Vallejo Model VS Games paint

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Ashtoreth, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Ashtoreth

    Ashtoreth New Member

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    I'm going to buy a box for the paint soon (since we're going to be 3 people using it, with diff armies, its actually cheaper to get the box hehe) but we're not sure if we should get the model, or the game paint box.

    which one do you recommend?

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well, they claim the game range is specially designed to be extra durable to chipping and survive the battlefield treatment so if you play a lot that would seem to be the way to go. Having said that, I imagine the difference isn't huge and if you varnish your models it will probably make no difference at all. Really just have a look at the two colour ranges, and think about what colours you want for your army, and decide based on which colours you think would be more useful.
  3. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    If you are a bad painter (like me), and find comfort in painting guides, wich more often then not base themself on GW's paints. Valejos Game color line is pretty much the same with cheesy sound alike names.

    When I looked at the color charts for the 2 valejo ranges I just felt that the Game color felt flashier, and as a very impulsive and deranged person that settled it for me. Things have to like feel right, use your sixth sense, the force or roll a dice to settle it.
  4. Ashtoreth

    Ashtoreth New Member

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    nah, im pretty crappy for painting, even though I just do that (then again im perfectionist :S) so I`ll see hehe
    Model have SO much more colours available though, maybe i`ll mix the two of them
  5. J.J.

    J.J. New Member

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    Vallejo Games line is specifically designed to mimic GW paints - you can find charts online that tell you what VG color equates to which GW color, but you can probably figure it out on your own. Its also nice for old guys like me because you can get some nice colors in VG that GW has discontinued. On a side note though, a lot of painters don't like the VG metallics - the mix and look is largely agreed to be inferior to GW metallics. So if you can afford it, get the metals direct from GW.

    Vallejo Model Color is a more muted, subdued line designed for more traditional model builders. The paint is the same good quality, but it is indeed less "flashy" than the game color. GW paints are designed to really "pop" on the tabletop - it goes along with the exaggerated features on their miniatures and the extreme highlighting painting techniques used by the 'Eavy Metal team. Model Color is more for the guys painting WW2 tanks in true historical colors. That being said, you are correct that the Model line is much more extensive than the Game line, so if you want the extra versatility then mixing the two lines is a good idea. I've seen it done on 40k minis very successfully.

    So my advice is: get the Game Color box, supplement with Model Color as desired, and get your metallics from GW.
  6. Conar

    Conar New Member

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    Ditto the above comments

    I recently bought the Model colour set and they are extremely easy to chip, even off of plastic models, so varnishing is necessary if you want a preserved army

    Also, the colours are pretty much the same but with grey added to the mix

    My two cents

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