7th Ed. 2000pts list, please comment

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Saurus_Guardian, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    blade of tzunki
    glyph necklace

    saurus vet
    cold one
    spear, LA, BSB
    Cold one hide, E.Shield

    Skink Priest

    18 saurus x2
    spears, Full Command

    11skins (skirmish)

    4 terradons

    3 salamanders (2 units)

    6 cold one riders
    War Banner,
    Full Command

    so yeah i made this looking for a really strong list, i hope its good. Please comment, fix, rate thanks guys!!!!
    :jimlad: :spiderman:
  2. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Hi. Heres you army, copy pasted with suggestions.

    blade of tzunki
    glyph necklace

    saurus vet (DROP for POINTS. Kinda useless, you [will] have points restrictions). OR PUT ON FOOT.
    cold one
    spear, LA, BSB
    Cold one hide, E.Shield

    Skink Priest --> (Put on Engine of the gods. Drop diadem,only worth it when you have Slann)

    18 saurus x2
    spears, Full Command

    11skins (skirmish) --> Make unit of 10 [get as many more as you can after you buy the Engine of the Gods]

    4 terradons --> Make unit of Three

    3 salamanders (2 units)--> Make 2 units of one

    6 cold one riders --> Drop entirely or at least make a unit of 5 or drop war banner [i would do both].
    War Banner,
    Full Command
  3. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    well thanks:)

    i put the extra vet because i want my army to be really beef cc. I dont really see a use for the EotG. I'm not a magic user.and i would have to change the equipment, on the vet.

    why would i only use 3 terradons??? i think you're talking about base size right? then i could see why.
    no COLD ONES???? what should i put instead???

    i totaly understand the diadem, but then what do i get dispel dice from, i only have 3 in my dispel pool.
    and salamders rock!!!! y put less??

    just trying to learn some, thats all.
  4. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    An Eotg provids you with the following, in a single model. A dispeller. A hard to kill stubborn unit. A terror causer. Unit strength of 10. A unit that can charge and do severe damage with impact hits and attacks. Its basically the man, dawg.

    3 terradons is minimum unit strength. Why only take minimum? Because
    1-> The MAIN and most common functions of Terradons is to do the following---
    a) kill solo characters like mages who are in silly positions
    b) kill war machine crews
    c) march block enemy units
    So..A unit of three provides this function just as well as a unit of four. And it costs 30 points less, which can be invested into other models, magic items or standards.
    2-> If you are fighting an army that can easily deal with skrimish flyers, like armies with lots of shooting or magic, the unit is going to die. Its better that they only get 90 victory points than 120.

    Diadem gives you dispel dice FROM your power dice. So in your turn you have 2 power dice from the army, and 1-2 from the mage itself. You can CHOOSE to NOT cast in your turn, and save 2 power dice for your dispel phase in the enemies magic phase. Its a cheap way of getting dispel dice when you only have one caster, and its especially good on level one priests, because they cant cast very well at all anyway and they are 35 points cheaper than a level 2. It gives you efficient and cheap magic protection.

    Salamanders do rock, as do razordons.
    BUT. They are expensive. A combat unit that is relatively good at fighting and has rank bonuses will break and persue a unit of salamanders. A unit of three is 225 points. Thats lots, and it can all be lost in one turn if it breaks.
    Making it two units of 1 does the following--
    a) Gives you an extra deployment in the deployment phase. This can be an advantage.
    b) Grants your opponent less victory points for the effort and movement it takes to kill the salamander.
    c) Grants you the ability to have a salamander on either side of your battelfield, or still close together of you want.

    And finally....
    With the points left over buy
    -The Eotg if you change your mind.
    -5 Chameleon Skinks with no stalker unless you have a random 6 points left over.
    -More units of 10 skink skirmishers, until you are out of points.

    Good luck!
  5. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    hey man thanks.

    right now im in the middle of making another list perhaps with more fighting, but i hear the slaan is the way to go in 8th, i dont know still havent played a game in 8th, still buying models.

    but yeah ill post again when i make another list.

    its really appreciated.

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