8th Ed. Tichi-Huchi's Raiders

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Sudaj, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Sudaj

    Sudaj Active Member

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    Hey, I have an old Skink-hero on cold (or horned) one model collecting dust in my collection, I think it was originally from the Dogs of War set "Tichi-Huchi's Raiders"... But in typical GW fashion, I can't find the stats or rules for this old unit anywhere online. Would anyone here happen to have the stats?

    Would love to field this custom champion as a highly mobile BSB or something in a friendly game, but I don't feel right just guessing at its stats and point value.

    Thanks a ton fellow Lizardmen!

    20151018_095959-1.jpg 20151018_100026-1.jpg
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I've seen them before. I can try and see if I can't find them again. I believe they were part of the Dogs of War book so maybe see if you can't find that somewhere online, either as a PDF or torrent.
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  3. Sudaj

    Sudaj Active Member

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    last time I tried to torrent a PDF army book, I got all kinds of fun Malware on my computer... I'm no good at this "Being smart about where to download from" thing -_-

    Found someone on another Forum who had the rules posted!
    Thanks for the help guys!

    Captain: Tichi-Huichi

    Motto: Cold-Blooded efficiency.

    Battle-cry: "Tupyn tzlaga anapaq quito qrizliz" (rough translation: Get out of the way because the Horned Ones are thirsty!)

    Appearance: Tichi-Huichi's Raiders are light green skinned with red crests and scales. Tichi-Huichi himself is a crimson red and he has a black crest and scales. The Raiders wield short spears that are obsidian-tipped and coated in poisons from the jungles of Lustria, as well as small round shields to deflect the blows of their attackers. The Raider's Horned One mounts are black skinned with red scales and more often than not, the blood of the enemies of the Old Ones dripping from their mouths.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Tichi-Huichi 6 4 5 4 3 2 6 3 7
    Gt.Cr. Skink 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 6
    Horned One 8 3 4 4 4 1 1 2 3

    For Hire: Tichi-Huichi’s Raiders can be hired as a Rare Unit in Dogs of War armies. Alternatively, they can be hired as a Special
    Unit in Lizardmen armies, or as a Rare Unit in other Warhammer armies, except Bretonnia, any Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Skaven, Vampire Counts and Khemri.

    Special Rules

    Poison: The weapons of Tichi-Huichi and his Raiders are coated in various deadly toxins from the jungles of Lustria. Tichi-Huichi and his Raiders (but not their mounts) count their attacks as poisoned.

    Fast Cavalry: Tichi-Huichi’s Raiders are fast cavalry as described in the Warhammer Rulebook.

    Cold-blooded: Skinks are cold-blooded and slow to react to psychology. Roll three dice when testing against Leadership and choose the two lowest scores.

    Horned Ones: Horned Ones cause fear, are subject to stupidity, and give their rider +2 to their Armor saves in place of the usual +1 for mounted troops. Note that the Horned Ones also have 2 attacks instead of the normal 1 for Cold Ones.

    Note Tichi-Huichi’s raiders ride a species of Cold One known sometimes as a Horned One.

    Empathy: Tichi-Huichi and his Raiders have trained extensively with their Cold One mounts to such an extent that the naturally empathy between the two species is so great that they mastered the art of fighting from these deadly beasts. Tichi-Huichi’s Raiders may re-roll a failed stupidity test for the Horned Ones each turn.

    Blessed by the Old Ones: Tichi-Huichi and his Skink Cold One Riders enjoy the special favor of the Old Ones. They belong to a portentous spawning, brought forth for a mission devised untold millennia ago, and consequently a mysterious aura of protection pervades the regiment. To represent this, hand-to-hand opponents will never pursue Tichi-Huichi’s Raiders if they beat them in combat. A strange, tropical fatigue descends on the foe, securing Tichi-Huichi’s chance to get away.

    On a Mission from the Gods: Tichi-Huichi regularly has dreams or has visions which lead him on a search to recover lost artifacts of the Lizardmen which are deemed vital by the Serpent God Sotek. To represent this, roll a D6 when Tichi-Huichi's Raiders successfully charge a unit containing an enemy character, on a 4+ Tichi-Huichi recognizes one of the items carried by the enemy character (be they magical or mundane) to be the artifact seen in his dreams. Tichi-Huichi and his unit will fight all the harder to recover this item. They will benefit from +1 Attack on the turn they charge.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
    The Red Devil and Pinktaco like this.
  4. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Since it's super outdated I don't think you'll get much out of it, but these are the statistics from the 6th ed (They're in the Southlands section, page 74-75):

