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7th Ed. make your own lizardmen unit or character

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by camo-skink, Aug 6, 2009.

  1. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    have you ever wanted there to be a unit or character that would be perfect for you? then right it down here with all its stats, special rules, equipment, and even fluff to share with everyone else!

    salamander riders/ points per model: 95

    skink rider

    M:6 WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:3 W:2 I:6 A:2 LD:6

    M:7 WS:3 BS:3 S:5 T:4 W:3 I:4 A:2 LD:4

    unit size: 2+
    rider W and A: hand weapon, spear, shield
    salamander W and A: teeth and claws (hand weapon)

    special rules: cold blooded, aquatic, jungle poisons (rider only), skirmishers, 5+ scaly skink, fear, spout flames, tamed

    tamed: on a misfire instead of the salamander attacking its rider, because it is now tamed it simply shot its flames the wrong way. roll the scatter dice to see which direction the flames go then roll the distance with the artillery dice. if it hit any unit, hits and wounds are resolved as normal

    Only the hardiest of skinks, not occupying the role of skink chief, have been able to tame the mighty and ill-tempered salamander, with both strength and cunning, to be their monstrous mounts. Very few have been able to accomplish this task, but when the few that do succeed, they become a swift and deadly power. Unladen by skink handlers on foot restricting their abilities, the salamanders help guide their rider with their honed senses, as their riders guide them. Together, they can swiftly move through the jungle terrain and fast flowing rivers where no other mounts can go. By this they can reach the enemy to douse them in flames then backed by a deadly charge to the flank.

  2. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    te-qui the Chameleon Skink
    lord choice


    m ws bs str T W I A ld
    6 5 6 5 4 3 10 4 8

    blowpipe of aeons , stalkers blades , cloak of feathers

    Blowpipe of aeons- can delibrerately target enemy characters in units, is poisoned, and grants killing blow

    Stalkers blades- 2 hand weapons- grants +1 attack, killing blow and poison

    special rules- chameleon, 4+ ward save

    Ive always felt angry about the fact that no one can use lord level skink characters, so I thought i'd invent my own...

    Te-Qui the chameleon skink is a strange specimen of the lizardmen race, he does not follow the old ones, as he hates them for abandoning his race to die, he was spawned during an eclipse when the chaos moon covered the real moon, his skin completely black when not camouflaged, and his eyes red as a skavens, he goes where the fight is, he will fight for any reason, so long as it will not harm his own race. He has been known to join other armies at times, helping them if he deems they are worthy enough and have a righteous cause...he has even preformed some missions for the vile skaven, although only to crush clans that threaten his lizardmen brothers....
  3. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    Great thread, I cant wait to see what others come up with.


    I would love to see a Fast Calvary unit based on these guys charging into enemies.


    Unit Size 5+

    Points/model 15

    Cold Blooded, Scaly Skin 5+, Hard Headed (+2 Strength during Charge)
  4. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Now that would be awesome!
  5. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    Those builds are kinda dumb. First off, a str 5 skink? Really? That seems highly unreasonable even for a chaos skink, even if humans get str 5 for being chaos it seems wonky. Also, poison and killing blow are terrible together. He would be way worse if he wasn't poisoned. And he flies.....

    Further, the pachycephalosaurus is truly devastating for 15 points. It hits harder then an inner circle knight for 15 points?

    The salamander rider isn't a terrible idea I guess, would be easy to convert, but it would be easier to make the salamander a mount for a skink chief, because having a unit of multi wound models riding a monster is just a rules problem waiting to happen. Also, under costed.

    If I had to say what my new unit would be?

    Skink healers.

    size: 1-6

    9-12 points each. Hand weapon.
    a unit of skink healers may activate a bound spell at a power level equal to the number of skink healers in the unit. This spell heals one model within 4 inches of a skink healer in this unit of 1 wound. Characters may not join a unit of skink healers. Skink healers are skirmishers. Skink healers are a special choice.
  6. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    That build is dumb.

    Who would waste points on that garbage? There is a reason healing spells are in short supply: They are fairly useless in Warhammer as the vast majority of troops are single Wound. In addition, you didnt give a stat line.

    The costs and abilities of my post were actually weighed on several Fast Cavalry units. You seem to (as usual) be casting a blind eye. Knights of the Inner Circle hit just as hard but also happen to have Full Plate, Shield and Mounted bonus. Gee, that 5+ Armor Save sure isn't the same as a 2+ Armor Save, now is it? And another swing and a miss: These are FAST CAVALRY not HEAVY CAVALRY. Our Heavy Cavalry costs 35pts (more than fully upgraded Knights of the Inner Circle). In addition, there is no Upgradability, meaning no Musician, Standard or Champion ability.

    Whether your post had any merit or not was completely lost due to your opener. Serious Donkey, at least *try* to be less of a jerk. Read through the posts and simply remove the unnecessary viciousness before pressing "Submit". Your ideas arent the only ones that are worth hearing.
  7. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    dude, not cool...

    chaos warriors get super amped up compared to regularly pathetic humans, why would a skink not be able to?
  8. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Skink War Chief (Lord Choice)
    Points: 80

    M: 6
    WS: 5
    BS: 7
    S: 4
    T: 4
    I: 8
    W: 3
    A: 4
    LD: 7

    Weapons and Armor:
    Hand Weapon

    Light Armor 4 pts
    Shield 4 pts

    Spear 8 pts
    Blowpipe 16pts
    Javelin 16 pts
    xhw 4 pts

    Mount Options:
    Terridon 40 pts
    Stegadon 235
    Stegadon Ancient 275
    pachycephalosaurus 25 pts

    Can Choose up to 100 points of magical items.

