9th Age Explanation on updates to T9A army books

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Figured I'd just explain this in case some of you were wondering.

    Feedback is very important, both the more teoretical ones and actual playtests. The community and what they want play a big part so both Sauric Ace and I are collecting all comments on this board and T9A. These are available for the Army Book Committee (ABC) to see if they want and is a tool for the Army Support (AS).

    Every ones in a while (especially when new updates are released) the AS reports back from both playtesters and the general community. So when you say "I hate the croxisaurus ancient" we count the number of times this have been posted. This way we stand stronger when we try to make a point such as "we need to change the croxisaurus ancient".
    This is why that the more you play and give us feedback the more we can actually change things.
    These feedback reports are available to both the RT and ABC.

    Internal balance remarks are also quite relevant. Other ABC members are allowed to bring their opinions on our book. A lot of these are highly skilled players participating in ETC and other highly regarded tournaments. If a lot of ABC members have a concern about a specific thing there might be something about it.

    The RT and ABC might have ideas of their own they want to do something about. The ABC have created the book and have a high knowledge of our army and freqently participate in tournaments. This enables them to spot things in our book they deem overpowered or underpowered and can bring these issues forth. Likewise the RT can do the same.

    From here the RT will present the ABC with a bunch of things they'd like to see changed based on the above 3 points. It is expected from the ABC to come up with their own solutions, they also have the opportunity to add to the list if they want to and so it's not strictly what the RT have on the mind.

    The ABC have been permitted to once a week come up with one "major" issue they want to talk about. The rest should be minor things such as "this upgrade should be 5pts cheaper/more expensive" etc.

    Once that is done the RT will review the list of changes. From here each member of the RT (5 members) give their opinion in an internal forum. If 3 members agree on something it's considered "okay".. If there isn't the ABC will be given the chance to come up with a new solution for a second review.

    Once the RT have reviewed the list they'll send it back with comments from each member.

    This is fortunately a much better solution than what we have previously seen :)
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Better start counting then ;)

    I hate the croxisaurus ancient
    I hate the croxisaurus ancient
    I hate the croxisaurus ancient
    I hate the croxisaurus ancient
    I hate the croxisaurus ancient

    I'm guessing that only counts as one though. :D In all seriousness, the idea of playing a "hero" that is weaker than his normal counterpart feels unfluffy and unsatisfying (unless there is a really good reason for it and he/she makes up for it in a major way)

    Another thing that I am not a fan of is our magic item "Flaming Aura of the Ancients". My gripe doesn't come from a power-level perspective, but simply that it is near carbon copy of "Glittering Cuirass" + "Dragonscale Helm" from the common magic item list. I think army specific magic items should be just that... army specific. There are so many old school items or novel ideas that could add more individual variety to our army, rather than having a slightly different version of what is found in the main rules. The Triceratops War-Spear, Tyrannosaurus hunting bow, Black Cube and Standard of Reversed Realities on the other hand are great items :). I would love to see more of these types of things instead of the Flaming Aura of the Ancients.

    As always, thanks for representing our scaly cold-blooded interests! :cool:
    Pinktaco and Gogery like this.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Without that item the T-Rex is a whole lot weaker. :)
  4. Hasael

    Hasael Member

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    I confirm. The T-rex is extremely weak regarding his survivability without this item.
    Pinktaco likes this.

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