GW prices

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by strewart, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Have you guys been following the prices of the new plastic empire models? There is another price rise scheduled in June across all of GW, but the plastic empire greatswords, archers and a couple of characters are up on advance order apparently reflecting the new price already.

    In Australia, 10 plastic greatswords hit the shelves at a whopping $69!! This up from grave guard, temple guard etc which are currently at $40 for 10. The level of percentage rise is about the same all around the world, which makes 10 plastic great swords just as expensive as the old metal ones, more expensive than 20 man (16 saurus) regiment boxes, and even more expensive than our stegadon, which is only 65 here!

    A lone mounted empire special character, basically a guy on a horse, is somehow $50, same as a full regiment again. Now I don't collect empire, but I am worried that this price rise from $40 to $69 will be seen across the range of all 10 man plastic special/rare boxes, and it is an absurd price, there is no reason GS (which have less plastic than blorcs and our TG) should be that much more expensive. These kind of prices across the range would, sadly, price me out of the hobby completely. What do you think?
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    GW's Prices have always been a tad much IMO thats the reason I first went with other companies for minis. Raising their prices is just going to make 1 of 2 things happen, either they will lose players or make a ton off people willing to play any price. Though I am willing to bet the first will happen, especially during the recession scare. Most companies have lower their prices so that more people can buy their things, such as Reaper. Although I must admit I was suprised to see the price of the stegadon, he's pretty cheap especially for what you get.
  3. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    As a kid with practically no income prices are hard enough to get as it is......better finish my army and fast! :jawdrop:
  4. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    I can't help but wonder if its all part of some larger plan. I certainly don't think that their all greedy, thats just a silly concept I think. Maybe if they think they raise prices, see out the whole recession thing, and then lower them once other companies start raising their own prices again.

    I doubt thats the case though.

    I certainly think people will leave the hobby, but people say that every time theres a price hike, and only a handful of the people that do say it ever actually do it for good.
    However, I don't think enough will leave GW as a hobby to cause it massive damage.

    I also think, that even if it ever came to GW being in so much trouble that it was going down. It would lower its prices to the lowest it could. The amount of gamers who would flood back, I reckon, would be silly, but more than likely, enough to save it.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    If it raised prices of all special/rare boxes to the same as goldswords..... I mean, greatswords then it would push me out of the hobby. I don't care if there is nothing in that bracket I need for my army, I will stop buying out of principle, and I haven't said that before. A hell of a lot of others on Warseer are saying they will boycott the gold.... greatswords.

    Really the stegadon was great value in plastic for $65, how the hell is the stank $96???? Just short of the old metal price. If they wanted to stop every empire player having 2 of them they should have made them cost more POINTS not more money. Same with stegadons. People have threatened leaving for a long time, but I think this is it now, the rise from $40 to $69 is just so much percentage wise that it cannot be ignored.

    I actually think it is a test to se what people will accept. If people still bought the swords, GW would raise all boxes to that price with no trouble. If there was big resistance and decreased sales like there is, they have to think a bit more realistically. 20 model regiments are $50 now, there is NO WAY IN HELL I will justify the 10 man boxes going to $69, that is a massive increase from the 20 man boxes, let alone the 10 man boxes. GW needs to put prices closer to their profit margins rather than as high as possible, more sales means more profits. Their profit margins at the moment are huge, they make a lot per box sold, but at this price they won't sell much. If they go the other way, and make prices a bit closer to the profit margin, they wil have a LOT more sales and thus will increase profits. Their economists are clearly stupid at the moment and should be sacked. They do not respect the customer at all. I mean, what the hell is with the announcement 'We are raising prices in June. Suck it up!', it is not good customer relations at all and does nothing to help their cause.
  6. ACe

    ACe New Member

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    Yeah well wanna play vampire counts with real blood knights? 5 of these fellas cost £48.95...that's just GAY. Then again chaos knights cost £11.75...makes u kinda wanna collect WoC eh? GW prices are totally lame these days.
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yes the Blood Knights are pretty cool models, but no way anyone is going to pay that much for a unit of 5 of them. It is a stupid price. I guess the fact that GW didn't bring them back down makes them less likely to reduce GS prices regardless of sales figures.

    What I found annoying about VC was that they went from 20 skeletons in a box for $50 to 10 skeletons for $40, something like a 60-70% rise per model! Most armies can do without blood knights, but almost every army needs skeletons.

