Mousekillers Works in Progress

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by mousekiller, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    So, I suppose that I can just pretend like I have not been gone for almost a year... Will anyone notice if I just pick up where I left off?

    Sorry guys! I have been busy this year though. I got married, am having my first baby, and switched to a new job. That is no excuse, I know! I have still painted a little... not nearly as much as I should have.

    Also, I am really upset with Games Workshop... I don't really care what they do with the game style but if you recall, I base all of my paintings on the story and world that they had created! Now they have completely destroyed that world. So, if it is perfectly fine with you all, I will stay in the world that was!

    That being said, I do like that they divide the armies into force types now (sort of like the old alignment system), so when I do my WIP updates I will do them in the following five categories:

    Neutral - Lizards, Dwarfs, Wood Elves
    Order - Empire, Bretonnia, High Elves
    Chaos - Beasts, Demons, Warriors of Chaos
    Death - Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Dark Elves
    Destruction - Orcs and Goblins, Ogres, Skaven

    I don't think that I forgot anyone, but if I did than I will add them into the appropriate category.

    Links to Works in Progress:

    Works in Progress: Neutral Armies
    Works in Progress

    Links to other Mousekiller Armies:

    Dwarven Throng


    Mortals of Chaos
    Daemons of Chaos
    Beasts of Chaos

    Vampire Counts

    Orcs and Goblins
    Ogre Kingdoms
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Loving those pig riders!
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Definitely like the tree man, and the pig riders are hilarious! Great painting all around.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Welcome Back Mouse killer. :D
    Also those pig riders are awesome. :)
  5. Hyperborean

    Hyperborean Well-Known Member

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    Hello from new to old!

    I second everyone else, loving those pig riders! Great work all around!
  6. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    This week brings us to:

    Order - Empire, Bretonnia, High Elves

    And up next:

    Chaos - Beasts, Demons, Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs
    Death - Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Dark Elves
    Destruction - Orcs and Goblins, Ogres, Skaven
    Neutral - Lizards, Dwarfs, Wood Elves

    So, this week I pulled out the old WIPs from the Order armies and started working. First up, we have Prince Imrik and his faithful dragon. This will be the first dragon I have ever painted. So far, he is pretty much covered in basecoat to define the color direction I want to go in, with the exception that I worked the red up just a little bit. Does anyone know a company that still sells larger square bases? I would like to put him on a 60mm by 100mm. I will have to sink the base he is on now into the new base scenery somehow, because he is solidly connected! I tried prying him off and the feet broke in three places.


    Next up, I am still not quite happy with my High Elf test model. Would red be a better color than blue for the sash? Also, I changed the tint of the white from a gray to a more blue undertone. Need to bring the greens out some. Other thoughts? I want to have this test model done before the next order update.


    On to the Empire! The forces of Sigmar are getting lots of reinforcements. First, the Warrior Priest I have been working on for a while. I added a twin tailed comet to his shirt, need to work that up. Thinking of adding a black one to the underside of the cape as well. Have to add some script to the open pages of the book, then everything needs more highlights! This is a Reaper Warlord model, anyone remember the name of it?


    Wizards! I have two from about two years ago that never got finished. They are not far off, except a few things I want to change now. On the Heaven wizard, he just needs some shading and highlighting all around. I am pretty happy with the colors unless you have suggestions. The fire wizard though... I think that his pants and shirt need to be darker, like black and the outer robes need to be a darker red color. Right now he is just too bright! The flames will be bright, his clothes shouldn't be glowing. Thoughts?


    The Mortar. This is really close to done. Worked up the metal bits, but I just need to finish the little details on the crew and highlight the red a little more, then do something fancy to the base. I should have this wrapped up before the next Order update. Suggestions?


    The Knights Panther. Worked on knight 4. Did the hatch work of the blue and highlighted the armour a bit. Need to finish the cape, base, and some small details and we will have four of these guys done. Oh, and fish out a shield for him. Then only 5 more to go, should have them all done in no less than 5 or 6 years.


    Flagellants. These are new old editions to the paint table. I had painted two as test models a long time ago (like 10 years or so), back when I still used gloss coat to protect them! Anyway, they are getting a redo. Worked up the robes, still needs a wash and some highlighting on them. The plan with the robes is to paint them all with the same brown tones, but vary the wash color between browns and reds to give them a uniform yet varied look. All the rest is just base coat so far. Thoughts?


