Hey everybody, My name is Ro. and I'm 27 years old. I have been an avid gamer for nearly 10 years now and have been a faithful Lizardmen player since 2001. My current gaming group is located in Wichita, Kansas but I will be moving shortly so hopefully I can find a new gaming group once I get to my new location. Currently, I am on my 6th Lizardmen army (I refer to them as Lizardmen v6.0) but this is by far my best work. I was looking for a forum group that discusses lizardmen tactics, strategies, and basic information and I believe I found the right spot. I look forward to future discussions with everybody. I will have pics of my new army within 2 days. Thanks again! Iggy Koopa
Hello and welcome to the forums. Glad you could join us, and hope that you enjoy the discussions. Looking forward to seeing your LM6.0
I'll be relocating to wherever I get a job. I have been applying coast to coast so I guess we'll see... Iggy Koopa
Greetings and welcome to the forum! You have indeed found a great source of LM information in the internet jungle.
Good luck! I had to do the same thing in April. I left beloved Portland for Kansas City. Overall it was for the best. I hope yours is as well.