Hi guys, I'm new to these forums and just wanted to say hi! I originally started playing 40k as necrons, then somehow a friend of mine(who plays tau) won a warriors of chaos army in a raffle. Faster than I knew it I was sucked into playing warhammer fantasy as well I chose lizardmen purely based on the look of the models, and was glad to find that they aren't too shabby on the battlefield either So that's all I have to say for now
Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. If you have questions or need a place to discuss anything cold blooded, this is the place to do it. I have to say, there are a great bunch of players on here, who are not only helpfull, but friendly as well. Cold blooded greetings.
Greetings, welcome to the forum! You chose the army for the right reasons there, if you like the look of the models above all you will be more encouraged to get them finished and enjoy playing them more, even on the odd occasion you lose.
Welcome to the forum and congratz on the good choice of army! Not only are the models a beauty to behold, but gameply allows for a variety of options and rewarding tactical stratagems! If you have any queriesthe guys on the forum always have good advice!