7th Ed. Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 9/2/09)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Barotok, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I find myself using my cold one cavalry for standoffish purposes, like Donkey mentioned when pitted against my girlfriend's Warriors of Chaos army. For now, she fields only one unit of them and the have a tendancy (for some reason) to chase after my cold ones. The first person to get crazy or stupid enough to allow the other to charge usually gets wiped out. It's strange how I can find that the cold ones can actually kill the knights if they get the charge and with my girlfriend throwing the leadership tests, it gives way to some good action.

    Had an interesting experience in my last game with these guys. I frequently field a unit of 3 riders in my 500pt warband which I end up playing a lot of. I happened to be in a postion to charge her unit of 5 chosen whom I thought had a good chance of breaking given their armor save is reduce to 6+ on the charge from COC. Eye of the Gods for the game meant the unit caused terror, and so after passing a stupidity and then terror test I charged in. I think I rolled average for what I was expecting and ended up killing 3/5 chosen leaving only 2 to strike back. Apparently that was enough and my 3 riders ceased to exist after strikebacks. Given, she rolled well, but I was hoping to at least get one save for an average amount of armor saves made. I guess I'll throw the unit of Kroxigors in there next time for a dual charge to make sure they all die.
  2. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Dude you have a girlfriend who plays Warhammer? And Mortal Chaos at that? Marry her bro, marry her...
  3. Grifthin

    Grifthin New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I have to say that I love COC. I've jsut come from a 1500 Points doubles tournaments where we fielded a unit of 5 with Mus, Standard bearer, Sun standard + Scarvet on Cold one.

    We Broke the entire empire gunline with them, ran skaven units off of the table by the dozen and in one memorable charge destroyed the High Elves entire ranged support section without a scratch.

    They only failed stupidity once (failing to charge some knights in the flank, although we did the same next turn).

    Tonite I'm playing 3000 points and once again I'm using 16 COC. Awesome unit all round.
  4. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I'd say the only down side to the CoC is their ugly as sin looking mounts :beaver: Stupidity just isnt going to fail often enough to call them unreliable (for me, its a personal opinion ;) ) I mean, sometimes you just have bad rolls... You roll bad in combat and your unit gets wiped out but that doesnt make it unreliable.. When they get to the right spot, they do their job... So just get rid of the ugly mount and these guys are sweet :artist:
  5. Blizzinam

    Blizzinam New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I'm loving my CoC, they can eat through stuff on the charge and even won a combat against frenzied khorne knights when charged^^ I've failed the stupidity test not too many times, and only once when it actually made a difference, and it still wasnt too bad. (Was the knight example above)
  6. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Blizzinam wrote -- "I'm loving my CoC "
    Elmquasmash wrote -- "I'd say the only down side to the CoC is their ugly as sin"
    Grifthin wrote -- "I have to say that I love COC"
    Barotok wrote -- "1/2 the COC normal move is 3.5 inches, so thats how far they wander forward"
    Corbechev wrote -- "I had some horrible luck with my CoC over the past weekend"
    Cuauhtémoc wrote -- "COCs are some of my favorites"

    Anyone else finding this entire thread mad homo-erotic?
    Just saying...

    ++Additional. Sense of humor required to handle this post. Nerdrageodons please pretend you didn't see.
  7. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I never noticed this :jawdrop: I think I will stick to calling them SCoC from now on...
  8. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Classic. :D
  9. Corbechev

    Corbechev New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Hahahaha my CoC moves 3.5 inches.. wow..

    CoR... Cold One Riders... that will be what I call them now I guess!!
  10. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    The normal charge of the CoC is a full 14 inches, although sometimes they will go stupid and just limp forward 3.5...
  11. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I cant believe it took me three times reading that post to realize what you were talking about :D

    Saurus Cav from now on ;)

    edit: some misspelling
  12. Blizzinam

    Blizzinam New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Hey, im secure enough in my own sexuality to say i love my CoC :p
  13. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Well, you'd have to pay me to take CoC.
  14. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    It's dissappointing to see a tactica thread reduced to a senseless middleschool joke. Makes me think I wasted my time writing anything.
  15. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Aww don't be like that Barotok. No need to take it personally. Twas merely humor. Childish, sure, but it still has some comic value.
  16. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    I'm not denying the comic value at all. I'm saying that this isn't the place for it. This thread was intended to be a discussion on a warhammer unit, and while I can appreciate humor, 8+ posts that have no value to the discussion at all makes me think that a seperate thread should have been opened. I find it unfourtunate that when a new player finds Lustria Online's LM Tactica that they may be reading this to find that it really has no relavancy to Cold One Cavalry (aside from the abbreviation?). Perhaps they'll apprecaite the humor, perhaps they won't. That isn't the point. Wrong place, wrong time. Period.

    I would also point out that I want no part in a 'flame war' and bear no ill-will against any of the above posters. Have your fun, enjoy the site and don't worry because I did laugh a little. I just think about the tactica's rep.

    *edit* Wording/Comments
  17. Blizzinam

    Blizzinam New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Im sorry, the joke was just too obvious, but really, the tactical use of the CoC is quite limited as in they pretty much just go over there and kill things. But they do it well enough that i think paying the points for them is totally worth it. And while they may be stupid, after about a dozen more games in after my last post with them, i have failed it 0 times during those. Odds be damned!
  18. kables

    kables New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Ignoreing the other posts

    my question is would the banner of Huachis blessed be any good

    i though about adding it to my 8 cold ones i seem to miss judge my charge by about 2-4 inches. and i think this would help out?
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    Haunchi's has two potential uses. The first is to make saurus better chargers than most, which gives them a surprise advantage against infantry and makes them good shock troops. The second is to make cold ones into truly fast heavy cavalry so they are able to match or beat every other cavalry choice in the game. Dragon Princes are among the best heavy cavalry with multiple strike first attacks and an impressive 16" charge, with Haunchi's CO's have the ability to better that. So yes it can be a good choice.
  20. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09)

    There ain't many people who use this forum regularly. I think a bit of bonding using humor is in the end also beneficial. Any opportunity to build rapport and involvement can yield good results for everyone involved. I think I would be real happy having my forum mates LoLing on my thread, tactica or not.
    Additionally, I did make quite a few 'serious' posts regarding my actual opinions of the unit as is appropriate for an actual tactica. So, I don't love the CoC...(tee hee...sorry I had to).
    Don't hit me BRTK lol <(o_O)>.

    Additional, Haunchi's is overrated. This is because its random. For exaple, do you rely on it or not??...
    Heres what I mean. Theres a unit. You think its like 16-17 inches away from you. Do you try to charge it or not? Do you move into a position where you (might) charge it? What happens if you roll like a 1 or 2? What happens is that you fail charge, and lumber forward, and mabye get in a really really bas position. Sure IF it works its golden, as you get a charge you might not have. But if it doesn't, you hurt you positioning and waste the points on the banner.

    AND...If you do decide to use it, that means that your Cold One Cavalry is having to do more random rolls to see if they actually do stuff the way you want. Stupidity and the banner. Only one of them needs to fail for something bad to happen.....Random Chance events will always hurt you in the long run. I prefer less randomness, hence more control.

    Its better on blocks of infantry than Cold Ones, ONE because its less random (no stupidity) and TWO because your opponent will be more careful on the ranges of your cavalry, and less on your blocks. Out of 8" is easy to guess, but 14 is more difficult, so its more likely that you will have to roll higher with the banner to get in range . It can be a nasty surprise if you go 9" and get the charge off with a fatty Saurus infantry meat grinder.

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