Hello, Hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by DarkMatter, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. DarkMatter

    DarkMatter New Member

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    Hello all. Long time occasional lurker here, I just love looking at all the glorious lizards you guys create and dream of one day having my own fully painted army.

    Figured it was about time I made an account and introduce myself, since I will be more active in the hobby.

    I came across Warhammer in the early 2000's and instantly knew Lizardmen had to be my army so I bought the starter set and over the next few months acquired what I thought looked cool. Built and primed everything up and it was looking good. Then I tried painting for the first time with horrible results. Between this and not having anyone to play with everything just went on a shelf in my game room for years.

    When I read about AoS when it first came out I got excited for another chance and figured I would give this another go. So I picked up a few more amazing looking models, switched everything to cheap round bases and went around to all the game shops trying to find someone to play against before I took on the monumental task of painting everything. No luck, the few places that had people playing games workshop games said they were never going to AoS. Back to the shelf they went.

    Earlier this month they opened a Games workshop store 20ish minutes from my house. Amazing I'm thinking now I have to be able to find games. Well I guess there are not a lot of players in my area (Long Island, NY) beacuse it took some time but Success! I did get to play my first and only AoS game. Got rolled by a thousand orcs but had a blast. Now I'm looking to get this army painted up. Being older, wiser? and after watching a ton of videos I am already doing better then last time. Have my Oldblood on foot and 15 Temple Guard, all the old metal ones, about 75% done. Also have a good start the Bastiladon. Now to just stay motivated and keep on painting. I currently also own the following all mostly built, some primed, none painted.

    Skinks x 30
    Saurus Warriors x 25
    Saurus on Cold ones x 7
    Kroxigors x 4 (3 are the really old metal ones and one of the skinny runt metal ones)
    Chameleon Skinks x 6
    Ripperdactyls x 3
    Salamanders x 5 (3 are the really cool ones with the sails on the backs)
    Scar Vet on Cold one I made from an oldblood on foot.
    2 different Skink Chiefs and 4 different Skink Priests(one is the star priest model)

    Thank you guys for all the great pictures and info on this site it has really been a help trying to jump back in and try not to suck at painting.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard! The painting gets better as you go, the great thing about starting a paint log is all the advice you can get plus watch your own progression. If you have any questions about AoS, painting, modifying, or anything else really don't hesitate to ask.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard, all the models that you still have to paint try to put them somewhere you can't see them, constantly looking at unpainted models is a big demoarlizer for me.

    Start a painting blog that will keep you motivated don't worry about how good/bad your painting is as we all appreciate everybody's painting style/ability and getting comments will spur you on.

    If you get stuck on anything painting wise I'm here to help if I can as are the other Scaly lovers.

    Looking forward to seeing your army and it's progression from grey plastic to colourful magic.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. DarkMatter

    DarkMatter New Member

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    Thanks, I will take some pictures and get a blog started up over the next few days.
    Warden, Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  5. Kyro'zek

    Kyro'zek Member

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    Welcome to the forums DarkMatter.

    I'm looking foreword to seeing your army and seeing them painted.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Belated welcome to the forums!

    The Old Ones rejoice whenever a lurker joins the active community. Let us know if there is anything you want specific help finding!

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