9th Age 2500 CC oriented

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scorbol, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Scorbol

    Scorbol New Member

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    Hi all, I've posted this list on the 9th forum but I didn't get that much responses.

    I really would like your advices as lizard generals to improve it. I'm planning big tournaments soon so I hope you guys can help me.

    So I would like your opinion on this list. Keep in mind that I never was a fan of playing a lot of skinks even if their reputation is better than the saurus, I've always find skinks really week in CC. They got hit on 3 and wound on 2+ a lot of times so you loose combats by too much. But maybe I just don't know how to play them..

    Anyway :

    Cuatl lord : BSB, discipline, master of the wind, dispell scroll (465)

    Saurian Warlord :Carnosaur, Lance, Armour of Desiny, Dusk stone, Divine Icon, (380)

    30 Saurian Warriors : EMC, Serpent Warriors, Gleaming icon (5)

    12 skink braves :skirmish, javelins (85)

    12 skink braves :skirmish, javelins (85)

    2 Swarms :Scout (65)

    3 Sky Riders : pteranodons (100)

    1 Tyroscutus : altar of snake god (130)

    20 Temple guard : EMC , totem of mixcoatl (345)

    Salamander : 75

    Salamander : 75

    Taurausor:Sharp horns, Ancient, ENgine (295)

    Total 2495 pts.

    So the idea is to get a very strong center supported by the taurosor and the tank to give the 2 main packs a 5+ ward and poison.
    The two skirmish units will of course be less useful as it used to be but hopefully they will do the job, either redirect, run for warmachines or chase light cav.
    The swarm, well redirect, block annoying things and with luck give better poison to a pack.
    On their flanks, the salamanders, because I think they are very good and underrated.
    The sky riders, probably waiting to get what the skirmishers won't be able to get or go straight to warmachines.
    Finally, I'm quite happy about the combinaison on the warlord on baby carno. I think he can fight pretty much any other general with his 2+ reroll 4+ ward and divine attacks.

    I usually play a low cost frog but I think I will rely on a strong magic phase to support my CC, reason for master of the winds on him. The question is what lore to play with this list.

    I'm used to play this kind of CC oriented list that were performing quite well with the lore of light. I think it gives what SA lacks.

    Cheers !
  2. Meleemadness

    Meleemadness New Member

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    hmm, strange naming convention. It made me think is this AoS, then I realized it is 9th edition which I know nothing about. I am playing (or getting into) 8th edition now. I need to look for this 9th edition....I hear it boosts COC and Krox's which I love (the models at least).

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hiya! First of all, Skinks are absolutely terrible in close combat, you should never put them in a fight and expect them to win. The Skrox is the only exception to this, but even then i really do not like those units. The fact that Skinks have poisoned attacks in CC now is pure bait, just like the fact you can now have a Skink Priest giving your Skinks Hatred. Skinks are quite frankly really bad in 0.99, they have lost poisonous shooting and skirmish, which used to be the core of the LM strategy. How you used to use Skinks is creeping up on your enemy, sacrificing units for redirects, killing warmachines and monsters, and generally killing things with high T and a bad save. This is impossible now, the competitive way to play LM now in 0.99 in my opinion is filling your core with Sauri and adding monsters, salamanders and other things for flavour and killiness.

    I would also like you to know that the Dusk Stone does not work on the Carnosaur. If you are on a ridden monster, you use the save of your mount. The Dusk Stone makes you reroll the saves of the wearer, thus of the Warlord, and as he does not use his own save but the 3+ from the Carnosaur, the Dusk Stone does absolutely nothing. You want items that effect the entire model, such as the Starfall Shard. Because there simply is not a lot of good protective gear for the Carnosaur, just make them focussed on killing shit harder, and only having something like the Starfall Shard to protect you against Cannons.

    I also like making my units a lot bigger then 20, especially TG, because everything and their mother will be shooting at the unit with your Slann in. I know they are expensive and a lot worse then they were now, but you simply cannot field them in a competitive environment in sizes under 25. For the rest i really like the lore of the Wilderness, Wyssans is always good, and it seems to be generally better then Light, but i must say i have not had a lot of practise with all the lores yet.
  5. Scorbol

    Scorbol New Member

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    HI, thanks for the reply, I actually tuned my list a bit after some test games, now it seems to run quite well even if I haven't tried it agains all armies..

