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7th Ed. 2250 - Revision

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Jive Professor, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Alright, so my first game with my Lizzies is fast approaching come the first week of August. I keep looking at what I have, tweaking, retweaking, and turning over the list in my head. Now, I also have come into a friend's old Lizardmen army for basically nothing because he has been out of the game for about 2 years and doesn't intend to play again.

    So, here is the ridiculous list of Lizzies I now own, a lot of which is already painted for me:

    2 Slann
    1 Mounted Scar Vet
    1 Foot Scar Vet
    1 Old Blood on Carnosaur
    1 BSB Saurus on Foot
    3 Skink Priests on Foot

    20 Temple Guard (New kits)
    3 Terradons
    16 Cold One Riders
    3 Salamanders w/ 3 handlers each
    4 Kroxigor

    39 Spear Saurus
    19 HW+Shield Saurus
    21 Blowpipe Skinks
    12 Javelin Skinks
    34 Unassembled Skinks

    5 Stegadons (1 Metal Regadon assembled, 4 New kits unassembled, glee!)

    So... good God, I am the Terrible Thunder Lizard.

    Anyway, that gives you guys an idea of what I have to work with (i.e. anything I want because the mini gods have spoiled me).

    Nevertheless, my list hasn't changed much, but I still think this is a much tighter build. My opponent will most likely be playing VC, and he uses an uber deathstar, but I am not going to counter-build him. I want to build an all-comers list that is still capable of kicking him in the fangs. I'll detail said deathstar after the list:

    Lord -

    Slann - 445
    - Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery
    - BSB, War Banner, Dispell Scroll, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones

    Heroes -

    Skink Priest w/ Engine of the Gods - 440
    - Level 2
    - Dispell Scroll, Diadem of power

    Scar Vet - 135
    - Light Armor
    - Enchanted Shield, Horned One

    Skink Chief on Ancient Stegadon - 380
    - War Spear

    Core -

    10 Skink Skirmishers - 70

    10 Skink Skirmishers - 70

    10 Skink Skirmishers - 70

    20 Spear Saurus -258
    - Musician, Standard

    Special -

    3 Terradons - 90

    16 Temple Guard - 291
    - Full Command

    Points: 2249

    PD: 9 w/ 1 Bound Item
    DD: 6 w/ 2 Scrolls and Diadem
    Models: 71

    Alright, so Slann in the TG, Scar Vet in the Spear Block, skirmishers on point, EotG on ward and pulse duty, Chief on Ancient lookin to bust heads. The list is still very much in the framework I envisioned originally, and even though the Slann is still extremely expensive, he's all utility no gimmicks. The TG are of course Immune to Suckage, and with the Horned One the Spear block causes Fear and doesn't mess around with Stupidity checks. The only real "meh" part of the list is that the Skink Chief was a last minute addition - I already had the Ancient Steg in the list, I just happened to have 105 points left and that seemed the best way to maximize it. What do you guys thinks?

    Oh, and before I forget, the uber McDeathstar unit. Now I have beaten this army before with my Dwarfs, but it was close and this is the one unit that gave me chills. It clocks in arund 1100-1200 points, and is essentially a big blob of points denial. It is something like:

    Mannfred (Lord Version)
    5 Blood Knights w/ Full Command and Sword of Battle on Castellan
    Wight BSB
    Banner that gives 4+ ward against ranged
    Banner that gives 4+ regeneration save

    So these guys are Frenzied, multi-attack monsters with S5, Lances, a 2+ Armor Save, 4+ Ward against ranged, and 4+ Regeneration save. Putting them down takes a lot of firepower, and Mannfred raises into the unit when you happen to kill one. Close combat is only really a possibility on the flanks, that way you minimize attacks back and try to score kills on combat res. I think poison and serious Slannage should be able to soften these guys up enough for the killing blow, but I'd like more input on taking them out.
  2. Medicdave

    Medicdave New Member

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    Your Slann has 1 too many arcane items. You have to drop the cupped hands or the rod. I would drop something to get another block of saurus with spears.
  3. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Oy! Yeah, I will edit it. I will probably just drop it and try to add a few more Saurus into the main block. I am hesitant to create an entire other block though - it would require me to drop the Ancient, which is my real hammer unit.
  4. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    do you really need a horned one? Not having to pass stupidity checks is all and well but you are putting a lot of points into making your saurus cause fear when a simple Cold One does the same thing.
  5. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Not really, a regular Cold One is 20pts, and the Horned One is 30pts. It's basically a 10 point upgrade to NEVER have to worry about it. I think it's worth it.
  6. Medicdave

