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8th Ed. 1200 point army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ad-Amolo, May 29, 2015.

  1. Ad-Amolo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ad-Amolo New Member

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    So, im going to play in a 1200 point noob tounament and i know i will be going up against mostly Skaven armys, Lords are OK.

    I could really use some help with my army list.

    it goes like this:
    1 Slann mage priest with BSB and Becalming cogitation.
    20 saurus warriors with spears
    12 skink skirmishers with javelins
    16 temple guards
    1 bastilidon with solar engine

    Do i have to few units? I would really love to be able to bing the Slann because i think it will be handy against the scary Skaven magic
  2. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I'd personally not put much faith in those skirmishers, there are far too few of them and with their low BS they will struggle to hit things. In larger numbers I think they work, but only 12 feels like it's doomed, especially against Skaven who just have too many troops to be affected. I'd either bulk them up or drop them entirely and spend the points elsewhere.

    In addition the Skavenpelt Banner is powerful normally, but against Skaven it's a murder tool unlike anything else the Lizard's have. Frenzy and Hatred (Skaven) is a nice combo.

    For a 1200 point game I wouldn't go for the Slann. He's too expensive for such a small game, and you have no melee characters because he's soaking up all the points. I'd drop him for a Skink Priest, if you want some proper magical oomph then I suppose Tehenhuain could work because he's pretty decent in melee and doubles as a lord-level caster, all for cheaper than the Slann and allowing for a Scar Vet to work as backup and a BSB, though a regular priest or even Tetto'Ekko could both work, it really depends on your taste.
    n810 likes this.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    What magic is your Slann using, (you have to write it on your list).
    Oh, and Welcome to Lustria. ;)
    Bainbow likes this.
  4. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Also I'd say to drop the spears and go with hand weapons/shields to get that parry, 20 isn't really enough to get the most out of the spears.

    Oh, and what n8 said, welcome to Lustria.
  5. Ad-Amolo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ad-Amolo New Member

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    Thanx for feedback!
    I have not decided what magic to use yet because im not shure if i can find a way to bing the slann or not.

    The Sarus unit has spears because i only have one unit painted and thay have spears.
    i have a lizardmen battalion and are going to buy more stuff when i decide what to use.

    here is my alternative list:
    Skink priest lvl 2 with dispell scroll. lore of beasts
    Saurus veteran with Enchanted shield, dawnstone and sword of battle.
    2 x 18 saurus warrors, one with spears and one with hand weapons and shield. full comand
    2 x 10 skink skirmishers
    9 templeguards with the scar veteran to make it 10 (Edit, The templeguards have the War Banner because i think the will loose combat but hope they dont die)
    1 bastiladon with solar engine
    n810 likes this.
  6. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Ehhh, I'm still iffy on those skinks, I can't see them making an impact with such small numbers, and in teams of 10 they'll panic if even three die, with a LD6 they are likely to run when that happens. Personally I'd cut them and spend the points on Temple Guard, 9 is a very small number. If that messes up your minimum core allowance, I'd put the points into more saurus.
  7. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to the Jungle, we have fun and games. Hope you enjoy your time here. I would say that your list is a good first effort, but I tend to agree that Slann below 1500P is just to expensive. Your second list is better, but you have to at least field 10 TG(they have a minimal unit size of 10) and fielding only 10 is useless anyway, they will die before doing anything. Sauri are slow, I would suggest new players to only field them in units of 20+, in this way even if you have 10 killed in the first round of combat (and this is not a far stretch with their I of 1) you can still swing back. Also, TG is generally only taken with a Slann, so I would keep them in the bank for just now. What do you think about swapping out the TG for a unit of COC with a Scar Vet Cowboy wielding a Great Weapon, a Dawnstone and the Dragonhelm? If you have the models, this should be around the same points(drop some Skinks) if it is not, and you have a very potent unit. Often, 1+ rerollable armour saves are impossible to get through in low points without dedicated super high strength or the lore of Metal. You will have a fast hammer unit that will be devastating in the flanks and even stronger against monsters with the S7 on the Scarvet. The Cowboys are very strong in this book, newer players can’t go wrong with them IMHO. The rest of your list is fine.
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Our skinks are LD 5 now, even worse ;). I still love skinks in low point games though, don't you, or do you tink you should spamm them more to be good in low points?
  9. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Oh aye, they are aren't they. That makes it even worse. I find skinks to be ineffective unless they're in bulk, which is harder for small games.
  10. Ad-Amolo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ad-Amolo New Member

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    Ok i see your points about the skinks but i think they are a cheap way to hold up or harass ememy units i dont have time to handle at the moment.

