All: ".................."

    Kroq-Gar: "...hii hii....look snake-snake!

    tehenhauin: "...*sighs* ...what is it Kroqqy?

    Kroq-Gar: "...Hand-hand Shine-Shines!"
  6. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Fantastic summary of the Lizardmen story during the End times. I was getting a bit depressed reading all the doom and gloom rumors and comments. Hearing what the Lizardmen did accomplish makes me proud to be a Lizardman. Just the image of Kroq-Gar raising the body of Skrolk in the air on a spear while issuing a thunderous ROAR is the stuff of legends!
    Warden likes this.
  7. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The Prophet of Sotek definitely escaped, he was way too major of a player in the book for him to not have a written death, but he led his army to safety. Zlaaq the Stegadon died immediately after Mazdamundi teleported to Itza's temple. Mazdamundi makes a note about his loyal servant (Zlaaq) dying but is in too much of a rush to contemplate it further.

    Also the Obelisk that Kroq-Gar fights towards is the Obelisk of Silver Stars if I recall correctly.

    Also I believe the statement that "Most were left behind" is specifically referring to the Lizardmen as a race, meaning a vast majority of Skinks, Saurus, and Kroxigors were left behind to be bubbled by Kroak. Though when the order is sent by Mazdamundi, it is in that moment that the Slann seem to split due to some predetermined agreement.
    ChapterAquila92 and Warden like this.
  8. Quinras
    Cold One

    Quinras Member

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    Thank you, Overlord. I didn't buy al the doomsayers from Warseer but with all the negative rumours it was slowly creeping in anyway. I don't have the money right now to buy the ET books (diapers are so expensive :jawdrop: ), reading your summary was very nice. At this point, even if we should be removed (be it temporarily), which I do not believe, but for the sake of the argument, if we were to be axed I wouldn't feel as bad about it.

    Though one thing has me a bit confused, as I didn't take the Slaan for the sort that would boogy and leave all lizards behind. I would have thought they would fight to the bitter end. Them getting knocked down is (hard to believe) very unfortunate, but apparently they recover quite fast, only to hightail it out of there.

    Am I missing the point? This just doesn't fit the image I had of them.
    Warden likes this.
  9. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    as far as I have read, a large amount of Slann stayed not only to save the lizardmen, but the world.

    Their brains simply exploding from the pressure it took to counter the meteors from straight out wrecking the world.

    It has always been the Slanns place to save the world, without anyone knowing...that is heroic if you ask me.

    With out getting too emotional, they really stood forward as a noble race, and voluntarily gave their lives to save others.

    Those who left might have been doing so, knowing that the escaped lizardmen NEEDS leadership to survive, as from what this summary tells: Skinks can get caught up in their own ambitions.
    ChapterAquila92 and Warden like this.
  10. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Almost finished the book.

    Bad thing: We lost the war. The one and only real war. We almost lost the world in fact. Simply cause "skavens (lol) made a cannon".

    Good thing: imagine, how HE players feels now? they lost to DE. Simply cause Malekith said : "ok, i'm the boss here. obey. u have no choice. it's a fluff, no matters how good u was before. MUHAHAHAHA".

    ...tons of Skaven heroes stats at the end of the book, even some Dwarf heroe info, but zero Lizardmen heroes info. If that's all that we deserve in WH world... That's a shame =(
    Warden likes this.
  11. Ranorian

    Ranorian New Member

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    Any Empire info in this book? The Empire forum is blowing up about Middenheim getting leveled, due to the meddling of that moron Teclis...wondering where they got the info.
    Warden likes this.
  12. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    I only mentioned the Lizardmen parts but here's basically the rest of the book.

    Middenheim: Valten and the Supreme Patriarch of magic move up here after busting Karl Franz and all of the citizens of Altdorf away from the ruined capital. The emperor went to Averheim in the south, but due to the massive Skaven force these two went north. Upon arriving a Skaven army is laying siege to Middenheim, though the city is doing perfectly fine. Valten breaks the siege and rides into Middenheim.

    At this point it's revealed that Boris Todbringer, the Elector Count, has basically gone crazy and thinks the Beastman Khazrak One-Eye (who took out one of Todbringer's eyes and vice versa) is responsible for all of the End Times, not Archaon. So he rides out with most of his best knights (Order of the White Wolf) and gets himself slaughtered, though he does successfully kill Khazrak in a duel.

    Archaon arrives at Middenheim where he is pledged the loyalty of the Skaven by the Council of Thirteen by their messengers Screech Verminking (Verminlord special character) and Thanquol. Now with the 5 chaos factions combined into one force they attack Middenheim.

    Now here is where weird shit goes down. Apparently Teclis survived the sinking of Ulthuan (which means he's probably the Incarnate of Light since he sealed the wind into his staff) and sneaks past the chaos horde deep into the city. At this point he meets Ulric's true flame...and very much against the God's wishes steals it, resulting in Middenheim losing all of its protection and basically dooming the city. He then vanishes.

    Middenheim is destroyed extremely quickly. Although Valten and the Gregor the Amber College Supreme Patriarch put up a hell of a fight. In the end they get cornered by the forces of Archaon's horde, Tzeentch's daemons led by Kairos Fateweaver, and a beastherd led by Malagor, the winged corrupting bastard.

