skink chief bsb

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by camo-skink, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i just thought of a great way to make a skink chief bsb while i was assembling my engine of the god, but by that point i hadused some of the important pieces that i needed.

    first you will need:
    - the large semi-circle plate for the front of the stegadon
    - the 2 arch things that make the circle for the engine
    - the 4 horns that go on the arch things
    - the small skink banner that is a semi-circle and has a wavy tongue
    - the arm that holds the skink banner
    - a skink chief with included head and tail

    here is how to make it:
    - take the small skink banner and clip off the skulls and feathers dangling from the side
    - fit the now clipped banner into the back of the stegadon armor plate, it should fit tightly, but glue it on just in case
    - now take the two arch things and glue them on to the remaining part of the ledge on the back of the stegadon armor plate (note: the arches shouldn't touch)
    - attach the horns to the arches
    - glue the banner to the skink banner arm, then proceed to gluing the arm to the skink chief
    - put the model on the base, and hopefully you will have a skink battle standard bearer

    remember, i wasn't able to make this model due to my poor timing of inspiration so it might not come out as expected, but any soul brave enough to take on this endeavor please post photos of the finished product.

    thanks and cheers!

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    If I am reading it right, you are using the ring from the engine of the gods as part of the banner? Isn't that going to make it incredibly top-heavy and disproportioned on the poor skink trying to hold it up?
  3. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Additionally, a skink bsb is really terrible in game terms, because he's so damn easy to kill and is worth mucho victory points.
  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    It's a good idea, and it would look really awesome I think. I might have to steal that idea once I'm financially stable enough to afford another Stegadon. :)
    Strewart and thesecondman both have good points. However, I've thought of a way to defeat them both with one simple answer. I'd be using a Saurus BSB, so I'd use one of the 6th ed. TG models. I've always liked the look of them, anyways. If you really want a Skink BSB, you could also try to find a metal Skink. This one would be the most accessible one:

    Just clip off the scythe and glue your Banner to where it used to be.
    If you're lucky enough to have some of the metal Skinks from the old Stegadon, they might work as well:
  5. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    your right, it does have some major down falls, but i thought it would be fun just throwing it out there. your right though about the metal skink chiefs being much more stable.

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