    And finally, the forces of the Lady. These knights... I feel like the knights themselves should come across as bright (which is not the way I normally paint), so that is what I am going for with the colors. I need to do something completely different with the shield emblems... maybe use horizontal stripes?


    Well, time to pull out the forces of Chaos for next weeks update, see you then.


    Crowsfoot: I have been wanting to paint them for some time now. Got some goat riders and other things in the box of unpainted too!

    Bowser: Thanks so much!

    n810: Good to see you are still around my friend!

    Hyperborean: Thanks so much!
    Toltecatl, Warden, Bowser and 4 others like this.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Great stuff all around. :D
  8. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    Across the horizon the combine armies of the Empire stared, into the face of absolute evil. The forces of Chaos were on the march once more, a massed horde of corruption the likes of which had never been seen. Chaos reigns again...

    And so, this week brings us to the forces of Chaos. Also, take a look at the pics, I changed the background to a blue from the grey I was using, trying to get clearer pictures. What do you guys think?

    So, I finally finished the third rank of Marauders. These took way too long, hopefully the final rank doesn't take nearly as long! Any comments on them? Once I find where I stashed the last five I will get them primed and ready to go.


    Ogres of Chaos! This guy is getting close to being done. I rusted him up a little, but the areas that still need to be done is: the second ogre head neck... completely missed it when I painted the skin. Leather bits need to be done. Bone bits need to be worked up. That should just about do it besides a final highlight on the metal bits, and some scarring on the mace.


    Demons! This guy is coming along nicely I think. I want to be able to do more to bring out his face though, any suggestions? It should still come off as red but something to help distinguish it?


    Beasts of Chaos! Worked up two more beasts, and they are not far from done. I need to separate the skull staff from the horns and hair a little... maybe a blood rune or something. I think the reaper beasts will fit right in with the unit as well! Thoughts?


    Started this guy from scratch this week, trying to work out exactly what type of skin color I want. I did the belly and soft spots in normal skin tones, and the back and rougher spots in browns, but I think I want a more reddish skin tone in the middle, and a darker skin tone on the back? The metal bits are just a base coat.


    Chaos Dwarfs! I love where Mantic is going with there models, but the models themselves still have a lot to be desired compared to the detail that you get with newer models today. That being said, painting them reminds me of painting older Reaper and GW models, so its a bit nostalgic. The detail in the armour is just hard to make out. Right now I am just trying to flesh out a color scheme for this guy... I am thinking golds, silvers, red outlines, and a darker color for the boar body? What do you guys think?


    Next week will bring us to the forces of Death!

    n810: Thanks my friend!
    Bowser, Warden, n810 and 3 others like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Very nice work!! :)
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Verry kool man. :cool:
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    You have amazing painting skills! I haven't seen some of these models in ages!

    Big fan of the classic flagellants, beastmen, and especially the double-headed ogre!
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Those chaos dwarf centaurs have always looked great! Brilliant paint job to show the model off! Your beastmen look so fantastic! These all look amazing so far!
  13. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    In the heat of the desert, a warm wind blows across the sands. A place that reeks of ancient empire, and carries the silence of death with it...

    This week brings us to the armies of death, the Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, and Dark Elves. I had considered the Dark Elves for the armies of Chaos, but I think that their sacrificial activities aligns them closer to death and bathing in the blood of the defeated.

    This is Reaper Miniatures Warlord Model 14236 Neb'nesew Nefsokar Warlord. An absolutely beautiful model that will represent the start of the Tomb King army well. Sculpted by Tim Prow. He still has quite a ways to go until completion, but I like the colors so far. No significant questions right now, but any comments or suggestions are always useful!



    This miniature is from Reaper Miniatures Dark Heaven Legends model 02911: Colossal Skeleton sculpted by Jason Wiebe. I considered pushing through and just finishing him, but on my second thought I wanted to get some advice first. The glow effect to me is not completely convincing... from the eyes, mouth, and undercarriage of the ribs. How can I make this look better? Any tips would be helpful. For the desert base, I am going to highlight up to a nice sand color, but I am thinking red toned rocks? I also have to paint the ropes that are wrapped around the upper arm. What else do you think can be done to help bring this mini to another level?



    These are models from the 6th edition Games Workshop Tomb Kings. Not sure who sculpted them, if anyone knows please let me know. So far they just have a basecoat on the bones and the blue bits done up. Not sure on the shields... obviously I haven't weathered them yet, but I am thinking of making them red instead?