    Here it goes :

    Cuatl lord : BSB, master of the wind, Tome of Arcane Power (455)

    Saurian Warlord :Carnosaur, Lance, Armour of Desiny, Dusk stone, Divine Icon, shield (385)

    24 Saurian Warriors : EMC, Serpent Warriors, war standard (327)

    10 skink braves :skirmish, javelins (75)

    10 skink braves :skirmish, javelins (75)

    14 skink braves : MS, caiman (150)

    3 Sky Riders : pteranodons (100)

    1 Tyroscutus : altar of snake god (130)

    24 Temple guard : EMC (370)

    Salamander : 75

    Salamander : 75

    Taurausor:, Ancient, Engine (280)

    Total 2497 pts.

    This list is actually pretty good IMO. The warlord is not on alpha carnosaur, so dusk stone works on him. This build is actually quite strong...

    I still use the lore of light because otherwise, tg and saurus are useless. You NEED to pass Blinding speed and/or Time warp. If you do, it's game breaker..
  6. DonCheadle

    DonCheadle New Member

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    Hey, we've got a pretty similar list running, Lore of Light and all.
    I might even consider bringing yours to the tournament, although I do prefer Monster Mash to a singled out Steg. Also I don't have Terradons.
    I'll link it here since it hasn't gotten any replies yet and I'd really dig some responses on what to improve upon.


    Thing is, I'm not even sure if your list is legal, I think Lord Choices are still limited to 25%, not a big problem since you could easily bring the Carnorider in your heroes choices as well.

    airjamy, Great advice, but I think you're behind the times on editions. In this one the Carnosaur (but not the Alpha Carno, mind you) is Monstrous Cavalry, so the armour saves and profiles combine. This makes the Dawnstone a pretty handy choice. Also smaller blocks of TG are incentivised points wise, since'you're paying more per trooper after the 10th.

    I think he might be right on the Lores though. Wilderness synergizes better with Saurus Infantry (Beast Within, Frenzy) and since unlike me you've got stuff to handle War Machines in your list the Shield of Protection becomes less of a must have. Light also works better with Monsters since the Timewarp affects Skinks, although it works very well with Saurus too. - I just misclicked and thought I lost my text so far. Great coding let me keep my stuff.

    Back to the list. Serpent Warriors is an interesting choice, and it synergizes nicely with the Snake God Alter too. One of the few things I'm not all that convinced by is the Engine of the Gods. I'd probably drop the Sharp Horns, pick up a Skink Priest and drop the Carno-rider to Hero Status, forfeiting the Stone and the Icon (though by doing this the list becomes pretty similar to mine). The Engine is tight when your plan is to keep units together, but apart from the Snake God Altar there isn't that much reason to do that.

    FRYtheEGGofQUANGO Member

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    I've only recently started playing 9th Age, but from what I can tell, his list is legal:
    For a 2500pts army, that's 875pts you are allowed for lords (he has spent 845pts 1st list and 840pts 2nd list). But yeah, scar veteren carnosaur riders seem to have been buffed majorly, AND cannons are way weaker than before.
    From the few games I've played in this edition, I think snake swarms (2 bases for 55pts) are slightly better than our core skink choices (50pts for 10 vanilla skinks in a block, or 75pts++ for skirmishers) for these combat lists. They are unpanicable, unbreakable, skirmishing 10 wounds. I don't rate skink javelins anymore, since they lost their poison AND your skinks lose their shields if you want javelins... Shortbows don't seem particularly effective either, so idk about skink equipment.
    As for magic items...
    Your warlord could instead take the blessed sword (20pts, of which i am a big fan), instead of the divine icon+lance (35pts total) to save some cash. Or even just take the flaming lance (10pts). This is more matchup dependent though, i guess.
  8. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    I agree with everything FRYtheEGGofQUANGO said, especially about picking up the blessed sword.

    Braves with regular javelins, that is a waste of points imo. Get chameleons for cheaper (5 for 65pts). You can redirect with them if you want, scare your opponent into spreading out their deployment, or deny vanguards.

    I dont like the pteranodons, the Ramphodons are only 30 more points (you will have that from switching out skink braves for chameleons). I don't see what it is you can threaten with pteranodons and a few measly rocks. Ramphodons can eat enemy cavalry pretty well, but try not to bog them down on a big R&F meal, they are too brittle for that sort of matchup.

    Also, if your intent of the Taurasaur engine is to protect your units as you travel across the field via the 5+ ward, be quite aware that your deployment is going to be very tight, meaning you may get surrounded easily. Spearbacks, chameleons and ramphodons work well against some of the tougher things that you will inevitably be flanked by.

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