Greetings everyone, New Lustria member, yet an older Vampire Count, trying to redeem himself *cough* in a army of Order! I'm a great fan of the hobby aswell as a regular player of 8th ed. (End Times) and Age of Sigmar. I've always wanted to own a Lizardmen army, much because I love the model range (dinosaurs!) and the lore of the army. So therefor I've put myself to reading and trying to come up with a list to start my collection of Lizardmen. Wich I'll hope I can get some advice in from veteran members on this board. See you on the forums!
Welcome aboard, I've just started a Deathrattle army so I may be calling on your experience. Take a look in the painting section for inspiration and also check out the AOS tactic section for some great tips also the Fluff and story section is a fantastic read.
Thanks for the welcome @Crowsfoot I'll certainly give them a look! And feel free to ask any questions you might have. Myself, I play mainly deathrattle units aswell (skeletons, grave guard, black knights..). They are a very strong force in Age of Sigmar. I do not play any comps however, just sticking to the main rules for as best as we can and having fun doing so.
Hey! Just wanted to say welcome… annnnd: couldnt agree more. I dont hear that nearly often enough. They did freaking Mayan dinosaurs, with the knights riding on other dinosaurs' backs. what more could we want. so let the dino fun begin, mate. looking forward to seeing your production
Welcome aboard. I'm a Lizardmen player who started Vampire Counts (hence my zombie Skink avatar). @spawning of Bob might be able to explain why I'm being electrocuted. I don't have a conflict. My Lizardmen are mainly for tabletop play and my Undead are mainly for painting and converting fun. My tiny undead army is 50% converted Lizardmen/40% regular human undead models with a swampy paint scheme/10% other (have a few Skaven and Goblins. Have some High Elves, Dark Elves, and Dwarfs eventually going to join them) Now when my two armies team up, it's awesome. I played a Storm of Magic game with Lizardmen and a Vampire Counts pact force and I've played about a half dozen End Times game where I give a Slann or a Skink Priest with the Lore of Undeath. For eighth edition play advice, check out the 8th Edition Tactica Index in my signature. I don't play Age of Sigmar but I support my Seraphon Brethren by helping with the Seraphon Tactica Index also in my signature. 9th age is young and growing and we support them. We also support Salamanders in Kings of War. Not a lot of traffic for that one yet. I have the books and stuff but I'm struggling to find more KoW players in my neck of the jungle. Transcending all game lines we have an awesome painting and fluff community!
@Scalenex I've come across your name before on the handbook's on the VC forums. Those tactica are an amazing read!
Thanks, I like getting props of all sorts, but I always get warm fuzzies when people praise my Tacticas. I am indeed the same Scalenex who prodded encouraged the Sun King to compile the 8th Edition Vampire Handbook. I was very enthused about the progress we were making on our handbook that I wanted to do more. I also wanted to drain the brains of CN's best and brightest so I could have some guidance with my newest army. If anything, my biggest grouse with Age of Sigmar is that my Tacticas are largely obsolete...
@Scalenex I do believe that there's still alot of people playing the 8th Ed. game. Mainly because they're awaiting a fine tuned version of either 9th or just for nostalgia (cause apart from some random things, 8th was OK). So your work will live on