8th Ed. I will never listen to internet interpretations ever again!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    I am of the same mind. I think the world will be "destroyed" as in all the current nations crumble, but then reform into something else/new over time. One theory that hasn't been tossed out is that the chunks of Lustria that got lifted out come back down in different locations around the planet and begin to terraform the area. This puts Lizards into the mix of things rather than some far distant land that nobody visits. I have high hopes for the next edition.
  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    The complete removal of Slann by them all dying just seems cheap and crude, even by GW writing standards. Stating the survival of a few offers a more hopeful ending to the Slann-specific narrative considering their work over the last milennia, plus it means LM players have a reason to use the Slann in 9th if wanting to play the current soon-to-be 'traditional' LM army, as rumours suggest will be possible. Also, if 9th will be keeping this Lord + tier (e.g. Nagash, Glottkin, Incarnates etc.) and every army will be getting one, the Slann could fulfill that role. Or perhaps their population reduction is a fluffy way to increase their price even more... speculation!!

    I was hoping for the same re: Draconids. They could be merged with the dinosaur aesthetic rather easily. I quite like the idea of making any winged additions feathered - it's entirely within the dinosaur theme, whilst also evoking the Mesopotamian design of the LM.....and...you know....coatls.

    Hmmm.....smells like Skaven trickery to me!!
  3. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Well this is a leaked last page from the end times book :D
    So what i think happend is,

    Lizardmen are actualy the brigh ones who knew what will happen with the stupid elves and humies, so hey why would they care they packed up their bags and left the old trash "world" aside and sat sails to new one.
    All its riches theirs to collect :D , maybe we can expect some ultra bad ass slanns big dinos flying planes/pryamides :p
    he he

    Whatever the case, i will stay with my rainbow lizies till the veary end of warhammer fantasy

    CHEER it up lads and gals, the end times are here and we are the only one who escaped its total anihilation :D
  4. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    That... .that was actually a little sad to read. I expected the world to be annihilated, but I thought there would be survivors of some fashion. Of course, there may have been other 'bubbles' created a la the LM. Still. Eeesh.

    I guess that means the LM are the only survivors of Chaos however, I'm claiming victory :D you heard it here first - 9th will just be an exotic variation of Saurus and Skinks!
  5. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    as long as the great old first born species survives and thrives i am all happy :D
    Although to be honest i though there would be survivors, but who knows, there might be :)
    They could use some interdimensional gates that maybe old ones left behind to warp and fast travel to other worlds...

    Well who knows :)
  6. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Soooo.... If this is really the final page, are we assuming "the glowing essence of what had once been a man..." is Karl Franz? Any other thoughts?
  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Seems like the most obvious step. Especially if he's imbued with the power of Sigmar, it would give way to the rumoured Sigmarines 9th is supposedly getting.

    I might suggest a male elf, but *spoilers* ...

    ..considering the obvious deaths of all major three male elves - Malektih, Teclis, and Tyrion (again) - probably not.

    As a twist, I'd quite like it to be Nagash or even *gasp* Archaon.
  8. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    My money is on Sigmar or Archaon. I think that Sigmar would be the MOST logical choice, seeing as he basically created the Empire, was the first Emperor and became a deity. He's also got the determination and strength to do it.

    Archaon would be a nasty twist though. I just don't really see him getting "redeemed" after everything he's done.
  9. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    That light could be anyone really.

    Karl Franz because sigmar
    Tyrion because light
    Valten also because sigmar "but Phat! Valten.."..LET ME FINISH......because sigmar reborn......

    could also be Archaon...would be true chaos that the grand price(..or curse) for succeeding as an everchosen,
    would be to become creator of a new world for the gods to feast on.

    on the page in whole: I feel relieved ..cause it means "everyone in the same sunk boat".
    full reboot.

    I am also SO pleased that they didn't opt for a deux ex machina to solve anything.
    Chaos won.
    Chaos has been winning for a long time, the end times only magnified their rate of winning.
    The whole "the gods were already bored" also truly emphasizes the vast power of the four.
    The entire warhammer story was never a war.
    It was a 5 minute playtime where Khorne and Slaanesh argued whatever war or pleasure should be the theme.

    Without an equivalent, there could be no other outcome.