    This is Reaper Dark Heavens 02449 Callus Darklore, Necromancer. What do you think of the colors? Are they working together? Do the runes on the front of the robe pop enough? I need to add some script to the scroll. What else would you do to make him pop more?



    These are 8th edition (I think) or maybe 7th Games Workshop Skeleton Warriors. If anyone can confirm this, and who sculpted them? I threw the box away a while ago. The first three are pretty close to done, need to bring the red out a little more and another highlight on the bone, some more rust work. The last two just have some base coloring on the bones.



    This is the Games Workshop Dark Elf Sorceress, fairly certain she is 5th edition, maybe 6th. Again, if anyone knows the sculptor or can verify the edition? Still working out the colors on her, I think I like the gold trim, and the purple, and the red... but I think I need to give up one of the colors to incorporate Green into the model. I plan to have some of that really nice looking green marble that I have seen done in other armies. I could always do the skull in green, but I would need to accentuate the green in other parts of the model to make it work. Maybe replace the red armor bits with green? Is that too many colors? Also, I need to work up some make up on her face, if anyone has good experiences with this?


    I also primed some DE Crossbows as well, but didn't think some them worth the picture without any paint on them at all. Next update I will start working them up.

    Till next week! Destruction will reign with Orcs and Goblins, Ogres, and Skaven!!!

    Nightbringer: Thanks!
    n810: Thanks!
    Warden: Something nice about painting them, and the fact that they are pewter!
    Bowser: Thanks, I just have to be careful in picking out the detail on that guy. Mantic is doing a great job on miniatures, but they still have quite a ways to go to perfect the casting process.
    n810 and Bowser like this.
  14. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Those mins look great!
    One thing about the glowing effect you asked.First of all it is the last painting step you´ll ever do. Very few painting techniques will go after source highlighting. It´s exactly the opposite to normal painting. When you paint you always put the dark color inside, and work your way out with brighter color, because that´s how light would strike it; this means dark basecoat,(sometimes a wash to make the color even darker), and then some highlights or drybrush with lighter colors to bring out the details. With glowing effects it´s exactly that opposite: the light comes from inside, and so the brightest places (the ones that will receive most of the light = the closest ones to the source of light) will be the ones "inside" the model. To represent this you should start with a very bright color as basecoat, this will most usually be white to represent the brightness. you obviously don´t wash it because you want the basecoat to be as light as possible, and then work out your way with darker colors to highlight. This means (for your red glow) you´d need: white --> light pink --> pink --> red --> red:medium dark brown --> medium dark brown.
    But this would look wrong. Why? because the brown is very far away form the light source and the color is very saturated and so not realistic. So what we do is water it down (sometimes better with lahmian medium) and only apply one single coat to let the color under it show. So the new steps are (paint:water ratio):

    white (1:0) --> light pink (5:1) --> pink (3:1) --> red (1:1) --> red:medium dark brown (1:2) --> medium dark brown (1:4)

    The ratios are approximate. Basically you star with the pure color and finish with colored water. It also helps to mix the colors to make more steps to make softer gradients. Also it is your choice with which color you finish (you could go to some even darker brown, although I do not recommend finishing too dark), and with which you go. What I mean, for example with red, from white to red you could go pink or yellow and then orange (for a more ghostly shine, I should have given you this example ;)) and from red to end (you could end with red) you could go brown or purple. It all comes down to the effect you want to achieve.

    I know this is kind of confusing and that my big usage of brackets makes it even harder to understand, but it all comes down to practice.
    Hope it helps,

    EDIT: more things: the necromancer looks good. I f you want his runes to pop more you could always darken the cloth around him to make them look brighter. As to make the necromancer pop out more, maybe paint glowing eyes? i have no idea. It looks great so far
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    Bowser likes this.
  15. mousekiller

    mousekiller Well-Known Member

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    Across the fractured mountains they came, and from the darkest caverns and deepest tunnels! It was carnage and death to step in the path of the hordes of destruction...

    So, this week brings us to the Forces of Destruction: Orcs and Goblins, Ogres, and Skaven.

    First up, Orcs and Goblins:

    I started this guy quite some time ago, and have never really been happy with how he is turning out. I didn't do a lot to him this week, but I went back through and started to re-evaluate the skin, adding some more tones and highlights to it. In addition, I blackened out some tattoos that I think will be appropriate. Probably need one more on his upper back as well. Please be very critical with him... areas I am particularly not happy with are the face, the scales on his arm, and a few other spots.

