AoS Age of Sigmar Tactics Blog: Getting the most out of the charge and more

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Matthijs Mentink, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Matthijs Mentink

    Matthijs Mentink Member

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    Hi All!

    I'm new to this forum and start off with promoting my own stuff! Shameless :D
    I recently started a blog on Age of Sigmar tactics because I was missing sources on tactics.
    You can find the website here:

    Last week's post was about how to get the most out of the charge.
    I discuss how you can:
    • Decide on a charge plan in the hero phase so you can use abilities and moves accordingly
    • Choose a unit and target that can get you the biggest advantage out of the alpha strike
    • Roll your decision-making charges first
    • Make room for your other units on the charge
    • Prevent accidental enemy pile-ins
    • Minimise the damage on the units you will activate later by:
      • Preventing enemy pile-ins
      • Buffing and debuffing to optimise damage and minimise damage taken
      • Strategically removing slain models
      • Creating an odd number of activations
      • Killing enemy models that have yet to activate
    I would love your feedback on the post and input on the subjects you would like to read about!
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Great idea, may have to start following your blog!
    Matthijs Mentink likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Definitely following. Great tips and advice.
    Matthijs Mentink likes this.
  4. Realjuan
    Cold One

    Realjuan Well-Known Member

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    Really nice blog post, and I know a few youtube players that should read it. I hate people taking dead models randomly.

    Personal and not well-supported opinion.
    As a personal preference, if I wanted to use a sub-topic list theme then I would add hyperlinks to the lists. You do not lose anything and gain navigability in the document. I do not think that listing the sub-topics are necessary if the subtopics:
    • are not long
    • are easily connected to each other
    • not complex enough that I need to prepare the reader for whats coming.
    This would lower the repetition, make the writing more compact and as long as there is a good order to the sub-topics the reader should not mind reading the sub-topics on the order given to him/her. Warning I do no like repetition and prefer compact readings, so maybe ask a few other people what they would think if the lists were not there. Nevertheless, list does give the feeling that the write knows what he is writing and knows where he is taking you, so you decide/find out which is better.

    I am not a write or blog-write and have no background/experience in writing, so this is only an opinion (which you asked for). Main point is that the blog post is great.

    I would love to read something related to battleshock + bravery. I think decision to make battleshock do (more) damage by itself is something that I have not seen enough. Battle shock takes a whole model out, so one die roll = multiple wounds sometimes.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Good stuff. You should post something also in the Seraphon Tactic section, I would like to discuss there some of those arguments.
    Bowser and Matthijs Mentink like this.
  6. Matthijs Mentink

    Matthijs Mentink Member

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    Wow thanks for the feedback, it is mega apriciated! :D It is indeed something I struggle a bit with, this is my first time attempting something like this.
    I love the Battle shock subject, will give it a go!
    I'm working now on a post about the setup and how to deal with teleport and one drop armies.
    Bowser likes this.

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