8th Ed. 2500 Pt. Swedish Comp list- thoughts?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Kugelfang, May 20, 2015.

  1. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    I am trying to get better with my lizardmen (played woodies with the 7th ed. book) and want to really nail down a good Swedish list. I have the comp sitting at 12.5, which I feel is pretty good comp for a solid list.

    So hear goes...

    Slann BSB- High Magic
    Reservoir, Becalming Cog, Harmonic Convergence, Focus of Mystery
    Obsidian Amulet, Standard of Discipline, Channeling Staff

    The idea with the Slann is to, of course, Slann stuff. Also, I like High magic and will trade the spells out for Life magic. I figure late game it will be the TG left against some stuff and life magic really makes sense. Plus flesh to stone on an ancient is killer.

    Oldblood w/light armor
    Arabyan Carpet, Dawnstone, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield

    I like this build. It comps much softer than a cowboy and can fly over the enemy and threaten. I can also use it in conjunction with my ripperdactyls for assassinations. I also might want to change the enchanted shield into dragonhelm and a shield. Need to free up the points though.

    Skink Chief w/light armor
    Other Trickster's Shard, Sword of anti-heroes, charmed shield

    This guy is used for assassinations. I am not sold on anti-heroes and would like to change the charmed shield to the dragonhelm or maybe to get the dragonbane gem so that he can fly into flaming stuff.

    40 Saurus HW FC
    10 Skink Skirmishers w/Patrol Leader
    10 Skink Skirmishers w/Patrol Leader

    The Saurus are there to hold the line for a while. I will try to boost them with the Slann, but honestly they won't do too much against many things. Skinks are to redirect, kill high tough/low armor stuff, and die. The patrol leader is to get to 625 and not add saurus to the comp score.

    Bastiladon w/Solar Engine
    3 Ripperdactyl Riders
    32 Temple Guard FC

    Bastiladon helps by taking out regen stuff and getting in the way. Also the ini boost is helpful against some spells. Ripperdactyls assassinate mages or take out knights. The Temple guard sit with the Slann. They get buffed with life magic at the end of the game and become rock hard.

    Ancient Stegadon

    Ancient Stegadon shoots stuff early game and then only charges from backfield when I think that the charge will get me over the edge on combat res and I have ranks. OR he will tie up stuff that needs 6s to wound him.

    Overall, that is the idea. I am thinking of dropping the Reservoir of Eldritch Energy and picking up a shield and dragonhelm for the Oldblood and the dragonbane gem for the skink.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The list looks pretty good. I've never played Swedish comp, so I'm not sure if I have anything valuable to contribute. The one thing I did notice is that your Oldblood has no ward save. I think that is a bit risky in the face of cannons, death snipes, searing doom, etc. Have you considered running an oldblood with the carpet, armour of destiny and a great weapon? Not sure how or if that would affect your comp score though.
  3. Irish_Lizard

    Irish_Lizard Member

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    There are lots of optimizations you can make in the list. Drop discpline, its not needed and comps too hard for the difference in 9CB rerollin vs 10CB rerolling. Oldbloods on flying carpets are best with Armour of destiny as metal magic, death snipes and warmachines are the easiest way to kill him. Stick the chief on a terradon, 2 s4 is not worth 10points, frenzy tests and not being able to flee. Keep him cheap with spear, la, enchanted shield and dragonbane gem. All skink core comps much better, you can get 100+ shots for something like 10-20 comp points. If you have no character in the TG then they need razor banner, also means you comp less for the unit. Not sure bastilidon, steg or rippers are worth it but they look cool. Have a look at the list the USA ETC captain ran at the US masters in feb. It's not exactly what I'd run but its close.

  4. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    Thanks Nightbringer! I hope that the change to dragonhelm helps against searing doom and I will keep him within 3" of saurus units for th 4+ save verses cannons and such. I hope to have him in combat by 2 or maybe 3.

    I will have to play with it though

    I appreciate your thoughts, but I am not looking for a complete alteration of the list. I do have certain play style and comfortability requirements. I appreciate about the skinks, but I have a saurus desire. I may change in the future, but no cohorts for now.

    I like the razor standard and am not sold on the bastiladon either. May take him out to get some points.

    The standard of discipline is because the saurus won't always be steadfast and neither will skinks and rippers. I will consider dropping it.

    The ripperdactyl will get 2a + d3 +1 frenzy when it attacks a unit with the blot toad. I will put that on my assassination run unit.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Sorry if i seem harsh and looking for strength, but if you will play a tourney, you do have to look for some bite in your lists don't you? ;) The most important thing in my oppinion is taking the Soul of Stone on your Slann, that upgrade saves you games, i never leave home without it. Even on a naked Slann i like to take it, as the only and first upgrade i take. Hope you have fun at the tourney.
  6. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    Thanks for all the feedback guys! I have adjusted some of the suggestions to fit my own style/desires. Airjamy's thoughts in particular have led me to a number of changes. This currently makes it a 13.1 comp.

    Oldblood- Arabyan Carpet, Dawnstone, Sword of Striking, Dragonhelm
    Slann BSB- Soul of Stone, Becalming, Harmonic, and Focus
    Obsidian Amulet & Channeling Staff

    Skink Chief on Ripperdactyl, light armor, shield, spear

    40 Saurus FC
    12 Skirmishers
    11 Skirmishers

    Bastiladon w/Solar Engine
    32 Temple Guard FC w/Razor Standard
    3 Ripperdactyls

    Ancient Stegadon w/Sharpened Horns
    airjamy likes this.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Looks like an interesting list, I doubt you're opponent will be expecting all the fliers.
    Kugelfang likes this.
  8. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    I like it. Its really unique. I would put a ward save on your oldblopd tho
    Kugelfang likes this.
  9. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    It's a solid list now, with some quirks like the Oldblood, but that should only make it more fun to play with. Be sure to tell us about anything you range in to, or other changes that you would want to make to the list
    Kugelfang likes this.
  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    What is Swedish Comp? a different and rival points values system?
  11. Kugelfang

    Kugelfang Member

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    It is a system using points which attempts to balance out the armies.

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