    Manufacturer: Games Workshop 7th edition
    Sculptor: Brian Nelson


    Now that I am introducing Orcs to the predominantly goblin army, they will need a suitable leader. Thus I bring you, Borgut Facebeater. Who better than Grimgors Ironhides second in command for this?
    Thus far, have really just base coated him, but you should be able to see the direction I am planning to go with him! Never too early for suggestions.

    Manufacturer: Games Workshop 6th Edition
    Sculptor: Colin Grayson


    These guys are pretty run of the mill orcs, each carrying two separate hand weapons. I am going to have to lop of the hands and arms and replace a lot of the weapons to get rid of how uniform they are going to look if I don't (I have about 30 of them). But, with a little converting I think we should get some proper disorganization. Anyway, you can see by these three I am still trying to work out how I want them to look. The highlights all need to come up some, but the one with the checkers is the closest to finished and the one I am leaning towards using as a guide for the rest. Big question is do I change the colors of the tops/pants as you can see with these three? Are the checkers working? I added some to his back also, just feel like they are too clean for an Orc.

    Manufactured: Games Workshop 6th edition
    Sculptor: Unknown. If anyone knows let me know, thanks. These were the ones that came in one of the WH kickstarter sets (maybe the one for 6th edition).


    This one is nearly complete, just a bit of highlighting and small details to go to call him done. Last minute critiques? Be very critical please. Also, I don't remember who manufactured or sculpted him, so any help with that would be great.

    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Sculptor: Unknown


    I have to say, I am very happy with this one. Mostly because it is the first miniature, in a long time, that I have completely started and finished in less than a week. And he was a lot of fun to paint! Anyway, we have 9 more to go (2o, but I plan to convert the other 10 into night goblin spider riders). If you have any critiques please let me know! Also, if there is interest in me doing a tutorial on painting him start to finish I would be happy to do that, just let me know if there is interest.

    Manufacturer: Games workshop 7th edition
    Sculptor: Brian Nelson and Dave Thomas



    I love this model, but there is just soooooo much going on with it. First, after the last three moves since I started painting him, the base that I created started to crumble. It was made with standard air dry clay... so, I went in with some elmers glue and to help keep it together. Hopefully this works. Anyway, painting wise, I am still not happy with my "blood and gore" effect. I feel like I am missing a critical color that would really set it off, just can't put my finger on it.

    Manufacturer: Forge World
    Sculptor: Unknown.


    Ok, I think I finally figured out how I want to do these guys. Please be very critical with comments since I am calling him done but still have the rest of the unit to paint!



    Ok, these are the first two of about 8 of these. Still working the weathering and basing, and lots of little details. Really want to get them finished so I can work on something with a bit more character... not that these don't have character, but they are the same sculpt over and over again. Bring on the critiques!

    Manufacturer: Games Workshop 6th edition
    Sculptor: Alex Hedstrom


    So, this ends this week. Overall I think it was pretty productive. Next week we will be back to the Neutral armies!

    Jorgik: Thank you for the great breakdown, and not confusing at all. I think where I messed up was painting from outside in with dark first going to light. I will try it the opposite way!
    n810 and Bowser like this.
  16. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    OK, here my feedback ;):
    • About the giant, I don´t really see anything wrong with it. If you want the scales on his arm to show more I think that maybe a light yellow wash/glaze would kick it to a more vivid green. Some closeups of the areas you don´t like would help to see it better :)
    • About the orc guys, I think the checkers look good. I think if you keep them like you already did (only visible at the base, and the rest has been erased or not painted on) it looks orky enough. Also, you can change the uniformity of the weapons by painting, it took me a while to realize that the orcs on both sides had the same arms ;).
    • The spider rider looks specially good! I love the orange spider. No criticism on this one :)
    • The skaven leader looks awesome! I love the base. About the spot color you said, have no idea. Maybe add some strong orange (or verdigris) rust to the armor? I thought about blood, but I´m not too convinced about it. I think simple rust will look good enough. Also the shaven warriors look great! I don´t know if it´s the picture but they seem to have fur painted on and the shields also look great ;).
    • I love the ogres, and I think that the bases look detailed enough :D. The painting is also great!
    And what is unbelievable is that you did this in only one week!
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    hey! yep @mousekiller i think the tutorial may be pretty interesting if you have time.

    (Also, this is pretty late, but congratulations on being a dad. It's awesome. I hope your baby's all well and you're still getting some sleep :) )
    mousekiller and Bowser like this.

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