7th Ed. 2k Points, need suggestions

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Eternity_Warden, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    My army list is based around taking a bit of everything. I'm aiming for 2,000 points, but it's a bit too big at the moment. Please offer suggestions on how to tweak it down a bit!


    Slann: BSB, War Banner
    Disciplines: Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Harrowing Scrutiny
    Magic Items: Cupped Hands, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll
    515 points

    Chakax: 335 points

    Skink Priest: Lvl 2
    Magic Items: Feathered Cloak, Plaque of Tepok
    140 points

    Oxyotl: 160 points


    20 Saurus: Champion
    232 points

    15 Skinks: Brave, Standard
    91 points

    17 Skink Skirmishers: Brave
    125 points


    5 Chameleon Skinks: Stalker
    66 points

    10 Temple Guard: Full Command
    Magic Items: Sword of Battle, Sun-Standard of Chotec
    225 points

    1 Stegadon
    235 points


    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
    75 points

    Total: 2,204 points

    To those of you who will tell me I am suffering from all-eggs-in-one-basket syndrome, that is true.
    It is, however, a steel-plated basket.

    I am also considering switching the Revered Guardian's Sword of Battle for the Blood Statuette.
    LMK what you think!

    I am using Chakax because he is my favorite character and because my regular opponent always uses Night Goblin Fanatics.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ok...That indeed is a steel plated Basket. But there are only 10 TG!
    You really need to up the number on these boys, minimum 14 and 16 is just about perfect.
    So, some other things: why do you use 15 skink cohorts? with a standard..? These are very easy VP for your opponent. If you want this unit to kill the enemies support go for 11 skink / 1 krox +musician. Harder, better, faster, stronger....(just not faster).
    IMHO drop Oxyotl alltogether. The chameleon skinks do not fit my style, but I understand why some people take them.
    I'd also drop The Harrowing Scrutiny on your slann. It's most usefull when you have a Lone Wolf setup, which in this case: you haven't. That's some points saved right there
    17 skink skirmishers in 1 unit? That's a lot. drop them down to 10, and drop the other unit of skinks also to 10 and make them skirmishers. This gives you 12 units of skink skirmishers, which are great for doing all kinds of skinky stuff (read: ANNOY!)
    Magic Items on unit champions are usually not worthwhile, get rid of them. And drop the Sun Standard as well. If you want your TG protected, screen them with skinks!
    20 Saurus are solid, but they are even more solid with spears. When you use spears you can also use them in a 6x3 setup for maximum attacks. Try to give them a standard for some extra SCR.

    I don't have a calculator at hand, but this should drop some points and then we can move on finetuning the list :) See what fits your style, these coments are based on my personal plaing style. So don't take this for granted :)

    The Hunted
  3. pika82

    pika82 New Member

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    i agree with the hunted about the temple guard and the skink skirmishers part but what i don't undurstand is why your saurus warriors only have a champion? personally i prefer playing with full command with a scar-vet in it, but that is just my opinion. AND ALWAYS GIVE SAURUS SPEARS! unless you have a realy good reason to don't.
  4. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Revised list:


    Slann: BSB, War Banner
    Disciplines: Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination
    Magic Items: Cupped Hands, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll
    465 points

    Chakax: 335 points

    Skink Priest: Lvl 2
    Magic Items: Feathered Cloak, Plaque of Tepok
    140 points


    20 Saurus: Spears, Full Command

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points


    6 Chameleon Skinks
    72 points

    10 Temple Guard: Full Command
    195 points

    1 Stegadon
    235 points


    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
    75 points

    Total: 1,997 points

    I only have 10 TG, and no Krox (low on $$$), but I think this revision is pretty good.
  5. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    This revision is good, but my 1 thing which i don't do is give my army general the BSB, i think its just better to spread them out. If you do that, there's 50 points saved, which could be spent on another dicipline (if you're like me an need that added perk... or 3.)

    But all in all, good Army List. :)
  6. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    How do you figure this KFTW? Dropping the BSB off the Slann does save points on the Slann's cost. But your battle standard isn't going to carry itself. You're going to invest more points by spending them on another character to carry the standard than you'll save on the cost of the Slann.