    Maybe i shuld skip the skinks and TG to bring like 6 Cold one cavalry with spears and give the scar vet a cold one, Great Weapon, Dawnstone and the Dragonhelm? If i do that i can make the saurus units 20 and 24 strong but i am afraid i will have to few units against a horde of rats haha

    i will be missing the battle standard tough, maybe not that important since all units are cold bloded?
  11. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    You will chew trough hordes of rattes with that lists. Sauri shine against T3 infantry, skaven would not be something for you to worry about, really. I would try to keep one unit of skinks in, playing without chaff is a good way to lose, and as a new player you should at least try some stuff out. Maybe go 18/18 on the Sauri, have 6 COC with the scarvet, the bastiladon, and 10 skinks to also have a bodyguard for your priest, you dont want him in a unit of sauri or alone.
  12. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Yeah the issue with the Skaven is that often their outmatched in combat, but flank charges make up for that. I find a good way to counter that is to hold back some units, like those Cold Ones, so you can flank charge those units who flank charge you.

    Also if you go for the Cold Ones, don't make the mistake of charging them ahead of the rest of the army, alone they'll get slaughtered. Leave them for flank charges, their extra movement can help there.
  13. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    This, exactly. Heavy cavalry is not something to charge into the front of a unit, it is used to dispose of lighter cavalry (and COC are really heavy cav, only Chaos knights of Khorne should give you a lot of issues) and to charge in flanks. You will get beaten back by Steadfast if you charge serious units of infantry in the front, so hold off on that. If you want any more tips about general strategy, I would like to inform you of our tactica guide, most of the questions anyone could have about general LM tactics is already answered there IMHO. Have fun, and do tell us how your touney went!
  14. Ad-Amolo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ad-Amolo New Member

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    You guys give awsome feedback! Thanx alot!

    airjamys sugestion about the skink body guard is great!
    but wont the saurus units be to small with only 18/18?
  15. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    18 is passable, reallly. Do keep in mind that i mostly play 2400 P tournaments, so my guidelines for units are different for what they should be in 1200 P. A 18 man saurus unit with HSW (do not give them spears) should be good in 1200, esp if you are thinking you will be facing a lot of rats. Be sure to give your skinks Javelins, most of the time HSW and javelins are the best equipement choices on our core, for a multitude of reasons.
  16. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I remember one time an opponent sent his heavy cavalry right into my centre early on, thinking its lance charge and hyper-powerful mounted lord would be enough. Not only did I hold easily, but what followed was two big units flank charging the heavy cavalry, one per side, and annihilating them and the lord before reforming and taking down the now significantly weakened enemy. That's quite an aesop about cavalry use if you ask me.
    n810 likes this.
  17. Ad-Amolo
    Jungle Swarm

    Ad-Amolo New Member

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    Hey all i just played a testmatch againt a friend of mine who brought his WoC army, he had like:
    12 chaos warriors,
    5 chaos knights,
    a hellcannon,
    2 chaos chariots,
    lvl 1 sorccerer (death)
    hero on a chaos beast.
    Everything was armed to the teeth.

    I brought:
    2 x 18 saurus warriors (one unit with spears and one with hand weapons) full comand
    12 skink cohort with javelin
    lvl 2 priest (lore of beasts, dispell scroll and channeling staff)
    Scarvet on cold one with the equipment that aijamy recomended
    6 cold one riders with full comand
    Bastilladon with solar engine.

    The score was 1 win each but i think i was very unlucky the first game, his hellcannon oneshotted my bastilladon on turn one (he started). a little later my skink priest turned into a mountian chimera and killed all his knights and the hero, i thoght i would win against impossible ods but the helcannon got a direct hit on him aswell so he dident last long :/

    The saurus blocks was suprisingly resiliant and refused to run away but they lost almost every combat resolution...the knights was really hard to handle and the only reason i won the last game was because of my magic. +1 S and T is a very good spell!

    All in all i am pretty happy with the army and i think i will keep it this way untill the tournament.
  18. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    When did GW release that model and what magic item can turn a wee little skink into a huge monster??
  19. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I was curious about this as I don't game yet but have a full set of Battle magic cards, it is the spell "Transformation of Kadon" from the Lore of Beasts, cast on +20 causes the wizard to transform into a mountain Chimera or Great Fire Dragon, I want to game NOW!
  20. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    What happens if you get less than 20? 20 is a lot of dice.

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