Hello fellow followers of the Old Ones. After lurking in these fines forums for a good few months, I finally found myself motivated to register. I began my Warhammer career as young kid, with a very daunting box of space marines which my patience at the time made sure I never finished. At a later point in life, I realized how awesome the ork fluff was, and thus began to paint a box of boyz. That never came to much however, as I had no friends to play with, until I befriended some other local gamers. Unfortunately for me, hoho, my new found friends played whfb, and thus I felt compelled to pick up lizardmen, and my first saurus regiment is almost ready for painting. Stupid moldlines. Anyways, I'll see you guys out amongst the topics. Rawr!
Greetings, welcome to the board! Do post some pics when you have some models pianted. Enjoy the cold blooded ones.
Welcome to the boards! Glad you choose to join us and be a general to our cold blooded friends. If you have questions they can be answered on the site. But as a reader, I'm sure you already know that. Looking forward to you joining in the dicussion.
Welcome! The more voices the better. We like it all here, pics of the army, battle reports and conversation about everything lizardmen. Well, maybe that is just me speaking for myself. Anyway, hope you enjoy Warhammer Fantasy!
Apply some imagination and voila! You've got a stick figure guy waving: o/ Two of them doing a high-five: o/\o And one throwing his arms up in joy: \o/