    I can understand giving the BSB to another character as an excuse to run another character in the army. I can't understand how you save points by giving the battle standard to someone else, considering chakax can't take it. This means you add another hero.
  7. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Well.... i dunno, but i just don't think its that good of an idea to have them both on the one model.
  8. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Thanks everyone for the input! It's appreciated :)
  9. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I'm curious why you think that?

    Giving the battle standard to the Slann means that you probably won't be loosing the BSB in combat, unless the game is pretty much lost for you anyways (generally speaking here, there are exceptions to this). Another character that carries the battle standard will have the ability to move around the battlefield if needed, but runs the risk of running into a situation where he is killed or the standard is captured (both bad). I'll be the first to admit that there are times where having a seperate BSB is a good idea. Wether or not that is the correct tactic here is a point of discussion.

    Care to elaborate as to why you think that aside from:
  10. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    OK, well it isn't as important on LM because of cold blooded, but, i think it'd be better to have them apart so more of your army can get the bonus, say a slank that you think will come under heavy attack? I feel it is important to spread these effects, though, with Lizardmen, it isn't so important beause they tend to not need one, but something like Skaven would probably benefit alot from it (due to high amout of panic they need to take and their lowish LD.) but that's just what i think, though i tend not to invest on a BSB if i've got a Slann, becaus then i'd go magic heavy (NOT critisism for thread.)
  11. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    I'm probably going to make a belligerent ass of myself as, but i've got some tweaking in mind;
    Your army list is below, with tweaks written alongside.

    Slann: BSB, War Banner (If you get more TG, put the war banner on the TG standard bearer, not Slann).
    Disciplines: Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination
    Magic Items: Cupped Hands(keep), Power Stone(DROP), Dispel Scroll(DROP).
    465 points

    Chakax: 335 points(DROP) Special characaters not allowed at some (most*) tournaments. Get a skink priest on an engine of the gods.

    Skink Priest: Lvl 2 (DROP) With and eotg and a slann, you have enough magic and enough points spent on characters. Dropping this guy will free up points for more troops or a Scar-veteran on foot with the Charm of the Jaguar warrior and a great weapon. He provides legitimate hitting power.
    Magic Items: Feathered Cloak, Plaque of Tepok
    140 points


    20 Saurus: Spears, Full Command-->(Make units of 18, keep spears, rank them 6x3. Get another unit.)

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 points


    6 Chameleon Skinks (classy, good choice, but could make a unit of five to skim points)
    72 points

    10 Temple Guard: Full Command--> (Get more. 20 Minimum. They own face.)
    195 points

    1 Stegadon(DROP) Get the EoTg instead, and 2 stegadons cheesy. Frees up mad points.
    235 points


    1 Salamander Hunting Pack (consider getting a razordon instead or as well. (dropping steg gives rare slot)
    75 points

    I only have 10 TG (you can use saurus with spears as these guys if you mix them up until you buy more), and no Krox (don't need krox, they aren't actually that good, just ok) (low on $$$), but I think this revision is pretty good.d

    Apologies for taking your list, copy pasting it and munching it up. its just more efficient than writing a freaking magnum opus. Enjoy yourself whatever list you take. Own face for the Old Ones.
  12. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Dude, what is it with you and Tourneys? Seriously, if the lists are for them, we'll say they are, but if they're not, then you don't need to posts stuff about "in a tournamnet this, in a tournament that." I don't mean to bite your head off, its not a valid reason to take out Chakax.
    I don't think 2 Stegs are cheesy and normal stegs are also not rares, so getting rid of it will not free up a slot, but the Sallie will.

    To OP:
    Other then that(^), its actually a pretty good list, though if you have the points, i’d put the standard on that other Scar-Vet (IF you use one, or this list at all, and don't make him suicide vet.)

    Hope that helped, and hope i didn't sound like too much of an ass thesecondman.
  13. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    @thesecondman: I do not have an EotG, just the old Stegadon. Otherwise I would use an EotG by all means. (And I know some people convert EotGs on old Stegadons, but I'm not for that)
  14. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I can see it as legitimate reason myself. In my personal experience, our group has a house rule of no special characters, so it make perfect sense. If you'd like even further reason then the argument could be made that he really isn't worth the points you spend on him. I know that I wouldn't consider taking him unless I was playing a huge game (3k+) or I was designing an army around him. To the OP's credit, it looks like he is planning on using the list around Chakax, which is fine.

