I saw a LM player do this once. He had a couple of flesh hounds of khorne painted up to the color scheme of his army, and they looked like salamanders! Batter than the ones we have, anyway... I was thinking of doing this, as well as covering their marks of khorne with shields, because the recent salamanders are too GOSH DARN EXPENSIVE!!!! What do you think?
I used those flesh hounds as not sally's but I converted a Slann plaque being pulled around by 2 of them. They sat right on top of them. It looks pretty dog gone cool. I will post some pics of it soon. Right noiw I am in the middle of a move.
Noice! But, like I said, I can't take credit, as it wasn't my idea... Also, I'm trying to convert some steggy skinks into camo ones
I am doing it as well it looks really cool if you base them and paint them right its just i have to use normal skinks and change them into handlers and lets just say my skinks are not that great in number
Mine are in number, I have 72 and rarely use all of em. Also, I made 3, and will probably name them Irony, Hatred(or spite or something), and Avarice.
Also, I like your avatar, did you get it off of http://www.rengels.de/warhammer/lists/lizardmen/index.html ?
With an extended fin I agree thhis could be a good idea... think I'll give it a go... mayhap.... if it saves money. I have 39 old skinks and 24 new ones with 5 more steg crews etc. I think I could put some unpainted old ones to use, 'cos at the moment they have plans as being mercenary skinks (different colours) and converted scratchbuilt terradon riders, but there're still too many given that I can't make them spear users. Rant over.
I am waiting to see pics before I comment, I didn't think flesh hounds looked like salamanders but maybe there are new ones I haven't seen.
Okay, They are mostly done, I'm doing up 3, cause that's probably the most sallies I'll ever use in one game. I'll try to gat pics up soon. Also, I'm fidling with color schemes(they probably won't be the same colors), so it could take a while. As well, don't expect too much, as I'm not the best painter/modeler in the world.
to reply to ancient one believe it or not i stole it from a site simler to this when i was trying to choose an army also u dont need to by 5 you can get blisters of 2 i already had one sallie so i just got 1 blister
my friend zozeph told me today and i couldnt get over how cool that idea is im thinkin of gettin some and using them as razordons
I was gonna get some warhounds, cause flesh hounds don't have that many spines, but in the end the warhounds looked to hairy... maybe I'll proxie my proxied salamanders as razordons