    Medicdave New Member

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    The stegadon is too expensive. A great cannon or concentrated volley of shooting could wreck your day. Also, you are losing 2 spear attacks by putting a scar vet on a mount in the spear unit. Try the vet on foot with the cold one armour and a great weapon. 4 str 7 attacks at WS 5. He causes fear and has a toughness of 6 and a AS of 3+! The only downside is stupidity. If you fail the roll, your opponent might get the charge on you instead of you on him. Then you get to fight with your 2 ranks of spears and the vet!
  7. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    A Horned one is 35 points so, thats a 15 point up grade that could be spent on other trinkets, like a biting blade for ten points or the venom of the firefly frog which is possibly my favourite magic item, all mundane weapons are poison and magical.
    Although giving the venom to a skink chief is an excellent choice as he can then re-roll his to hits with his already poisoned attacks.
    Also, putting a horned one in a unit of saurus warriors really takes away its best attribute, movement 8 is extremely rare outside elf armies and as such is a great boon to the lone scar-vet/skink chief.
  8. Gexmofia

    Gexmofia New Member

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    kinda off topic but

    What do you mean? like does he get to re reoll his misses because he has a weapon poisioned twice?
  9. JohnBoo
    Jungle Swarm

    JohnBoo New Member

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    Yup! Venom of the firefly frog lets you reroll if the weapon already had poison.
  10. Dyrian Ryans

    Dyrian Ryans New Member

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    Apologies for coming on as the curmudgeon, but the Skink Chief would only re-roll his ranged shots, not his close combat ones. Jungle poisons only applies to ranged weaponry, which is a swine. Firefrog poison still worth it though, as poisoned attacks are always useful. Just don't get too enthusiastic about the re-roll.
  11. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    This causes the entire unit to suffer from stupidity due to the sarus's armor. What's the advantage or risk of doing this?

    I've seen this in a few lists here and there. I'm struggling to understand why you would give this item to a character not already on a cold one (that suffers from stupidity anyways).
  12. Dyrian Ryans

    Dyrian Ryans New Member

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    I like the cold one hide, personally. The risk of stupidity is definitely a concern, but up against lots of fear causing enemies, the fear-causing aspect can really pay off in the unit's concurrent immunity to fear (possibly, I'm a little rusty on the subject). Also, once you actually get the swine into combat, the stupidity doesn't cause you a problem any more. I just have to figure out how to model the damn thing.

    Also, the Hide is for a foot model only.
  13. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Thanks for the clarification on the Foot model only. I had forgotten and wasn't near my rulebook.

    I don't see myself using it for fear purposes at all. Consider that you'll be taking 6 stupidity tests, throughout the game. Unless you're up against a specific opponent list I don't see you making more than 6 fear checks in a single game. I can see myself taking it for the armor and toughness that it provides, but it seems like you'll minimize leadership tests by not taking it. Given its a cold blooded 8 either way, but the less you take, the less you fail.
  14. Gexmofia

    Gexmofia New Member

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    so if i need a 4 to hit and its poisioned twice i get to re-roll my misses??
  15. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    That is correct.
  16. Gexmofia

    Gexmofia New Member

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    O i get it now! I still have the old lizzie book (birthday coming up). The rules got modified so that ontop of rolling 6's to auto wound, you get to re'roll.
  17. Jive Professor

    Jive Professor New Member

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    Alright guys, just posted my first Battle Report and thought I would show the list revision here as well:

    Slann w/ BSB, War Banner, Cupped Hands, Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, 2 Dispell Scrolls

    16 Temple Guard w/ Full command

    EotG Level 2 Priest w/ Scroll + Diadem

    20 Saurus w/ Spears, Musician, Standard
    20 Saurus w/ Spears, Musician, Standard

    10 Blowpipe Skinks
    10 Blowpipe Skinks
    10 Blowpipe Skinks

    3 Terradons

    Ancient Stegadon

    Loved how it worked!
  18. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    You can drop the dispel scrolls and make the saurus units of 18 (6x3). Frees up some points. Mabye a razordon or something.
  19. snowywlf
    Cold One

    snowywlf New Member

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    Actually Barotok, this seems to be something that people just skip past. Unless you are playing very poorly, you *wont* be taking 6 Stupidity tests. You only take a Stupidity test when you are not in combat. So unless you never get your Scar Vet into combat, you are usually looking at more like 3 tests per game. Now, when you get to a tournament and you are looking at several games, yes it is easy to take 6 Stupidity tests over the course of the tournament.

    Just thought I'd remind folks, because it is so easy to forget that Stupidity only happens when you arent in combat.
  20. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Lol, 'curmudgeon'. Good call sir. And yes, Skink Chiefs only get the re-roll jazz on their ranged weapons.

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