AoS 1500pts vs Chaos warriors

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Arawn, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Arawn

    Arawn Member

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    Hi guys,

    I played a 1500 pts game vs Chaos warriors this weekend. We decided to add restrictions in the army list creation to fit with the old world fluff and used the compendiums pdf. So on both side the lists are not the best we can play with.

    My friend played with:
    Archaon (the little one on horse)
    Vilitch the curseling
    Crom the conqueror
    Sigvald the magnificent
    2*10 hounds
    1*20 chaos warriors
    1*30 chaos marauders
    1 chaos spawn
    1 chaos chariot

    And I had:
    1 skink chief
    1 skink priest
    2*10 skinks
    1 bastiladon
    1*3 salamanders
    1*3 razordons
    1*3 skink handlers
    2*3 Kroxigors
    1*5 Chameleons

    We played scenario 1 with 2 objectives to control.

    I planned to move quickly to his objective and use the movement of the skinks to split his army, but he moved so quickly turn 1 that I couldn’t do nothing except defend my side.

    Turn1 for my friend: He ran towards my troop. They started to sh** in their pants (I wasn’t very confident with my list, because usually never go out without 20 Saurus at least or 10 guards.)
    Luckily Archaon ran in front my Sallies and Bastiladon.

    My turn 1: Chameleon popped up next to the Bastiladon. Sallies/Bastiladon and chameleon shot at Archaon. Who finished the turn with 1 wound left. Razordons shot at the Marauders and Sallies on the warriors.

    I stole turn2: Finished Archaon with the Bastiladon and moved all my units around the objectives on my side to protect it. Sallies and Razordons shot at Warriors and Marauders like in turn1.

    His turn 2: He charged with his warriors on 3 krox, with the Marauders/Vilitch and Crom on 3 Razordons and 10 skinks, with the chaos spawn and 10 hounds on the Sallies. With his Chariot on 3 other Krox.

    On turn 3 the Krox killed the chariot. Warriors died little by little thanks to the battle shock test. Same for the Marauders. Sallies killed the Hounds.
    Chameleons moved in a terrain to shoot at the 10 hounds he kept to protect his objective.
    Combined shots of Skinks and Razordons killed Crom.

    At the end of round 3, victory for the Seraphon, my friend decided to stop because the chaos still had Vilitch, the chaos spawn, 6hounds and Sigvald. I still had, 5 krox, the Bastiladon, 2 Sallies, 1 Razordon, the 2 heroes, 5 Chameleons and 15 skinks.

    My friend was really unlucky with his warriors and heroes. 20 warriors killed only 1 Kroxigor in 2 turns and Vilitch and Crom and Marauders killed only 1 Razordon in 2 turns.

    I wasn’t very confident to face so many warriors and big units with my list, but at the end it went well. Bastiladon is just awesome and Kroxigors and Razordons are quite good in defence.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Kroxigor are quite good vs big mobs like that, they are great defensively. All in all soinds like a great game, apart from what sounds like bad rolls on the opponents end.
    Arawn likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Sallies, razordons, chama skinks and bastiladon, backed by a skink chief and priest, make for a solid list. Sauri are nice, but not mandatory. ;)
    Bowser and Arawn like this.
  4. Arawn

    Arawn Member

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    Yep! I discovered a new way of playing Séraphon :)
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Glad to hear this worked out so well because although I like Saurus a lot I am in love with skinks and a heavy skink army is my aim !
    Arawn and Bowser like this.
  6. Arawn

    Arawn Member

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    It went well but for me this army need a second test. I won easily because my friend did a mistake with Archaon and was really unlucky with dices.
    The combo chama skinks + bastiladon + sallies is really efficient vs chaos though.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.

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