    As far as the tournament comment, I don't see why it is so offensive. Everyone plays the game for a different reason. Some play for tournaments and are well versed on tournament rules and regs. If they offer advise to a list it is no different from the advise from someone who plays strictly friendly games with a group of friends. They both see the list from a completely different viewpoints. There's nothing wrong with this. I also don't see thesecondman's suggestions as specifically taylored to build a tournament list although his opinions are based on his tournament experience. The OP doesn't specifically ask for tournament advise, but I only see one comment in regards to chakax being illegal in tourneys (and even then thesecondman said some/most tourneys).

    Also, I don't see where thesecondman says dropping the steg frees a slot. I see this.
    He is saying it frees up points, not slots. Of course, I could totally be misreading/misunderstanding your post and his perhaps.

    I'm also liking the list in its current incantation and would like to hear how it performs for you. Please let us know.
  15. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    You weren't misinterpreting, just not reading in the right place.

    I didn't say it was offensive, but im pretty sure in every first post in a list (that i've seen him/her post) it always has "don't do that, tounaments don't allow it." I still also, don't see why tournaments not accepting special characters is a valid reasn to take Chakax out (though i do agree that for his points, he isn't that outstanding... except gainst WoC maybe). If its a house rule, fine, but it doesn't seem like this list will be going in a tounament. As i said, i didn't mean to offend anyone, but ni just don't find what is and isn't allowed in tournaments as a valid reason to take something out of a non tournament list.

    I also agree, this is a good list.
  16. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    First of all, I was trying to help the OP make a list that is hard AND can be used in tournaments without him getting slammed, not JUST a tournament list. I only said drop the special character...

    Also, please make a new thread if you want to protest against the army list section being able to provide tournament-crafted lists. Why you would want to do this, no idea, but if it means that much to you.....

    ""I didn't say it was offensive, but im pretty sure in every first post in a list (that i've seen him/her post) it always has "don't do that, tounaments don't allow it.""

    Often I do (though not that much above), cos i'm tired of playing my badly balanced and min-maxed and frankly retarded armies against my best mates (who have similarly retarded lists) in some crappy ass garage on my ping-pong table. I enjoy making a list that is sportsmanlike and hard (badass) but not cheesy, and playing against strangers and people who are the best in the country (i'm lucky cos my country is small ;p).

    I also like playing a battle where both of us have lists created under some sort of structured and regulated set of army creation guidelines. Makes games more fun, armies less stupid and min-maxed, and often (not always, of course) balances your army against your opponents, at least a little. (Warhammer is still way imbalanced, but it helps). Kinda levels the playing field, you know?

    Does that honestly sound that bad?

    **Please note**. In my anti-special-character speel, I made points on why they are dumb that was not based on tournament guidelines. They are properly imbalanced 95% of the time. Either too good, too crap or they change your army composition in a overly beneficial or easily exploited way. I'm not sure what thread thats on. But you probably read it.

    ++Additional++ thesecondman wrote:
    1 Stegadon(DROP) Get the EoTg instead, and 2 stegadons cheesy. Frees up mad points.
    --Frees up mad points, as in, it frees up a lot of points.
  17. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Ok, not sure how to say this, without sounding like some kind of sarcastic/bitter ass but i just had to get that off my chest, and i'd rather not bitch when it doesn't make a difference, i have nothing against you thesecondman, in fact i often find your posts very helpful, its just thtat you go on about tournaments (which i havn't taken part in, nor do i really plan to... i just don't paint enough. Im also not into overly competetive gaming.)

    I do agree with alot of what you said up there about making strong lists for a good game. Again im sorry, i just had to get that off my chest, and im sorry if i hurt you or anything... but that won't happen again.

    About the stegadon thing, "1 Salamander Hunting Pack (consider getting a razordon instead or as well. (dropping steg gives rare slot)
    75 points" To me that looks like you're saying taking out the stegadon will free up an extra rare slot. Maybe im misreading?

    I don't harbour any bad thoughts about you, nor do i dislike you as a person, and i hope there wil be no hard feelings *extends hand for apolagetic handshake*
  18. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Sall good.
    Nah im talking about the points it frees up, not slots specifically.
    Isn't a normal stegadon special?
    Haven't got book on me..
  19. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Normal Steg = special choice
    Ancient Steg = Rare choice

    You are correct.
  20. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Ah good, i actually think we're rather alike. (in some ways)

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