im getting back into my lizardmen as they are the first army i started with. I dont know whether to use a slann mage in my 2k list or kroq-gar. any help will be appreciated.
the two (in my opinion) are apples and oranges. you really cant compare them at all, as they are both for completely different things. Slann mages are arguably the strongest wizards in the game, so clearly if you wanna make a magic heavy list, it wouldnt be complete without a slann Kroq gar is more of a close combat/calvary based figure. i believe the is a rule that gives an army led by kroq gar some form of bonus or another so really what it comes down to is, which are you more interested in? the magical prowesses of the Slann Mage-Priest? or the hard hitting the ferocity of Kroq Gar and his Carnosaur? really the choice is up to you
id say you should take a slann becouse i have the kroq-gar model and I think hes not worth it in a 2000pt army becouse if youre unlucky he kan quickly dy and thats more than 25% of your army gone
depends. tell me do you want a physically strong lord or magically strong one. im sure you know were im going with this lol