    In Aus, the blood knights are $150 (~73 pounds). That is as much as an entire battleforce ffs.
  8. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    This hobby is admittedly expensive, but when compared to the amount of money I was spending on previous hobbies it is quite cheap. I used to race 10th scale R/C buggies and at the rate I spent money to be consistently competitive on a weekly basis I could have bought a new army every <2 months. That being said, I needed to find a cheaper alternative. I'm not going to say that I don't think GW has gotten away with extortion with their pricing for a while, but I'm satisfied to pay the costs at the moment (i'm currently in no need of new models). $69 for 10 models is ridiculous, but I think we'll most likely see a lot of proxy play, and people looking to different companies for their miniatures. Perhaps GW will 'get it' here and lower prices but I highly doubt it, as their goal is to monopolize the market and charge a premium. Will it drive people away? Absolutely. Will others bend over and pay the price? Sure thing! It's just too bad that the greater percentage of the hobby world won't be able to pay those prices, forcing many talented would-be players out of the hobby.
  9. Magic_karl

    Magic_karl Member

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    The 10 man boxes were a ridiculous ploy by GW to raise prices and all it's done is annoy hobbyists who have less money. Given that sprues cost litterally pence to make I don't think that GW is in too much trouble with the recession, even keeping their staff well paid and hobby centres well maintained. GW however I understand IS a buisness above all else and needs investors to keep an interest etc among many other things that I don't understand. BUT their almost yearly price rises have hit hobbyists in my town hard... as you may be able to tell from my signature the slow waning of gamers made any prospect of a club here unlikley.

    Once in my town there were 4 clubs (atleast) including many smaller stores. My town isn't that big, but we still had 2 market stalls, 1 comic book shop (and the next door who was planning to move, I will call store X), 1 GW mini-store, the Co-op, a warehouse and a pub that I knew of. Both market stalls were put out when GW raised their prices in 2004 along with the mini-store. At that time Store X was planned and beggining to build. a year later this store was cancelled due to a lack of trust in it's success (due to people leaving the hobby). Becuase we had so few places left, every gamer was forced to play at the only club with tables, the pub. However we were banned from there after some drunks picked a fight with our nerds, caused a wreck, and ran. The warehouse now has stopped selling GW out of personal vendetta to their prices and the comic store can no longer retail certain items, such as Kroxigor and Terradons (that sort of thing). GW has actually made these order- only as far as I know, so if I want them I have to order online (with no credit card) or travel to Birmingham, Wolverhampton or Warhammer World in Nottingham... Which are equally unlikely.

    In conclusion of all that, people have left the hobby for price rises either because of a lack of gaming stores (due to prices) or a lack of confidence. Sorry for the rant n'all but I believe if GW lowered it's prices it could only do them good. If they're in an economical crisis then they should atleast tell us ont he website that the price rises are justified, necessary, or (better) temporary.
  10. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    As much as I agree with you, I still have to call you out on this.
  11. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Games workshop prices have always been too high. This is just more of the same. They are an intensly money-grubbing company, and they will continue to raise their prices for ever. No surprises here that they are going to be putting the prices up again.
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    You are correct, a lot of models (mostly blister packs I believe) have been made GW direct only. You can order them from GW stores and not pay postage, but online stores either can't stock them or buy them the same way we do and have to charge 10% or so on top of GW prices to get their own profit. Even salamanders and razordons are direct only now...

    For the first time in my life I actually feel sorry for Skaven players. Rumour has it that clan rats will be remade into boxes of 10. Ouch on the wallet there.
  13. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Try making a 40k Imperial Guard army. 10 Guardsmen in a box....
  14. Magic_karl

    Magic_karl Member

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    So as it works out... a horde army will be in 10 man boxes and elites 12-16 man? I think whoever's in charge has a personal grudge of sorts... mayhap :p
  15. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty sure 12-16 are phasing out... For example, Temple Guard and Grave Guard are 10 now.

    Elites that are still in metal are appearing in boxes of 5. I don't mind this, it is better than the blisters of 3. The other move that I like is cavalry coming in boxes of 5 now rather than 8, 8 was a silly number. It means you need two boxes if you want a large unit, but oh well.
  16. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    Welcome to the economy of today. it's the reson i am moving to ancients 60 models for $50 :)

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