Barotok's Lizardmen Army (Pearlescent paint exhibit)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Barotok, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Stewart mentioned that he were interested in seeing some shots of my Lizards. I usually don't post pictures but I suppose that I'll post a few the exhibit my paint selection for my army and paiting style. I use a Pearlescent style paint that has a tendancy to carry a shine that most cameras don't pick up very well. It causes me to use gloss varnish to finish and protect everything that I finish which helps preserve the effect of the paint.

    I apologize for the camera clairity. Using the macro mode on my FujiFilm 8.3mpx camera still gives me problems focusing in the model despite over optimal lighting conditions.

    I'll preface these shots with a few comments. First off, I know that I have a tendancy to lather on paint to thickly, but I feel this contributes to my unique style and as you'll most likely notice, I paint every single scale. I don't do much shading as I prefer natural lighting to do most of that work for me. Also, all of the models I've currently painted have eyes that are a single shade of whitish looking paint. This is glow-in-the-dark paint which gives the effect of several small eyes peering out in the darkness once the lights go out and the army is arrayed on a table somewhere. I thought it was a cool effect despite the fact that it really doesn't fit the fluff. Call me wierd and unconventional, but I am happy with the way they've turned out and that really is the only thing that matters for any model painter and army. So here goes.

    Skink Skirmisher: (6th Skink Scouts)
    This skink is part of the 6th Skink Scouts under the command of Tal'Razonda and serves as one of the army's most heavily relied upon skirmishing units.

    Mazdatenq (1st Saurian Regulars)
    Mazdatenq is the unit champion for the 1st Saurian Regulars, a unit of infantry under the command of Scar Veteran Tza'Itza. One of the first models I completed several years ago, Mazdatenq features some rather unique conversions to his weapon and the back part of his head (feathers, which are not pictured very well). The feathers make him easily identifyable in the unit as its leader and Mazdatenq is currently serving as the leader of a warband sent to take the island of Murdurunderax (our groups current campaign). He will lead the warband until Tza'Itza relieves him of his duties and joins the army at the 600pt level when a real general is required.

    Kroxigor (3rd Assault Squad)
    Part of a spawning the confounded the temple city's skink astromancers because it was unpredicted, this Kroxigor is part of a new unit joining the army. The unit's commander has yet to be named at this time, but the Slann council will deliver a decision in due time. This is the first model in which non-pearlescent paint was used for the skin tone, adding contrast to the scales and spines that are finished with pearlescent paint.

    Cold One (15th Heavy Guard)
    This Cold One who is yet to be joined with his master (rider) is the most recent addition to the 15th Heavy Guard under the command of Xholitza whos unit (15th) serves under Tza'Itza's command. This photo isn't flooded with as much light as the previous ones allowing for a better look at the pearlescent white on all the spines. Notice the spines at the top of the neck, tail and the spines nearest the camera on the back part of the head. These are all fine examples of what this paint can do. The skin tone for my cold one models is also pearlescent with a layer of thin and transparent purple over the top of a pearlescent purple that is exhibited on the sarus scales in the pictures above. Due to the lighting the claws and toes in this model appear more yellow, but are in fact, the same color as all the other toes and claws seen pictured here. The 'red' scales appear more 'orange' upon closer inspection. As you may have noticed, this model has yet to be based.

    Thats about it for now. At some point, I'll probably post more pictures in this thread and perhaps I'll get enough courage and models to post a photo of the entire army in its spledor (or "bling", as some of our gaming group used to say). This will be a ways down the road. But now that I'm not playing WoW, I expect to have more models finished per month than what I have had for the past 3 years, since I started.
    Thanks for looking and reading. Enjoy.

    Gladly accepting questions, cheers and jeers (if you can muster them).
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm how did I miss this thread? Lucky I decided to glance at the painting forum again. Your pictures aren't loading up though... I thought maybe my Firefox was blocking them, but IE doesn't show them either. I'll have a look at your post and see if I can figure out whats wrong.

    Edit: Can anyone else see them? The first problem is you used img tags, this forum doesn't allow them since all the SPAMbots were posting very explicite images. You need to put [pic*]link[/pic*] tags around it, without the *'s. I did that in your post and they still didn't load though. Maybe you grabbed the wrong link from photobucket? Just grab the direct link in the box of different options and put the pic tags around it here.

    It is also possibly a problem with photobucket at the moment, if that is the case they should show up in a couple hours. Nuts, I was looking forward to seeing these.
  3. WheelR
    Chameleon Skink

    WheelR New Member

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    I can see them perfectly..

    Did you use Inks Baro? Me no like Inks.. Me do like the Kroxigor.. Nice Job.

    My brother painted a Tau Trooper once like your Cold one.. Alot of colors at LM Armies are always nice.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Must be just my computer then... I will have to see if they load at uni tomorrow.
  5. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I am using the [img*] links from photobucket to post pictures. I"m not sure what other link would work better. Should I paste the direct link inside our picture tag?

