Greetings, I am Jan from Germany. Well, I found this forum while searching the internet for some information about Lizardmen Armylists. And I guess that this could be the right community for my lizards and me. I started with the hobby about 1.5 year ago, but it got really serious when we started a Mighty Empires Campaign some weeks ago. Before I did only play a few games, but right now ...well the warhammer-virus got me again. I hope that I will get help in this forum and probably can give some by myself. Sincerely yours, Llywynn
Yeah, welcome. Hope you have fun at the campaign And here And is it me, or does everyone find this site when they earch 'lizardmen army list' on google? xD
Hail, and well met. Welcome to the forum. I did not find this forum by searching, I was asked to join by Sammy before I even collected LM. Thus why there is an 8 month period of when I was on 0 posts at the start of my career.