7th Ed. Want to build a 2250pt Cold One Cavalry list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by foster, May 28, 2009.

  1. foster

    foster New Member

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    I guess I was confused about my opponant taking a certain comman magic item that gives 1+ magic resistence multiple times. He said he can potentially make an Elf Lord resistant to magic by 6 if he wanted to by giving him that magic item 6 times. He also mentioned I could take multiple common items to, guess he was wrong. I can't take more then one enchanted shields, so back to the drawing board.

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Blade of Revered Tzunki and mounted on a Carnosaur 445pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Sword of the Hornet and mounted on a Cold One 138pts
    L1 Skink Priest with Diadem of Power and Dispel Scroll 115pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    8 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and War banner 325pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Huanchi's Blessed Totem 220pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    I'm still looking for an answer on whether the Diadem of Power can be used effectively by a Lvl 1 Priest, and the pros and cons of 3x5 Cold One Rider units.

    Ty for reading.


    for those who wants to see what I'm up against here's the 2k Dark Elves:

    3 L2 Wizards 1 mounted on a Cold One while the other 2 on flying horses, 1 of them I believe was a scroll caddy.

    3x10 elf units of Cold One Riders, plenty of items increasing their combat resolution and one of them with a banner that increases their armour penetration by 1.

    4x5 elf units of fast cavalry with repeater crossbows.
  2. foster

    foster New Member

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    Yestarday when I went down to my Local Games Workshop for Veterans night I decided to go up against my brothers Ork and goblin horde. Tell tell a long story short I got completly wiped off the board on turn one.

    He had 4 units of Night Goblins fully kitted out with three fanatics in each, 2 large units of Black Orks and 4 Ork wizards with 2 in the black ork units and the others on chariots. I used my basic Cavalry army you've seen posted above.

    I had first turn so I moved all my units up the field, the cavalry just moving 7 inches since I didn't want to get within Whaaagh charge range.

    On his 1st turn he moved everything up the table luckily those night goblins didn't get within 8 inches. However on his magic phase everything went down for me fast. I didn't have anything to counter all of his spells but with a scroll and some extra dispel dice, so I couldn't stop him from casting his Whaagh! Basically when he casts the Whaagh he managed to get his Night Goblins within 8", so all 12 of his fanatics sprang loose most hitting through my cavalry units, skinks and Salamandors. They did some damage but I could live with it.

    But then he cast is Whaagh a second time...

    Then a third time...

    By the end of the game he had ran his fanatics 3 times in most of my units leaving nothing but broken hope. I had been beaten on turn 1, the quickest match I ever had.
  3. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I thought the 'Waagh' could only be used 1x per game in the movment phase? Am I missing something in the O&G magic lore?
  4. teknistmajjan

    teknistmajjan New Member

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    I like the lizardmen cav lists.

    But the carnausaur, yeah its cool and all that but really not worth its points imo.

    If you wish you can look at a smaller cav list i posted in a thread named something like "Modified ETC rules", i run 2 units of 6 cold ones along with one ancient stegadon and a normal stegadon, this has proven to work good.

    What i belive you lack in the army is divert and redirect units, for this you have the cheapest and most perfect unit ever.. Skinks. get 3 units of 10 ranked up skinks for 150 points and you got yourself a way to get rid of nasty flankers and huge monsters.


  5. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    There is a 12+ spell in the big magic lore that makes all units move 2D" move towars the nearest enemy...

    So it is possible he could have cast it multiple times, but that is hard.
  6. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Thanks for clarifying, never seen that spell used.
  7. foster

    foster New Member

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    Yes Gannon that's the spell my brother had used against me. Apparently he had roled 4 6's when choosing his spells, and considering he had 4 lvl2 wizards with added extra power dice I didn't even stand a chance.

    The spell is a compulsery 2d6 movement that every unit in his army (even Fanatics) have to move directly to the nearest enemy unit. His Fanatics were all over me like a pinball machine and his Black Orks had the charge long before the fanatics stopped moving, so even they suffered casualties. I never seen anything like it in my life. In the end all I had was a 5 man unit of COR, a 10 man skink blowpipe unit and a fleeing Terradon unit and that as because they were all on one flank of the table, so I decided to end the game there.

    Anyway ty for reading
  8. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Thanks for sharing the story too. I have a comment after re-reading the list.

    Comments first, I don't think that a single level 1 caster is ever going to be enough at the 2k point level to even defend, unless you and your opponent decide that you're both going to take equal numbers on wizards and casting levels. I would have hated to see what the game would have been like against a magic heavy army and can definitely see how a mobile list, such as the one you created, played right into the hands of an opponent who has magic movement (even if it is lucky, and a bit rare).

    I'd offer that this list would be far more competitive against an army with less magic as its quite clear that you have the ability to out maneuver almost anything. I would be curious to see results and feel from a game against such a list. Perhaps convince your brother to take an O&G list with only a level 1 shaman and see how you fare?
  9. foster

    foster New Member

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    Luckily for everyone else at my store he's going to be moving on from that list, since he knows everyone else will have difficulty against it. It's nothing new since my brother has always been in the habit of making evil lists that everyone will have difficulty surviving against. He just looks at a good looking army, builds it within a month and then dominates everyone.

    Back onto the list:

    I had changed that list some time ago to at least give me an extra level on my priest (to store two dispell dice) and another Salamander for artillery support. To do this I dropped my 8 man Cold One Riders to 5 men, thinking I didn't need that many bodies. This change was done way before my Ork and Goblin fight, so I stuck to it.

    Saurus Oldblood with Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Blade of Revered Tzunki and mounted on a Carnosaur 445pts
    Battle Standard Bearer Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec and mounted on a Cold One 158pts
    Saurus Scar-Veteran with Light Armour, Shield, Sword of the Hornet and mounted on a Cold One 138pts
    L2 Skink Priest with Diadem of Power and Dispel Scroll 150pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Blowpipes 70pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and War banner 220pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry with Standard Bearer and Huanchi's Blessed Totem 220pts
    5 Cold One Cavalry 175pts
    4 Terradon Riders 120pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts
    1 Salamander Hunting Pack with 4 Skink Handlers 80pts

    I reckon if I asked my brother nicely he would drop his wizards to make a fairer match so I can actually learn how to play, but I would be very afraid of what else he would bring :jawdrop: .

    Again ty for reading.

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