7th Ed. General stupid questions

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by rickie_82, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    As title says, while I have been gaming with my friends some things hava come up. And I cant find all the answears in the book's. And since we play in ouer own little cirkel we have no one to teach us. All of us have played before, in either 4'th 5'th or 6'th. So some rule discusions go haywire wery quickly.

    1: Shooting at warmachines do they get the -1 to hit, in the rules it says they move as skirmishers. But dosent make much sense giving em the -1, so I'm guessing no.

    2: Can you wheel backwards with a unit? Cant find anything in the book that even hints to yes or no, but then again I'm not the brightest and have the eyesight of a mole.

    3: In salamanders description it says that they can move and fire. Does this mean they can march and fire? Why otherwise point it out. But generally you cant march and fire....... Just bad wording and bad english skill that makes me confused?

    4: How would you do if you had multiple units that can shoot. Had a incident with a HE player, he had 2rbt and 3 units of archers. By measuring with the one furthest away he made sure all were in range and so on. Do you declare all targets first or just take em in any order?
    The book says any order but that can be abuesed somewhat, How you guys play it?

    Will probably have more questions since I'm sure I havent remeberd em all. Will post em here if I remeber em or others come up. Before hands thank for all help given, I'm having a bit of problem readjusting to the new rules, the 5'th edition guys have it even worse thou ^^
  2. Thebestlazyguy

    Thebestlazyguy New Member

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    well i only have an answer for your last question, if the shooting requires someone to call out a distance you have to call that out first before any measuring is done. as for shooting like with guns and whatnot i dont think you need to really call it. im hazy on that but the way ive been playing is that you just measure to make sure you're within range. somebody correct me if im wrong but i believe thats how its played
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah it is a little bit unfair, but perfectly acceptable for him to shoot with a RBT first and glance at the range. We generally declare shooting with everything before starting, and of course guess range stuff goes first and must all be declared first but thats not in the HE army.

    1. No they don't get the -1 to hit.

    2. I'm going to say no here, just because backward/sideways movement is meant to be a lot slower than forwards in WHFB. I'd be happy to be corrected, but I have never tried to wheel backward.

    3. No they can't, have a look at the LM FAQ posted on the GW website.

    Its always strange switching from one edition to the next. We still occasionally find things and go 'wow, it didn't used to be like that!' and have been playing 7th since it first came out.
  4. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Thanks for the replies. The thing that messes me up the most is the shooting, if you see it you can shoot it, I still try to hide my priests beside units flank like one inch back ^^

    Got one more tought thou, also shooting, read the shooting rules 3 times today and still cant find the answer.
    A unit of shooters are on the side of the table shooting at stuff in the middle. The unit it was gunning for ends up in cc. The only thing it has left that it can shoot at is a chariot. But the unit that just enterd combat stands between the shooting unit and it's intended target. Only 1/4 of the chariot can be seen.
    Are the shooters aloved to shoot? In old rules you had to see more then half of the unit to be alowed to shoot, but I cant find anything like that in the rulebook, only thing that resembels it is "cover". So do they get to shoot but get -1 to hit becuase of soft cover?

    The faq's you mentioned strewart I asume you mean the ones that can be found on GW's website. I'll take a peek at them tonight :)

    Edit: reread the posts, my last 2 sentences makes me look like an idiot ^^ I'll leave them there because they made me laugh.
  5. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    As far as your shooting question, there is no rule stating that you must be able to see 1/2 the unit or more. If you can see the back corner of the unit, you may fire at it. Make sure that all the models in your unit can draw line of sight to the target though, or they may not fire. As far as measuring for normal shooting, you MUST declare a target before measuring. Although I don't remember this being stated in the rules specifically, it seems more fair this way. If you declare a target that is out of range then it is seen that the unit attempted to fire but their shots fell short. I may be missing exactly what the rules say (don't have the book in front of me), but I do know that this is the rulings that we typcially use in the gaming group that I attend.

    In reference to wheeling backward, I'm quite certian a unit may never move backward. You have to spend 1/4 of your normal move to turn (all the way around), and then wheel how you want. After that, you can spend 1/4 of your normal move to turn back around. If you want to look at it this way, it is a long way of saying that a unit can wheel backwards, but technically is never taking steps back.
  6. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Thanks for the reply Barotok. Hmm 7'th feels so simpel, I keep looking for rules that dont exist cause of how simple it is now days. That shooting thing I mentioned caused a heated 3 houer discusion with 4 parties all with their own interpretion ^^

    Ouer 500vs500 point games takes about 6 houers at the moment...... lots of jibber going on. Have had one 2k fight, one of the guys got so drunk and fell asleep halfway throu :)
  7. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I have found that lots of the inconsistencies caused in the rules are due to the lack of interpretation or assumptions. Certian areas of the army books and BRB are all written with a list of things that you can't do, while others contain a list of things that you can do. I've seen so many questions on this and other WHFB forums raised that shouldn't be, because folks assume one of two things.

    1: I can make this action because the rules do not say that I can't.


    2: You can't perform this action because the rules do not specifically say that you can.

    Either one is based on an assumption that if one reads the rules can't really derive the implication unless they do some interpretation. In fact, so many of these discussions pop up, its difficult to keep track of the legitimate discussions where the wording is unclear. Also, some of the undoing of these discussions is deductive reasoning based on another part of the rules. Arguments like, "Because the rules are worded in this section, we can also assume that that same reasoning applies to this section." Sometimes this can be convincing. Other times, it bears little relevance in terms of current discussion.

    I guess what my point is with this post is to point out that sometimes the rules are very clearly written but when someone attempts to use their own interpretation to support their own conclusion these are the methods that I see used very frequently. They aren't always easy to crack, but they can be cracked with a little study, time and discussion. It sounds like you've been putting in all three.
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    That shouldn't happen. The game should be fun. In future, make a new rule with your opponents before the game. If a dispute comes up that you can't solve very quickly by looking in the rulebook, roll a dice for what happens (which interpretation to use) and write down the problem, then discuss it after the battle or post here and ask about it.
  9. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Very true that barotok, cant disagree with that. And strewart hehe we love arguing. Beer and the chanse to voice you opinion on a meaningless game in a basment, can it be better ^^

    Ususally we play co-op, deployment can be fun, you need to force your idea on your ally but at the same time be smugg about it so the opponents dosent catch on. Haha takes long and just becomes a mess ^^ But we get to argue and have some laughs.
    We have fun arguing :)
  10. ColdBlood666
    Chameleon Skink

    ColdBlood666 New Member

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    Units can indeed move backwards. Page 13 bottom of the page last sentence of the WFRB. Units can move backwards or sideways at half speed (half of their base move value, they cannot march when effecting such a manoeuvre). Example- 20 Saurus can move backwards 2 inches and still face the same direction. Thats why dark elves and wood elves are so annoying as they move backwards the whole game and continue to shoot. Hope this helps!
  11. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Thanks ColdBlood666, clears up a big one for us. Now how did I miss that one. Think I'm gonna start bringing the big wfb rulebook when we do ouer games, we usually just have the small one from skull pass with us, so small that few of us have the patince to read it when game is ongoing :p

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