    Horned On Riders
    Skink M6 Ws2 Bs3 S3 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld5
    Brave M6 Ws2 Bs3 S3 T2 W1 I4 A2 Ld5
    Horned One M8 Ws3 Bs0 S4 T4 W1 I3 A1 Ld3

    pts/model 10.5 ss

    Hand weapon, Shield and Spear

    Mus, +4.5ss
    Banner, +7 ss
    Brace, +7 ss
    May take spawnings
    Special rules: Fear, Fast cavalry, Blessed spawning of Itls (Redundant rule that means, that they may in fact ride their horned ones)
    Sudaj likes this.
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I believe the one the OP is referring to are a mercenary group and not from the southland list :)
  6. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    That is Tichi-Huichi, though while the cold one you should put him on has a tiny horn. It was not delivered with the actual horned one for this version of cold one. (on a side note, the model is placed on a normal cold one, not the one with the tiny horn).

    Inxi-Huinzi was the only character that had an modified cold one (with horns) for this version.

    Found this old e-bay listing that has a few pictures of it.

    Sounds like a good idea, and you can even use it as a cool proxy for a normal Scar-Vet or Oldblood on a cold one as well.
    Qupakoco, n810 and Sudaj like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  8. Sudaj

    Sudaj Active Member

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    True, I was looking for the Dogs of War version, but this info from The Sauric Ace still helps me narrow down a good set of stats for a custom Character!
    Red Death, I too saw the actual Horned One Model online... thought it was custom, my bad!
    NightBringer, thanks for the more recent listing!

    Thanks to All who posted!
    And sorry about the Potato quality pics, and terrible painting...
    I put this model together over 10 years ago, when it was a LITTLE less out dated, and my painting skills were a bit... well... terrible.
  9. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Those skink riders are vastly overpriced though. 22pts? o_O
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  10. Sudaj

    Sudaj Active Member

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    Yeah, for a single unit with only 2 WS, 2 T & 1 W... not worth it in my opinion, but again, I'm planning to use it as a stand-Alone, fast cavalry, battle standard bearer or general. Just something to move around and grant some LD benefit to my Skink Skirmishers. Would never work in tournament, but playing against my friend with the Skaven it may help.
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well cold ones cost 35 points that year, and they only got one attack for their mounts.
    and the can't pursue rules and tacitly interesting, and 3+ AS isn't terrible.

    PS. I seem to remember some unofficial updated versions of these on the Dogs or War forum.
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  12. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Dogs of War fans made an unofficial list that was widely accepted in official tournaments. Here are the slightly less outdated Tichi's Rules. I happen to have the PDFs because I briefly flirted with the idea of collecting a Dogs of War army before giving up and deciding to run with an Empire model with lots of DoW proxies. I have quite a few Regiments of Renown but not enough to field them at reasonable sizes. No one is impressed by ten pikemen....

    Tichi M6, WS4, BS5, S4, T3, W2, I6, A3, Ld 7
    Skink Raider M6, WS2, BS3, S3, T3, W1, I4, A1, Ld 6
    Horned One M8, WS3, BS0, S4, T4, W1, I3, A2, Ld 5

    Basic unit includes Tichi and 4 Skink Raiders including a Musician and Standard Bearer for 180 points. Additional Raiders can be bought for 20 points a piece subject to the 5-20 unit size limit. (These rules were written when unit max sizes were the norm).

    Skinks (and Tichi) have hand weapons, shields and spears.

    Skinks have Scaly Skin 6+, Coldblooded, and have Poisoned Attacks
    Horned Ones Cause Fear, are thickskinned (+2 to armor save rather than +1) and are Coldblooded, Fast Cavalry

    Blessed by the Old Ones: Long story short, opponents never pursue when Tichi's Raiders are broken. This ability works whether or not Tichi is alive.

    On a Mission from the Gods: If Tichi and his unit successfully charge an enemy unit with a character in it, on a 4+ a character is unknowingly carrying a Lustrian artifact that Tichi saw in a dream. The unit gains +1A the first turn. Note it's vague whether the +1A applies to just the riders or to the riders and the Horned Ones. I'd say just the riders. It's also vague whether this works if Tichi has been slain. I'd say it depends on Tichi.

    Special Unit in Lizardmen armies. Rare unit in Dogs of War or any army able to hire mercs except Beasts of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Warriors of Chaos, Brettonians, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, and Skaven.

    If someone wants the PDF of the quasi-official 8th ed Dogs of Wars rules, you can PM me your email address.
    n810 and Sudaj like this.
  13. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Back in the days of the bitz store, you could buy individual horned one heads from the Inxi-Huinzi kit to make them fit the part. That's what I did. However that's another project that's a long time in the works.

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