Character Thread

Discussion in 'OOC threads' started by Sammy the Squib, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Looks like it's the same gang as before, so let's start the character thread! :)

    Ok, the game will start in Ulthuan but will involve a voyage of sorts. Will it be south to Lustria to reclaim some sacred artifact? Will it be west to Naggaroth on a rescue mission? Will it be to the far east to the land of the great maw...?

    That's all I'm saying for now.

    Go to town with your characters guys, anything is fine. I will work out how to integrate them when I see them. Have fun! :)
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I was kinda assuming that we would use the old structure that Nick used in the old game, but since the game will involve a voyage, your character will need a reason to be on that voyage. So here's the structure.




    Social status:



    Notable skills:



    Notable skills may be as numerous as you like, the reason for it being there is so I can choose one of them that someone might need if they were going to piece together a crew for a dangerous voyage. Examples would include

    Expert navigator
    Magic user
    Master Thief
    Swordsman get the idea :)
  3. Malarkycus
    Jungle Swarm

    Malarkycus New Member

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    Ok then, I'll go first.

    Name: Jacobis Von Tall

    Age: 26

    Race: Imperial Human

    Social status: Imperial Wizard of the second order.

    Wealth: Middling. His mission allows him access to certain additional funds though.

    Appearance: 6' tall, moustachioed, trim in figure though otherwise unremarkable.

    Notable skills: Magic User. A member of the College of Light. An an artist with the wind of Hysh.

    Equipment: Obviously wizardly robes (and of course hat!) A traditional Hyshian Serpent Staff. What lurks beneath the robes none could tell from a distance.

    Background: The son of a major merchant in Altsdorf, Jacobin set his heart from an early age on the study of magic. he was fortunate to be born with a degree of the gift required and has used his unusual retentive powers and burning desire to overcome to counter any weaknesses. Highly fortunate, Von Tall was apprenticed to Grand Magician Van Dremmel, a chance that has advanced his powers considerably.

    Now 26, Jacobin has been despatched to Lothern at the behest of the college hierarchs. A journey to the homeland of the magical adepts of the Elves is a fortuitous chance, and one Jacobis intends to exploit to the full.
  4. dr_nick22

    dr_nick22 New Member

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    Name: Imriel of Hoeth

    Age: 77 (Quite young for a high elf)

    Race: High Elf

    Social status: Warrior (Swordmaster of Hoeth)

    Wealth: Minimal

    Appearance: Imriel is of an average height for a high elf, well-muscled and lean, with long, flowing blonde hair often tied in a ponytail or topknot when it is not hanging freely over his shoulders. He bears the refined, youthful features of his race, and is garbed in a lighter armour than the usual battle garb of the swordmasters, along with their flowing robes. A bandage tied around his head covers his eyes completely, but it is unknown to most what happened to his vision.

    Notable skills: Swordmaster, Hand-to-hand proficiency, Heightened senses, Elven Lore.

    Equipment: Light elven Armour, Great Sword, Swordmaster's Robes. Lightweight satchel with rations, supplies etc. for travelling.

    Background: Taken in at a young age to be trained at the White Tower of Hoeth, Imriel was no prodigy by any means. His skills took long to develop- far longer than his peers- and he was given up on by countless masters. That is, until he met Eltharion, one of the greatest heroes Ulthuan has ever seen.

    Eltharion, hero of not one, but two incursions into Naggaroth, now blinded after his first encounter with Malekith, took pity upon Imriel, and perhaps saw a potential deep within him those still with sight could not.

    He took him under his tutelage, and soon enough there was a massive improvement in Imriel. Those around him, and Imriel himself accredited this improvement soley to Eltharion, but 'The White Sword' suggested the skill had been there all along, he just needed someone to show him how to unlock it.

    It was during that training that Imriel inexplicably began to wear a bandage identical to Eltharion's over his eyes, and has never removed it since. Some speculate that Elthation blinded him, even going so far as to cut out his eyes so that Imriel could understand what Eltharion's world was like, but these are simply rumours, and no-one, even Imriel's closest friends and companions know the whole truth.

    Imriel has since finished his training at the White Tower, and at Eltharion's request is acting as a messenger of the White Tower, under Eltharion's vassalage, instead of being drafted into a unit of swordmasters to go to war, feeling his skills could be put to better use elsewhere.

    No-one knows for sure, but there are whispers around the courts that Eltharion may have charged his vassal with some kind of quest, possibly involving a journey to the dreaded lands of Naggaroth and beyond...
  5. gingerninja
    Jungle Swarm

    gingerninja New Member

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    Ok then, here we go:

    Name: Caranthir Elensar
    Race: High Elf
    Career: Sea Ranger
    Age: 196
    Religion: Follower of Isha
    Country/Province of Origin: Saphery
    Nobility: Son of a Mage of the White Tower
    Wealth: Depends on the Pay

    Equipment: Sword, Dagger, Longbow, Quiver of white fletched arrows (30), light elven armour, Some simple tools, cooking utensils and a little food. 1 Pack of medicine from Ulthlan (3 doses), Simple elven clothes, cloak for weather.

