8th Ed. 2000 P All comers, ready for tournament?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by airjamy, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    For general use in my games in my store, i think i might take this list against anybody. Could i even take this to a tournament you guys think, i dont even know.

    Slann BSB. Discipline. Scepter. Convergence. Cogitation. Mystery. High Magic

    Scar Vet Cold One. Light. GW. Dawnstone. Dragonhelm.

    20 Saurus Warriors HWS. Banner. Music.
    10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin Shield.
    10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin Shield.
    10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin Shield.
    10 Skink Skirmishers Javelin Shield.

    5 Knights Spears. Banner.
    20 TG Halberds. Music. Banner. Eternal Flame.
    Stegadon Sharpened Horns. Giant Bow. Javelins.

    1 Salamander Snack
    1 Salamander Snack

    It comes down to 1999. I feel that one weak point is that i only have one monster, i have thought about cutting the Cowboy for another Steg, but i feel that he is very important in the list, and i just dont see where else i could cut points. Id love to cut the Saurus block for it, but then i simply dont reacht my core requirements.

  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Over time, the points size of my games has gotten bigger, so 2000 points seems painfully bare to me. I do not endorse taking one Steggy and I normally do not endorse taking fewer than 21 Temple Guard. I am reluctant to play Slann without Soul of Stone. Also you have no Skink Priests or Troglodons to aim magic missiles. This limits the utility of swapping for spells with Contemplations.

    Unfortunately, one cannot have everything at 2000 points. I believe you made wise trade-offs given the points limitations, the list seems pretty balanced.

    I would personally take 3 groups of 13 Skinks rather than 4 groups of 10, but that's personal preference. Four dead Skinks is the line for panicking rather than three, and that makes a bigger difference than you'd think. I guess if they are pure throw away chaff the difference matters little. Just make sure not to place your Skirmishers near each other to avoid chain reaction panics.

    Unless I was facing an army with very little artillery, I would swap out a couple High Magic spells for Life ASAP and use the Life spells to keep the Steggy and TG alive. Almost any Life spell you roll will do (because the signature rocks on TG), but you can't count on getting the Light spells you want. If you swapped High Magic for Light in listing building, you'd free up the points you spent on Focus of Mystery. You would have a reasonable chance of rolling Pha's Protection or Net of Amytok. Either of them will aid you in mitigating artillery. Both would be awesome. Light of Battle would be handy with 40 Skink Skirmishers. Still I like High Magic too...

    The only place I see where you can maybe trim points without having it sting would be cutting back on the Cowboy's gear. With a unit protecting him, magical defensive items are slightly less important than if he runs solo. I'm on the fence about the Sharpened Horns.

    I'd play this against someone with stone throwers or cannons. If after playing a two games or so and not regretting taking one Steggy, then I'd say you are ready for tournament play. If the Steggy dies a lot, then you need to either drop the Steggy or drop the Cold Ones to add as second Steggy (or a Bastiladon). You could also free up a lot of points if you dropped the TG and ran with a solo Slann ran a solo Slann, that would help you with magic missiles but your army would no longer possess an anvil.

    GAH 2000 points games make me frustrated in list building. TOO MANY TRADE-OFFS!
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Scalanex, ill try it out tomorrow. It is a cut down version from a 2400 P list i have, the former runs Soul of Stone, an additional Steg and a Bastiladon. This makes it less bad against cannons. I get that you would run units of 13 skinks, i just like to field them 2x5 and run them of in every direction, i feel that any shots fired at my skinks are not begin fired at more expensive things, and smaller units make people want to shoot them even less. It does make me have to consider chain runaways indeed.

    Thanks for the advice on the lore of Life rolls, never seen it from that perspective. I often just go for Wyssans Wildform and i just go for whatever i fancy from there, the lore of Life is really good with only one Steg. I also gives a lot of healing potential with Apotheosis, lore of Life attribute.

    I would not really know where i would cut in the Cowboys gear, the setup is so good. Take away the Dawnstone is the only thing that will save you any points, and rerolls are so good.. Take away the Dragonhelm? It's only 10 points, gives that 1+ and it is the odd game winning thing if you get to actually use the 2++. Its just such an effective build, and it kills monsters quite hard. I am also on the fence on Sharpened horns, it is putting a lot of eggs in one basket, but its also only 20 points and the payoff is massive. That one time i charged a unit Dragonogres with Sharpened Horns was bliss. I have set the benchmark of checking wether i use it every other game, if i don't, i'll cut them. I might end up dropping the Steg, cutting the Mystery and getting 2 Bastialadons if i scrape some more points from somewhere.

    Here in Holland we often play 2K or 2.4K tournaments, i don't know why, but it makes keeping a solid 2K list relevant. Tomorrow is 2K points against WE, ill report on how it went with this list for now.
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Well, that was kinda easy. I won the game at the end of turn 2, my opponent resigned. He had a lvl 4 wizard,a lot of glade riders (which never showed up due to me winning already in turn 2) 2 units of 5 waywatchers, 2 treemen and a unit of sisters of the thorn. He had trueflight arrows on all elves, making them ignore to hit modifiers. His plan was, as he told me later, to kill all my skinks and then run around my big units of saurus with shooty elves.

    I got to walk between worlds on the first turn with my TG while my skinks dealth with his poorly deployed waywatchers. He put his treemen in a position so i coud charge them, which i did because i had flaming attacks. I killed them pretty easily with Wyssans wildform in the second turn of combat, and because he had not expected that i charged right on trough to the unit with his wizard in it. That was game already, he had killed barely any skinks because he had to focus my TG marching in his center, and he had no CC units left to hold up or break my TG that were in CC with his wizard. When his wizard would be dead, i guess i could just soul cquence and tempest his army to bits..

    He made a good ammount of mistakes i think, primarily not taking wild riders of kurnous and not having a BSB/unit i would have trouble with in CC. Flaming attacks won me the game, going to always take that banner from now on. :)

    My Stegadon did nothing, but that was because he was just to slow. For the rest, everything worked as intended.

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