    Aquatic, Cold Blooded, Jungle Poison
  9. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    Totally uncalled for Donkey.
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Look at you all getting your knickers in a twist! Snowy you do have a point that what he said was out of order but then... well... hypocrisy. You are rude too. Dumb... garbage... a blind eye as usual... merit lost... jerk etc

    The best point you made you promptly ignored:
    Read through the posts and simply remove the unnecessary viciousness before pressing "Submit".

    Clever boy
  11. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    Ya, I did that on purpose. lol :rolleyes:

    It obviously hasnt gotten through to him in the past by being nice. An example was provided.
  12. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I think the idea of Salamander Riders would be great, although I would not like to be around when some bright skink attempts to mount a Razordon instead!

    I don't know about a favorite unit, but I would like to see a Slann cast a spell that summons a Thunder Lizard!
  13. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    That would be an amusing one. :)

    Thunder Lizards hm? In 6th Edition fluff they were so potent that even Slann couldnt control them a lot of the time. I cant seem to recall if that made it to 7th Edition or not. The idea of maybe summoning one in from a table edge and having it do erratic trample damage for a turn or two would be interesting. I'm thinking kind of like a Goblin Fanatic.
  14. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Slann cannot control them, just steer their Savage minds away from the temple cities to keep the city from harm's way. Even these creatures are too savage to really 'control'.

    To get back on topic,

    Skinks on horned ones!
    Core 0-2 And Doesn't count to minimal core.
    Skink: M6 WS2 BS 3 S3 T3 W1 A1 LD6
    Horned one: Mv 8 WS3 BS 0 S4 T3 W1 A1 LD4
    Unit size: 5+
    points per model: 22
    Musician, Standard and champion option. (6,12 and 12 points respectivle)
    Equipment: Spear, javelins, hand weapon
    Special rules: Fast cavalry, Cause Fear.

    Why i love them? Skink on horned ones...awesome! :) (yes, the tichi huichi raiders are pretty much identical to these lads...I KNOW!)
    Fast cavalry is very good, and these guys are pretty much unarmored, fast and can only do stuff on the charge.
    I know we already have Terradons...But i still love these guys..
    The reason that they are not special is simple: we have enough specials to choose from. Maximum 2 units and that does not count to minimal core sounds pretty ok to me.
    So: Rip it to shreds!

    The Hunted
  15. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well you can both calm down now, responding in kind is not the way to deal with things like that. If you don't like what someone has said, report their post and a mod will look at it and judge what actions to take. Responding in kind is just taking the bait and is what leads to threads getting out of hand and being locked, just don't do it. Random words on a screen shouldn't effect you that much. And Donkey, it was a bit thoughtless opening your post like that. There is no problem disagreeing, but do it in a more friendly manor.

    I'm going to leave the thread open for now because it seems to have got back on track, don't let it happen again though.
  16. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Character-Nakai the wanderer-I always wished this guy was going to become a special character when we went into 7th....but alas he was dropped

    M:7 Ws:7 BS:0 S:5 T:6 W:5 A5 Ld:10

    unbreakable, 4+ scaly skin, Protection of the gods (4+ ward) Resiliant

    equipment-great weapon

    fluff: see 6th edition rulebook
  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    I'd have some adjustments to make, i like Nakai as well. But the random appearance never appealed to me,
    so, my suggestions
    points-383 (last 3 points being quite random indeed...)
    Mv:7 Ws:5 Bs:0 S:5 T:5 W:3 A:5 Ld:8
    Rules: Stubborn, 3+ scaly skin, 5+ ward (increases to 4+ vs attacks that are S5 or greater), walk through woods freely, resiliant
    Equipment: GW
    Fluff: Awesome! I mean...see 6tg edition rulebook...
    By losing, unbreakable, some WS, T, W and Ld the point costs is now drastically reduced. But with stubborn Ld8 he aint going nowhere soon. The adaptive ward save is a very good protection IMO, but cheaper than a 'real' 4+ ward. I don't like Special Characters in game, although i like to use them on the rare occasion. But i want them to be usefull and not cost 700 points to only appear at random...
    For instance, I would NEVER take Oxyotl (cham special char) but Madzamundi is pretty good value for the points.
    :) Can you agree with the modifications? Or do you just wanna do: :rage: to me?...

    The Hunted
  18. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    I could agree with that
  19. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    Behh, it's fine, my kind in forums regenerate from wounds that aren't flaming. Seriously though, the pachycephaloserious costs 15 points. compare that to for example...... wolf riders. Trumps em seriously. Compare to..... Marauder horsemen of khorne? OMG they are str 6 with two attacks? and toughness 4? Marauder horsemen can be str 5 with flails.... they can get 2 attack with a mark.... they can get toughness 4 by ....nothing.

    The thing is, when making your own units you should always try and err on the side of over pricing, or no one would let you play with them. Jungle swarms can go into our book because they aren't gonna break the game, it's better to err on the side of nerf then on buff.

    Carlo, great idea. skink lord is fine. makes sense. Nakai was already made.
  20. DonkeyHotep
    Temple Guard

    DonkeyHotep New Member

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    also, I think that pachy's should cause some kind of impact hits, not have lances. Maybe even have 2hp to be more monstrous.

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