    Description: 6?1, Lean but muscled, slightly tanned, long light blonde hair, ice blue eyes.

    Backstory: Caranthir Elensar was born in Saphery, son of a low level mage in the tower of hoeth. He grew up strong, unlike his frail father, but did not have the gift for the manipulation of the winds as his father had.

    As such, he trained with the Swordmasters, defenders of the tower, in the arts of war. His skill with a sword grew over the decades, although he never mastered the large blade that they wield with any real level of finesse, prefering a shorter blade in his off hand to compliment the long sword on his main side.

    He also appeared to be more sufficient with the bow than his bretherin, taking time to tour Yvresse, a place famed for it’s archers, to persue this skill. Soon after he left home to seek adventure. War had come to the old world.

    He was hired as a ranger to fight for the Sealord Aislinn in the last great war against chaos, becoming something of a legend against the fierce Norsemen. With the war won, he decided to tour the old world, moving from the edge of the empire, and down into Brettonia, home of the old world settlements of the Elves. He remained there for a time, before pining for home, setting sail to arrive in the ports of Ulthlan.

    And so he comes to be here, at this time, waiting for something to intreage him.
  6. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Ok here it is

    Name: Luthar Castors
    Race: Wood elf
    Career: theif and assasin
    Age: 19
    Wealth: low his fortune was taken by a pillaging orc force
    Appearance: 4' tall, very slim as a result of very little food over last few months
    Noteable skills: master theif dagger master silent
    Equipment: daggers,shortsword,light leather clothes and lock picks
    Background: Luthar was born into a fueding wood elf family at the age of 14 he was forced to kill the entire enemy family. Disgusted by what he had done, Luthar robbed both familys and fled. He lived on the borders of empire territory for a few years until an orc force stole everything he had. He has been hiding in elvish lands stealing what little he can but this may be his chance to gain new riches to return to empire lands and take revenge on orcs.

    Luthar is unusual among elves because he favours mele to ranged warfare he is much stronger than an average elf but cant really use any ranged weapons apart from his throwing knives.
  7. Keith

    Keith New Member

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    Name: Barrington Trelawney Fitzwhistle

    Age: 29

    Race: Estalian human.

    Social status: Son of a moderately successful merchant.

    Wealth: moderate. Brought very little with him to Ulthuan.

    Appearance: Plump, bordering on rotund, with smart although considerably worn clothes.

    Equipment: None.

    Notable skillls; A garrulous streak that is useful for escaping from tricky situations. Also a good head for business and a positive talent for getting into trouble.

    Background: His father was the 4th son of very minor Bretonnian nobility who moved to Estalia to become traders. A drunken escapade led to him becoming captured on a slave ship that then became shipwrecked on the shores of Ulthuan. What awaits the less than intrepid Barrington there remains to be seen.
  8. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Great, that's everyone, signing up for this game is closed now :)

    I'll get thinking on the story, keep an eye on the action threads people! :)
  9. SilverMane
    Jungle Swarm

    SilverMane New Member

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    ( Due to my utter lack of FB knowledge, I shall attempt to make as

    ignorant a character as possible XD )

    Name: Johannes Bloomsberg

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Social status: Son of a Empire Soldier and a Farmers Daughter

    Wealth: Poor

    Appearance: A tall, well built, young man with striking green
    eyes. His body is roughed and ravaged from constantly
    working in the fields of the farm. He is completely
    bald,baring a small goatee,and he keeps to mainly
    rugged plain clothes. As for jewelery, he has two small
    gold earrings, as well as a gold chain necklace and a
    ornate ring,that his father managed to loot from
    a Bandit caravan.

    Notable skills: Farming, Cooking, Hunting, Can-Do attitude :D

    Disadvantages : No combat experience, Naive.

    Equipment: Old Battered Leather Armour,Old Longsword, Hunting Bow,
    Traveling Kit, 30 Homemade Arrows.


    Born into a world of hard work, Johannes was always
    enticed by his Father's tales of battle, and always
    dreamed of leading Knight regiment into battle. His
    social standing denied that dream and he worked the fields
    by his household throughout his years, trying to earn a
    meager living for his family. Once he had came of age,
    his Father decides to let him go into the world and fulfill
    his dreams. He handed down his old equipment and sent him
    on his way, praying for his sons safe return.
  10. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Silver came to me with trouble about registering for the site so I said it's cool for him to join.

    That makes a group of 6 - nick, rich, markus, divineskink, keith and silver - more than enough for me to handle! ^_^
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