    I haven't done any work with ink at this point and have been pretty happy with how things come out. I was not particularly happy with the way that the skin on the Krox came out.
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yep, I can see them on my uni comp. Definitely grab the direct link and put it inside the pic tags for any future ones, otherwise they really don't show up.

    They have a quite wet look to the skin, which I like. It suits lizards to look wet. I do think the horns could use a bit more work to make them less bright, even just a bit of wash or ink. But maybe it is the pearlescent effect not coming through on the camera too well. And I like the skin of the krox (even though he is hiding from the camera :p), though not as much as the saurus skin, that looks great.

    I won't mention using a thinner paint, because you are already aware of that. A comment about your shading theory, the reason lots of people paint shading on their models is because real (natural) shading doesn't look 'realistic' enough strangely enough, in the same way real sand and rocks need to be painted to make them more realistic looking. The problem with shadows is the scale of the miniatures is quite small, and the shadows work in a fuller way and don't often shadow in as much detail as you would see on say a life-sized space marine, which is why a realy cloak with a flat colour looks fine but a warhammer sized cloak with a flat colour looks... well, flat even if it isn't. Plus natural shading is obviously removed by the lighting required from cameras so they don't show up with shadow in photos. :p I would give a little bit of shading a try.
  7. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Did some checking and can't find a way to make the link to the pictures more direct. I know you mentioned you changed the tag the pics were listed under and that seemed to make a difference for some? If there's anything else in the syntax thats wrong, feel free to modify it. I will check that post and put more pics up with the same syntax in the future.

    You are right as well, about the shading. Our eyes aren' accustomed to picking out the subtle differences of natural shading on such a small scale because in reality, it is extremely subtle.

    The camera doesn't pick out the white pearlescent effect on the scales and I think the reason why is that there's too much light flooding the camera. When taking the picture of the cold one, I reduced the light which seemed to help. Obviously it's a little better, but the effect isn't coming through the camera as intended. I'll probably fool around with it in the next few pictures I decide to take.

    Thanks for the comments again.
  8. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    The 15th Heavy Guard's latest recruit spawned today, as predicted by the skink astromancers of the temple city. Here are some pictures of Xholitza's (leader of the 15th's) newest recruit.



    Hope you enjoy.
  9. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    What did you use to paint your models? It looks glittery, almost ferry-like.
  10. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    My models are finished using a Pearlescent paint which gives them the sheen that you see in the pictures. The paint is a liquid acrylic (same stuff GW paints are made out of, to my knowledge) and is manufactured by Daler-Rowney. I found it at a local craft store when starting out and have since increased my color range extensively. It looks much better in person, but pictures can capture it if the lighting is right.

    I have provided a link to their website if you're interested:
  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Its taken a while to comment, but now I am back at uni I can actually see the pic finally! Still don't know why my home comp doesn't like your pics...

    I like this latest one, it looks really cool. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but the greeny-blue area at his elbow looks pretty cool, a few more subtle areas of green around his highlights might give him a more aqua look.

    I can definitely agree that lizards can look wet and shiny, but I still think the bone areas are a bit too bright. They stick out too much, they are the first thing that catches your eye and they draw attention away from the rest of the model, which looks good. Maybe next time you paint bone do a bit of an experiment, start with a base of dark brown like the one on his shield strap and use a fairly thin coat of the white pearlescent over the top so the brown still shows through a bit, should give the same effect but a bit darker so it will stand out less. Or put a bit of wash over what you already have.

    Other than that, I really like the way they are coming along. I had a look on the website and the pearlescent effect seems to be a medium to mix with normal paint, is that what you are doing or is there a range of premixed pearlescents that I missed?
  12. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I'm surprised that you noticed the elbow area on the model because in truth, I didn't even notice it in the picture at all. I'm 90% certain that this is in fact a reflection from something else on the model, as I stuck with the blue pearlescent paint all over.

    For what ever reason, the bone is actually painted exactly like the GW models are (in terms of color selection). One of my buddies whom I share pictures with from time to time made a similar statement. If you're talking about the talons on the feet, they do seem to stand out on the camera but not so much in person, for whatever reason. As far as the spines on the rider and cold one itself, they do stand out a lot. I think that's just my preference though, as I really like the pearly white look they have.

    Thanks again for taking a look, the compliments and suggestions.
  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Close up photos do tend to make minor details stand out. ;) It could well be a reflection from the feather that is right next to it, or a bit of overlap in the paint maybe? There seems to be a hint of green on his knuckle as well.

    No the talons on the feet don't stand out too much IMO. It is the bright white ones. But if you like the effect, who am I to argue stick with it, they're your models. Have you tried something a bit duller on a test model though? You might like it more.

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