Hi there I have just started my army and just can't get away with the GW kroxigor models? Bit of help please guys!
These are my painted up Krox, http://www.lustria-online.com/threa...inter-scarvet-on-papo-dino-added.15934/page-9 Which are from, http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/first-post-custom-model-kroxigor.15419/
He is on with a mounted model but I'm pretty sure we will be making more in the future. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/woogity-lizard-tribe-wips.16403/
Just seen your kroxigors! Look great nice painting I hope I can get my hands on some haha JUST started my army and needed them haha
I will do definatly! Playing around with shemes atm thinking yellow under green backed and either a red or blue blazed head for all warriors / scar vets. Blue skins with red blazed hands and feet and each Dino random seen a nice tiger stripe carnosaur I liked
I was shown this great list of alternate models you should check it out http://www.the-ninth-age.com/blog/index.php?entry/18-alternative-models-saurian-ancients-sa/