    I have a feeling that this light will end up being the 5th.
    A warp born god, whose will is to end all chaos. .....will unlikely, I cross my fingers for Malal.
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Perhaps it's one of the gods of Order...
    (they where in the fluff once... long ago)
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    It could just be Frank, the carpenter from the small town no-one knows about.

    It's probably someone from this new faction that's been rumoured. Maybe even a lost son of the imperium emperor.

    Who knows! I liked the little snippet. it was nice.
  12. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Not buying Archaon as the creator of the new world, bubbles, stuff. Says the Chaos champions ascend to daemonhood, evil gods get bored, and move off. Plus, that is just totally out of character. Then again, they did make Malekth king and that didn't make sense either.... Nagash isn't really a man. He's an... abomination?

    Actually, forget my theories... GW can't stitch together a solid story if it was handed to them on a silver platter. I have no clue who this little light will be. Probably some guy named Tony that is the secret god of bull crap who has been hiding away because ___(insert stupid reason)___ and knew his time would come to salvage what was left of the world...blah blah blah... Oh yeah, and elves are part of this plan as well because GW loves them and who could stand it if all the elves die? :rage:
  13. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    hello guys i hope this i not true but i found this
    Faction reduction to 6 - true

    factions :
    1) Chaos : Demons + Beasts + Mortals
    2) Elves
    3) Empire
    4) Undead
    5) Orcs and Goblins
    6) Skavens

    Can you use your Lizardmen come the summer ... Yes. Will you see any more Lizardmen ... No.

    I am very disappointed in GW i have around 5-6k points and they drop just like this ..... :(
  14. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    This are rummors and rummors only, so you should not take em seriously.
    The second thing as i ve read it up through all the rummors, people were saying that there will be no faction reduction, and if anything will trully happen if we compare it to 40k that is constantly getting new races, that we ll actualy get some more and maybe reworked, names, lore, models.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    The light could be Kroak.

    His body burned yes, but I have not heard that he is actually dead (might be wrong).

    A bit like the dead slann´s soul in the jungle, that hovers and gives a bright light (the daystar or something).

    He is/was the greatest being of the warhammer world.
  16. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    40k has some of the richest, most revered lore among any science fiction universe.

    But sure, GW can't stich together a solid story. It's not like several Horus Hersey books have been on the NYT bestsellers list. It's not like several black library authors are well established to be some of the best SciFi writers in the contemporary era.

  17. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Remember that this is the very last page, and that everything is probably explained before hand.
    Its not a riddle, its a "used to be man", not a "used to be slann"

    I have no doubts that when you reach this point in the book you already know who it is.

    I DO hope that the spirit of Kroak will in fact be the guardian of "New Lustria" (my placeholder name for whatever bubble my army will come to exist in :D )
  18. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Don't get me wrong Putzfrau, I LOVE the Heresy series and think they have done a great job of it. It has solidified the 40K universe in a way that has not been seen before. Black Library produces some amazing stuff and I have the utmost respect for those authors.

    The same cannot be said for Fantasy. Consistency is key in any story, but they are in such a hurry to destroy the world that they are missing out on great opportunities to flush out The End. It's rushed, which becomes frustrating for readers who have been following the fluff for years and years. Now, could they clean things up and make a solid/consistent world in the next edition? Of course. They have all the tools at their finger tips to do this and I sincerely hope they do. I just wish they would have made The End, a bit more... I don't know... MORE.
  19. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    This is looking more and more likely. Our Army Book was already supposedly written with 9th edition in mind so some of the weird stuff (namely Predatory Fighter) might make more sense once that drops. It also means that unlike a lot of factions out there we don't need an update immediately. I still firmly believe that a couple of years down the line once the "core" factions are published we'll see a Harlequins style release for Lizardmen. A 3 week release schedule with maybe 6 kits that can make multiple troop types would be pretty solid.

    I'm still uncertain whether I'll ever bother with GW rules anymore but certainly will still be buying their models as a collector. I guess I fit into their target demographic.
  20. Saansilt
    Jungle Swarm

    Saansilt New Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    So with the current book written with 9th ed in mind, would we get a 9th book at any time during 9th ed's life?
    As for what happened, well it was really cool to see that this wasn't the first world.
    I do wonder if we'll save the next one though.

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