8th Ed. Lizardmen vs Grand Army of the Everchosen

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Bainbow, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    So what's worse than an army of Chaos Warriors, some of the only core capable of overpowering my Saurus? Why, giving those guys Stormfiends and Daemons too of course!

    This was my first 3000 point game and my new army build was untested. In theory it should work. 72 Saurus, 40 Temple Guard, 1 Slann with Lore of Light, 1 Stegadon, 3 Salamanders, 1 Skink Priest with Lore of Beasts, 10 Chameleon Skinks, and Tetto'Ekko. I had never used Tetto'Ekko before so I didn't know if he'd work out, but with an army build that relies on very heavy aggressive melee and as much supporting magic as I can get, a loremaster with the ability to vanguard d3 of my units is ever so valuable, I assumed. I set up my Chameleons directly in front of the Chaos army's vanguard, weak wolves but they could easily sway the tide of a battle with a well placed flank charge if I let them. When it came to move the vanguards, the enemy couldn't even move theirs. Meanwhile I used Tetto'Ekko to vanguard my Stegadon and Salamanders, bringing the Stegadon closer to a large Chimera that could be brought down fast with a well placed charge, and bringing my Salamanders closer to a large group of various units of daemons, warriors, knights, and marauders, huddled together just right for some nice burninating.

    The first turn was mine. I moved up my Saurus and Temple Guard bulks. Though the Chaos Warriors were tough, I knew that I was tougher. I just had to watch out for the enemy sorcerer's Final Transmutation as I had taken all of my Saurus in one massive horde, and any crowd control spell like that could be devastating. What was the true danger were the Stormfiends far on the left flank, those overpowered ratties could really do a lot of damage. I moved my Skink Priest into range for a Shem's Burning Gaze or Banishment using Arcane Vassal to try to soften them up. I also moved up my Salamanders, not marching because that would prevent them from firing, not that they needed to with the vanguard move.

    As the magic phase came around, Tetto'Ekko's Herald of Cosmic Events rolled a 1, forcing me to re-roll all sixes when casting. A bad sign for his first act. But having three wizards and with five channel attempts in total thanks to my Slann who could channel thrice, I had a large power pool so I was fine for the time being. I've never been a fan of the Comet of Casandora, the lack of control over when it will strike does make it hard to use properly. But I took a chance and had Tetto'Ekko attempt to cast it with six dice. Without rolling a single six, I managed a casting roll of 20 and pulled the spell off. I centred the spell dead on the stormfiends and rolled for impact. The comet didn't hit. But Tetto'Ekko can re-roll that, and I managed to make the comet strike. The Stormfiends were smashed and fled off the table, a unit of knights went the same way, a unit of Marauders were decimated, another unit of knights was reduced to two men, and that scary looking chimera was obliterated. My opponent's entire left flank was decimated and exposed, which just so happened to be the side where my Salamanders were. My Chameleons fired on the wolves that they were blocking and did heavy damage, and my Salamanders fried what remained of the left flank. By this first turn, I knew that the game was mine. On my next turn, I moved my Salamanders to the left flank of my opponent's line and rained fire, causing heavy damage and forcing them to charge my Saurus. Warriors charged my Saurus, and Marauders charged my Temple Guard. Unfortunately for my opponent, I had predicted this and had cast Birona's Timewarp on my Saurus already. With a horde, spears, and an extra attack for the front rank my unit pulled off a massive total of 64 attacks before predatory fighter, and my Temple Guard naturally outfought the Marauders. I believe that the Marauders were meant to be a distraction to stop the Temple Guard from supporting the Saurus, but the combat was insanely one-sided and the Warriors and Marauders both broke. The game was very clearly mine.

    Why did I kill the northmen? Why, for the glory of Sotek of course!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Impressive, the few times I've beaten Chaos, they have been very narrow victories.

    I am somewhat surprised he took Marauders. I was under the impression that most Chaos players dislike them.
  3. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    From post-game discussion, the Marauders are used either for flanking attacks or as suicide troops to distract certain enemy units long enough for... something. Either way she was on a winning streak for a bit before this match, so the build must have been doing something right.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Marauders were amazing (overpowered) in the previous WoC book, but they got nerfed too much in the current army book. Very few WoC generals field them in my experience.
  5. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    Congratulations on the win. Nice use of the Lore of Light (Timewarp is ace!) but I'm not sure you played Comet correctly, unless it was just the way it was written up.

    You don't roll for the comet to come down until your opponent's next magic phase, so they should at least have had a chance to move their troops in danger (Ratling things) before the comet came down. You may well still have got them, but it reads like they took damage straight away in your magic phase.
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Nice writeup, landslides are always very easy to write down. I feel like your opponents bigest mistake charging a unit of 70 sauri with Birona's on it, why did she do that? Someone needs to be very desperate or very new to the game to try that out IMHO. Also to Scalanex, as there was no Prince in this list, nor an unkillable BSB, i feel like that this list was not super competetive, even tough i guess it was strong.
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    "For as long as the spell lasts, the player rolls a D6 at the start of each player's following Magic phase. On a score of 1-3 nothing happens, but place another marker on the first. On the score of a 4-6 the comet strikes the spot."

    Not saying you wouldn't have won, but it seems to me that the fact he DIDN'T get to move here had major impact on the things went down (pun intended).
  8. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Ah, that was a mistake of the writing on my part, she did move but still got caught by the impact on the following magic phase.
  9. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    Ah fair play then.
    Carry on, nothing to see here!
  10. Angaturama

    Angaturama Member

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    Well, I play pretty much everything, and i have been making an army of Beastmen/marauder mix. So far, marauders seem quite handy, especially when they charge with flails (+2 in strength when they charge). Playing against elves can have its downsides, and i lose quite a lot of men, but in return, I wound them on a 2+. EPIC!
    However, Lizardmen are still my main army. I played a massive 20 000 point (ish) game, where my friends and I brought all the models we had, and then doing a massive Order Vs Chaos Siege. It didn't end well for neither of the sides, but the order finally won the game.

    Order army: 2500 points of Dwarves ; 2500 points of Wood Elves ; 3250 points of dark elves (yes, this is end times, so the darkies were good) ; 7000 points of high elves ; 1800 points of Bretonnia ; 10 000 points of Lizardmen (my army, obviously epic) ; and finally, 2500 points of empire (with KFA). In addition, Nagash, Mannfred, Neferata, and Arkhan leading 5000 points worth of undead.

    Chaos army: 4000 points of WOC ; 2000 points of Beastmen ; 2000 points of Demons Of Chaos ; 12 000 points of shaven (yes, my friend is a skaven fanatic and has over 300 clanrats (insane)) ; 3000 points of O+G. This included the Glottkin and all 3 Maggoth Lords, including Tamurkhan (forge world miniature, very OP).

    And the table was, well, LARGE, but we had great fun moving the models around (says sarcastically) and took us 1 week and 2 days to finish, yes, we did something like, 15 turns, a little too much I think...
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
    Slanputin likes this.
  11. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Goodness gracious, how long was each round? I used to think my games were long seeing as how GW says it "can be done in an afternoon"/"only takes a couple of hours" - standard ones for me are about 6 hours (2500-3000 points) .

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