Quick question

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Saurus commander, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    What colour should i make my lizzies? I would like a different colour to their usual ones...
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm no one except you can really answer that question. You can literally choose any colours you like, and skinks are great test models. If you don't have any yet saurus work fine, but skinks are more numerous. Let your creative juices flow and just put paint to model and see what you come up with. Also look through this forum, there are some really cool schemes around, and check out google and site like coolminiornot. it really is up to you and only you know what kind of style you like and what colours you will like.
  3. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    My favorite color is blue, and GW does blue lizardmen pretty well but I understand why you'd want a different color.

    I have painted mine Green with Dark Green scales, made alot of the metal to look like Brass, their spines on their backs are all bone colored, and the spikes on the weapons and spear tips + shields are all painted like stone.

    Reason why is because in the book I found a paragraph talking about Obsinite, a refined stone twice as hard as steel that no scientist or smith from any other race can classify/refine. It comes from Lustria, and is made by the Skink artisans in the major temple-cities.

    I consider my lizardmen to match what the fluff describes them as just before the photos come along. And with Obsinite and Brass I consider my green lizardmen to be well-equiped veterans of a major temple-city.

    Plus to me I imagine green lizardmen matching their jungle backround better then blue, mostly skinks hiding in trees and running around looters to circle and attack. The looters seeing nothing more than slight movements in the corners of their eyes.

    I hope you get some inspiration for yours, but like Strewart said, you could do them just about any color. Just look at all the colors real lizards are!

  4. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Making mine purple, skinks will be brighter, almost pink. with dark purple almost black scales. spines will be bone, metall will be gold. For wepons I'm considering a black marble efect. Contrast color on sheilds and stuff will probably be a bright yellow, so I will try to make the gold pretty dark.

    The coldones and other spices will probably be black with a grey tummie.

    Just wish my paint could finnaly get here so I could start painting this year :(

    And as the others have said, look around, inspiration could be found evrywhere, or just pick your favorite color like Ihave and try to make it work.
  5. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Kk. Thanks for the ideas. I have an idea to make them as dark as possible (chaos lizzies ftw =3) but i dont have any 'good' black paint. Or any dark colours. I'll have to get some.

    Btw, what undercoat should i use? Only undercoat I got is silver/grey in colour/ Oh, and does undercoat go over Revell paint?

    AKA this kind of paint: http://finnjetwebshop.knocke-roettenbach.de/images/product_images/info_images/21_0.JPG

    If you need to know, i tried painting some. I did a terrible job, but im willing to practice :)

    Btw strewart, only got 24 skinks. And 24 saurus. Should be enough to start practicing? :)

    EDIT: I can't find the undercoat, so until i can buy some I won't be able to use half of my saurus cavalry :(
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    24 skinks is plenty. When I started Tyranids, I experimented with them and still have 15 or so multi-coloured termigants from when I was trying to decide on a scheme. Start slapping some paint on them! :D

    Black undercoat is usually the best, get some spray if you can, it makes undercoating soooo much quicker and easier. As to painting over revell, I can't say as I've never tried them or heard of them before now. My guess is that if they are water based and designed for miniatures, which it looks like, then there whould be no trouble at all.
  7. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Ok thanks alot :D And just to say, my standards won't be all dark clolours. There gonna draw peoples eyes to my regiments, so there multi-coloured and different coloured (just for the fun of it :D)

    And yes, Revell is made for minitures. I got them from a hobby shop, after all :)

    I'll edit this with pics of my standards (as they are already done) and my saurus warriors at there current stage. The one with the 'C' on its shield will be my commander till i get a real hero ;)

    EDIT: Having problems uploading the pics to imageshack, will post them as soon as I can get it to work (if ever) >.< I'll have to try again tomorrow. For now I'm gonna check over what I have done so far...
  8. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Also, try assembling your pieces and then afterwards to test your colors, use extra body parts and so on to get a feel for what you want. I am converting some CoKnights so i have a couple extra bodies that i've been using for color schemes.. I too like the green colors. Its what i had my 5th edition saurus. I went in big contrast from skin to scales: dark angels green scales to scorpion green skin
  9. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    My lizzies are all made. I think i might try painting them before i assemble them...

    Ok, lets try again...

    Still trying....

    Waiting for it to work....

    Ah forget it. Im gonna go try it on my parents computer (yes i do have my own pc :D)

    Noob imageshack. :beaver:

    EDIT: Its working :D But I cant use any BBcodes -.-

    My standards :)


    My saurus warriors at their current stage.

    Saurus warriors

    Any comments? :p
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    For your codes problem, see this thread for the solution. We have disabled standard image and url tags because SPAMbts were posting really explicite things on the boards, and instead have custom ones. You can click them, just below the bold and italic tags.

