Blog The creation of Droxyl's Legion.

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by DarkMatter, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. DarkMatter

    DarkMatter New Member

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    Hello, I made an introduction post that explains where I am right now in the hobby. If you are interested check it out. Here I'll post updates and pictures of my progress. Might be slow and it will definitely not look like the amazing armies I see on this site. But my goal is to have a fully painted, playable Seraphon army and I think that is one I should finally strive to achieve.

    Here is the daunting list of what I own that needs to be painted.
    Skinks x 30
    Saurus Warriors x 25
    Saurus on Cold ones x 7
    Kroxigors x 3
    Chameleon Skinks x 5
    Ripperdactyls x 3
    Salamanders x 5
    Scar Vet on Coldone
    2 Skink Chiefs
    Skink Priest
    Skink Starpriest

    Complete: Nothing

    On the way: Start Collecting Box
    Saurus Sunblood

    I don't have any finished work to post yet, but I had some free time and wanted to make my first post. I seem to be bouncing around between a few units right now. The Oldblood, 15xSaurus Guard, The Bastiladon and 5xSalamanders, so I don't know when the first will be finished. Behold the current condition of Droxyl's legion.
    Wow they look so much better from a foot back. My first time taking pictures of mintiures. This is Droxyl he is my Oldblood General and one of my first models. Still have work to do on this guy. I used to much wash and it made spots on the lighter skin. I have to do something with that and cover up the rest of the black showing through. I have been going through and painting all the larger gold pieces first, I still need to go back and finsih it up with a smaller brush.

    I'm not to steady with my hands so I have to touch up quite a few spots on everything I paint.

    The Saurus Guard are the unit I am the most along with and the first I started painting. 20161231_104707.jpg

    I still have to go over the gold, do all the small details that are not gold and I have been fighting with a shield color, so far I have this.
    20161231_103836.jpg There are different test colors under there so they all look a little different. Not sure what to do with these I am not really happy with them, but I am just going to brush on.

    This is my portable workstation the wife just got me. Should let me work on the first floor and not have my stuff all over. 20161231_103738.jpg
    Just started this Bastiladon and I think he will come out ok in the end just needs time and me to stay in the lines. Getting the lighter color on the black primer before the green on his scales has caused me some issues on his tail.
    I will hopefully get better at taking pitcures also as this goes on.

    The Salamanders and just a quick coat on 2 of them, few need rebasing also.

    The 3 not orange still need more primer also the can ran out on me. I have more now but it is pretty cold out and I'm sure if spaying them outside and them bringing them in to dry will work. I'm afraid to try I have messed up priming some of them in the past.

    Well that is my image limit for this post. I took more images of the legion but it is all just built and primed, no paint. Well except the 1 tan/orange saurus warrior test colors my wife painted for me many years ago before I even had paints. The original plan was to make the bases and the eventual terrain desert themed, that is where the tan/ orange idea came from. I may still go that way with the warriors but I am currently thinking just brushing some grays over the black sand and going with that look.

    Unless someone wants to see more of my unpainted legion I will wait to make my next post will I am done with my first unit. I will use a camera and not my phone for those.

    If anyone reads this far and has anything to say, add, give tips or any questions please comment. I am very new to painting anything but walls, so it can only help.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That portable work station is awesome! These all look great so far, keep going, and don't worry about the mistakes. There will always be room for improvement, so just take it a step at a time and it will all come together.
  3. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Indeed a nice legion! And this mobile work station is really great! Need one, too! ;)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Good luck bringing your army into the new year, that is a daunting list. Looks like you are off to a good start, looking forward to seeing your salamanders painted!
  5. DarkMatter

    DarkMatter New Member

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    Small update. Droxyl and his Saurus Guard are done. Well I just realized I didn't do their eyes, so almost done. Also going to add some grass to the bases.
    20170111_210638.jpg 20170111_210058.jpg

    I was much happier with how they turned out before looking at the close up pictures. But they look good enough on the table so I am glad to move on. Need to finish up the Bastiladon and choose the next unit. Either 20x Warriors with spears or the Chameleon Skinks.

    Also 2 of the Salamanders are done except the bases I'll post them up next time.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Looking great so far but I think the skull helmet would benefit from a bit more work, try giving them a wash with a brown and then drybrush over the top with your original colour.

    No brown wash? take a brown paint and mix 1 part paint to 4 parts water apply all over the helmet and leave to dry don't let it form puddles.

    What's drybrushing? take an old brush and cut it square across the bristles then dip it in the paint and then wipe the paint of until it leaves no trace on the tissue, then drush over the helmet with a back and forth motion.
    Bowser and DeadlyRecluse like this.
  7. DarkMatter

    DarkMatter New Member

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    Thanks for the tip, I will give it a try on one and see how I do.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You will do fine and the model will look great ;)

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