7th Ed. Need help beating cheesy wood elf player

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Falcon, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Falcon
    Jungle Swarm

    Falcon New Member

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    The sally usually overshot or undershot, he had 2 treemen in his face by turn 3

    I haven t, but it looks it wouldn't be to bad with Krox's and skinks, i might give it a shot

    its fun to use after he dispelled the slann with scrolls and dice (which he goes through dispel dice and scroll quickly when u got 8/+1 on slanns a turn) Will those points be going somewhere else next game... yes

    I agree, but i will say it helped me this game, it took out a unit of dryads, 1 wound on treeman, 1 war dancer, his noble, and 2 wild riders. The treeman was hard to hit with his Armour save with just strength 4.

    Thank you snow, and I agree beasts is looking mighty sexy against some wood elf's!
  2. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Yes they are, which makes the beast cowers a mighty fun spell :D
  3. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Does being a character have anything to do with it? Because treemen are, in fact, characters. Can a character be a monster at the same time?
  4. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Tree men are not characters, they take up a rare slot. they only become characters if they upgrade to that.
    And to answer the question no, once the treeman becomes a Treeman Ancient the spell no longer aplies. If he is a charecter, he is not a monster so you must be careful with reading the spells.
  5. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Ok that makes sense, you're saying that a treeman that has been upgraded to an Ancient treeman (character) is not a monster, but a normal one is?

    *edit* Spelling
  6. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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  7. salamander

    salamander New Member

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    isnt a treeman also flammable? becouse if so you should get a scar vet with burning blede of chotec against them it would couse double wounds
  8. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Yes they are flammable, but that it not your best option. you need to take a terror test, thenyou have 4 attacks which hit on 3's then wound on 5's and he has an armor save, albiet a lesser one.

    You make 8/3 hits and which become 8/6 wounds or 1.33 wounds which multiplies into 2.66 wounds. which in game terms is only 2 wounds as they don't have partial wounds. he then has only to do 1 wound in combat to tie you because he out numbers you, and if he does two wounds you will run. he won combat res, and causes terror and because he has a higher unit str you auto break.
  9. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    As Wood Elfs don't have much dispell dice... You can even use heaven if you have forked lighting to drain dispell dice... How can anybody say fire isn't the lore to choose versus wood elfs...

    They have no armor save rather than the 5-6+ with is nothing with S4.

    Slann has 6 dice without the free dice..

    Meaning you can get fireball, fieryblast and maybe conflagration of doom off.

    First.. fireball is so great to kill his expensive units.. wardancers, fast cav, dryads.. all are worth so much and a fireball can destroy them all easily...

    Fieryblast is twice the pain... and conflag is great to kill the Glade Guard shooting at you every turn..
    (no range like forkted has)

    Guess its a way of choosing magic... some choose to do damage.. other choose to support the army..
    getting charges off, making sure his units don't see combat ect...

    I'm more of the damaging type... As either ways can go wrong..

    You can have 4 IF casts a game or 5 miscasts. It's magic, very unreliable stuff that is :D
  10. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Yes, yes they do. brachwraith with diepel sprites, plus an item that allows themto get a free dispell die forevry spell cast with more than 2 dice. i think he started with 8 dispell dice plus the free one. My friend could shut down a Slann with a skink on an engine. the only thing that ever got through was the engine spell, except when i irrestably cast. they have a very good magic shutdown list available to them.
  11. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    this is not at all how i read the rules the ancient and the reagular treeman have all the same special rules so if a treeman is affected by beast cowers the ancient would be as well since the only difference is that an ancient can take spites and a bloodthirster is a monster as are all greater deamons so i would put the treeman in the same catagory monster/character
  12. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    that item is for every spell cast with more than 3 dice, and there are very few spells where you need 4 dice, and i am not sure how the 'free' dice would work on that i would give it to the wood elves, but it could be a question to some, granted i will give you that they can take a lot of dispel dice especially with the spites

    and i am not trying to pick on you Celticfire i just happened to read your posts and well they made me want to put my 2 cents in
  13. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Ahh, i need to hit my friend over the head then, i was duped. that was the big saver for my friend. :rage:
    @ Lupercal- there is a FAQ out that states that if a monster becomes a character, he is only affected by spells that target Characters. i don't know exactly were it is with GW "fixing" their site and all.
  14. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Ok. Heres the deal. For a start, your opponent has two treemen. In tournament he would be severely marked down for his compsition scores, because its basically just cheesy. The rest of his army is pretty
    Additionally, the rest of his army is pretty fricking naughty. As in, pushing he boundaries of good taste.
    That aside, heres how you do things.
    Slann taking fire magic normally (or life if theres LOTS and LOTS of beneficial terrain ONLY). Give him cupped hands, focussed rumination, bsb and focus of mystery, and big unit of temple guard.
    Lots of skink skirmishers (like 4-5 units). No cohorts.
    Not more than one unit of kroxigors. They are able to be march blocked easily and don't move very fast.
    Take engine of the gods. Level 3 priest. Use the area of effect damage ability as much as possible.
    Take 2 units of saurus with spears 18 strong (ranked 6x3). Or another of the same size.
    Take 2 razordons. They really really ream wood elves. No salamanders.
    Don't be afraid to charge your skinks into their toughness 3 low armor save units. If they randomly break a unit, which honestly does happen, they will instantly make thier points back or more.
    Don't take saurus cavalry. You may like them but do you notice how they get kited around and don't get to do much, even before they fail a stupidity test? Yeah...join the club. Its because they are worth lots of points.

    Ignore the dryads when it comes to shooting and magic. Get the soft stuff
    (glade riders, war dancers with war dancer noble, wild riders, spellsinger,spellweaver). Face the saurus off against the dryads. Use flee reactions at interesting times. Protect your razordons and shoot at toughness 3, non skirmishing stuff or single characters if at all possible. Deliberately block the movement of his combat units with razordons, goading them to charge so you can stand and shoot like a machine. Throw your skinks into the way, they there to die and draw fire so your saurus can move and so your slann can melt his small units. Keep the engine of the gods away from characters that can kill the skink priest in combat. The EoTG buffs your slann and can blast them with the aoe if he's alive. Hide him behind a unit of saurus if you need to. Yes, he can get shot but its in combat where he's properly vulnerable.

    Bunch up your troops, except from the skinks. Trundle forward.

    Feel free to put questions to me if you dont know why I suggested some things. I massacred a wood elf army yesterday. (To be fair, he only had on treemen, like a real human being would ;p).

    Additional*Personal** I wouldn't play an army with shooting, magic, lots of skirmishers and two treemen.
    If he told me that he can take whatever he wanted and that in effect army composition is stupid or irrelevant, I would take three units of 10 skink cohorts and 8 stegadons, and advise him to swivel on it.
  15. Falcon
    Jungle Swarm

    Falcon New Member

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    Great advice, I been able to put about 25-30 games under my belt and against different army's. This has greatly increased my skillz =P

    But your advice is on point, i learned that all the hard way but i found it was the best way to learn.

    I look forward to playing him tomorrow, i haven't played him since that last post.

    i have a few razordon's, chief with cloak of feathers + dagger of sotek, scar vet with CotJ and Great Weapon, priest and steg, old blood on cold one w/revered tzunki and glyph necklace, and typical other stuff. should be a good game, i look forward to kicking some wood elf ass =P

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