    For your painting, a good start. At the moment, you are just putting flat colours down which is fine, everyone starts there. Get comfortable with that for a while, focus on painting neatly and getting the paint only where you want it, but don't be afraid to make a mistake as you can easily cover it later. As you see the model looks a bit 'flat', you need to add shadows with the brush since natural shadows don't give a realistic enough appears at such a small scale.

    The two simplest techniques to do this are drybrushing (you get a lighter colour than the base, get a very tiny amount on the brush so that when you run it on your finger the print shows up then lightly brush it on the model) and washing/inking, GW sell wash and others sell ink or you can very heavily water down some paint. You want it to be dark, and since it is so thin it runs into the recesses and stays off the upper areas so the deeper areas get darker and appear with more shadow. Give these two a try, and both have tons of articles online that you can google.
  11. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Good idea. :D I was wondering why I should water down the paints. I'll have to try these. :)
    But for now I need to start on the proper skinks :)

    Btw, the saurus warriors now have their spears painted as well. If i get some gold paint, do you think I should put some on the bottom of the spear and just below the black?
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah gold and black tend to go pretty well together. Will look good.
  13. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Sweet :)

    When my mum goes to get some more hay for out guinie pigs (or however you spell it) I'll go down to the hobby shop near the place she gets it, and if I cant get all the colours I need there I'll check out the one thats near the GW when I go there...

    If I still can't get some I'll order from the internet :p

    Btw by 'all the colours' I mean some dark brown, gold and a darker black :)
  14. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    It might also be a good idea to pick up some matte spray varnish. Satincoat also works pretty good.
  15. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Anything else? xD At this rate I won't have any money to spend on more lizzies :p
  16. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Ok, so my mums going to get some hay tomorrow (and some trousers for my sis (first day of secondary school 2moro and she needs them for pe (not till wednesday :p))) so I'll be getting the paints then :)
  17. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Omfg I wish i never bought those paint -.- It cost me £12 somthing for an undercoat and 3 different paint, and the gold (ish (the closest to gold in there was bright yellow -.-)) paint is useless. My saurus look horrid now with that stupid runy paint on their weapons -.-

    EDIT: Ok, so I got £11 pounds left, and theres 2 things i could do.
    1. Don't bother going down to GW and just get a skink priest (umm... whats it called again? The little priests?)
    2. Wait 2/3 weeks to get some more money and then get a slann mage priest.
  18. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    I would like an answer :p

    Ok, So I got 3 pics of a half-finished saurus warrior. Any ideas and hints/tips would be greatly appreciated :)

    From the front.

    From the spear side (right).

    And from the shield side (left).

    Again comments and hints/tips would be great on what colours to put on where, what to do to make it more detailed etc etc. :)
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yellow absolutely does not compare to gold, in future if they don't have what you are looking for then hold onto your money and wait until they do. Gold has metallic particles in it that gives an effect far better than yellow, and since yellow is such a pale colour it has a very low pigment which makes it one of the harder paints to use. Generally darker paints are a lot easier to use because they show their colour on the undercoat better and a lot quicker than brighter colours. If you want a good yellow finish, you are looking at using 4-5 shades from dark brown to light brown before applying the yellow so it gets a better finish.

    One thing I will suggest is water down your paints a bit. It looks like you are painting way too thick so the paint is going on 'blobby' in some parts, and obscuring detail in others. It takes longer, but the finish on 2-3 thin coats is a lot better than 1 thick coat. This because a lot easier and less tedious and boring once you start experimenting with highlighting, because all of a sudden you are naturally using 4-5 different coats on the model and will be making it very thin layers as they build on each other, it is more interesting to paint when you can see the detail coming off the model with every stroke. But for now, just use a watered down paint, experiment with the amount of water you want not too much but it needs to spread a bit on its own and not sit in a pile when you put it on your pallete (or jar lid, or plastic plate or whatever you have) if it gets too thin then it will act like a wash and just get in the crevices. If the coat looks a lot darker than the paint in the pot and you don't think its right, do another thin coat.

    Do you have a wash or ink? Black ink would be my first preference here, or black wash. If not, get some of oyur black paint and heavily water it down so its like the consistency of milk, then liberally slosh it all over the brown areas and teeth/bone. This will add depth and immediately make it a lot better. Make sure it is completely dry before adding any more paint, it will take a while depending on the weather, then do a light drybrush of the brown on it to bring back the colour and make the higher areas look brighter.

    Hope that helps.
  20. Saurus commander

    Saurus commander New Member

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    Hmm, ok. Well they should be dry by 4pm (noob school >.<)
    And i guess that yellow was a waste of time.... Btw, is their any use for metallic silver anywhere? :)

    I don't have a wash or ink. And why all over the teeth and bone?

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