    In the end, Malagor dies, Kairos dies but comes back cause bullshit daemon magic, and the final battle between Valten, the Herald of Sigmar, and Archaon happens (just like back in the Storm of Chaos)

    Also like in the original Storm of Chaos, Archaon defeats Valten after a good fight, but then a Deceiver Verminlord (Think giant Eshin assassin) appears and throws a giant ninja star that cuts Valten's head off before running away, cheating Archaon of the final blow. Gregor was a badass, killing both Kairos (temporarily) and Malagor as the last spark of Ulric fused with him, so think of him as the Herald of Ulric. He is beheaded by Archaon.

    Due to Teclis' actions, Middenheim is completely destroyed. It's citizens are mostly captured and tortured, Ghal Maraz (THE WARHAMMER) is captured by Archaon as a trophy, and the Realm of Chaos moves far enough south to consume most of the Empire.

    Also all of the Dwarf holds have fallen and the only Dwarf army left is the force following the Incarnate of Fire, Ungrim Ironfist who leads his force of super pissed off dwarfs to help save the empire. All the other dwarfs, including those in Karaz-a-Karak have fallen at the end of the book.

    Karak Eight Peaks is abandoned as Queek Headtaker wins it by killing Belegar Ironhammer and giving Skarsnik a Skaven nuke in exchange for abandoning the city.

    Character Death toll from this book: Valten, Herald of Sigmar; Supreme Patriarch Gregor, Herald of Ulric; Golgfag Maneater(the Ogre), who was crushed by a ceiling in Karak Eight Peaks (I think, not super clear); every dwarf character except Ungrim the Slayer King; Malagor the Dark Omen; Khazrak One-Eye; Graf Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenland; Lord Mazdamundi, Lord of the Solar City; Lord Kroak; Lord Skrolk (Though he appears to be somehow brought back to life); Queek Headtaker; Ikit Claw (I think, this one isn't clear either); Kairos Fateweaver (who INSTANTLY respawned...somehow)

    The book ends with the Skaven fusing with Chaos to become Super Chaos and Archaon sends Vilitch the Cursling and Kairos Fateweaver (so all his Tzeentch minions) to Averheim to burn the city and capture Karl Franz, also Khorne himself basically says they're going to fail which will weaken Tzeentch and make him the strongest, so apparently Archaon's big patron is the Lord of Skulls himself.

    Also Nuln is destroyed by Thanquol and Screech Verminking
    Warden and spawning of Bob like this.
  13. Eubrontes

    Eubrontes New Member

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    Thanks for the info, its super helpful to see a nice well thought out summary.

    Do we get some love with some of the army summaries and scenarios? I heard that there were no middenhelm scenarios so I was hoping that meant we got a good amount of the. And It would be cool fluff to see any army summaries about the lizardmen armies taking parts in these battles
    Warden likes this.
  14. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    We get two scenarios out of like 6-7 (Which was obnoxiously few considering how much happened) the first scenario covers the attack on Xlanhaupec, the City of Mist and the second one is an ambush scenario attacking a Skaven marching column.

    As for new forces, we got the Red Host, which is a Battle scroll army you can run with your Lizardmen(or any other army). If you run it, all skink cohort get WS 3, bastiladons with the Ark of Sotek unleash 3d6 str 2 attacks instead of only 2d6(which is actually not a bad upgrade) and every model from that force Hates Skaven. Also if we take it, it counts for our Core allowance, which is nice.

    Though for fluff, there are beautiful and juicy details on all the Lizardmen armies that fight, like Mazdamundi's force for the last battle of It za.TThere's not an actual list, but it tells you how to recreate the army and some details about a few exemplary units.
    Warden likes this.
  15. Skink Brave Itxy

    Skink Brave Itxy New Member

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    I love the story, shame we didn't get much crunch, but the story they gave us for what the Lizardmen did was beautiful (as an aside, where were the undead during all this?).

    I don't know if it will be the next End Times book, but there's one I kinda want to see, since it'd also be a bit of a twist on the typical world ending scenario...

    Namely... The Old Ones Return!

    Now, being a 'good' army, it seems odd that the Lizardmen would lead the charge to end the world, but consider that the Old Ones might not be happy with what's grown in the petri dish while they were away, and may elect to sterilize things and start over, rather than be nice about it. Afterall, in the ancient and primordial days of the world, whole races were exterminated for having no place in the plans of the Old Ones, so there is certainly the possibility that they might not be as benevolent as we'd all hope.

    Not that I'm eager to see our favorite faction painted as the villain, but it'd be neat. And certainly give the reptilian might of Lustria a chance to show its stuff again.
    Warden likes this.
  16. Ranorian

    Ranorian New Member

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    Wow...um...thanks for the summary.

    Freakin' Teclis. The greatest fortress of mankind falls to Chaos because a pointy-eared blowhard runs off with the power of Ulric. Arggghhhhhh.
    Warden likes this.
  17. Skinned15
    Jungle Swarm

    Skinned15 New Member

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    Wow great summary. Hopefully with all these new sculpts being released we get a few.
    Warden likes this.
  18. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The Undead show up extremely briefly with Nagash talking to Arkhan. They've arrived in Sylvania and Nagash absorbs the Lore of Death and plants his giant pyramid there. He tells Arkhan to raise every corpse they can find as he's ready to unleash his horde against the Everchosen while Archaon launches his assault against what remains of the Empire and Bretonnia who are camping in Averheim, where the dwarfs are also heading and likely the Elves will swoop in from the south.
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  19. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I haven't seen him mentioned yet, but thought I'd ask...

    What about Gotrek....

    Let's not forget the old world's worst slayer (who appears to be turning into Grimnir's avatar). If anyone is capable of killing Archaon, I'd put money on it being him.
    Warden likes this.
  20. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    Lol, I am officially ignoring Warhammer fluff after 7th Edition.
    Warden likes this.

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