AoS Joined a campaign at my local GW Store

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Webb8, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Webb8

    Webb8 Member

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    Hi everyone.
    I finally played my first game of age of sigmar.
    I noticed the local GW Store was having a 6 month campaign and I thought what a good way to learn the game. The start of the campaign you get 200 points for hero's and 200 points for units to start. I was unfamiliar on bonuses that could be purchased so I ran a bare bones Saurus sunblood as my hero and 2 units of 10 saurus warriors with spear and shield as my battle line . Hindsight I should of had 1 unit of 20 saurus warriors but hey you live and learn. Thankfully my game was against a guy named Scott who was also playing his first game ever. He was running khorne list. He had a Blood Master Herald of Khorne as a hero and a pack of 10 bloodletters for battle line. He had given himself some bonuses but I can't remember what he purchased.
    We played the pitch battle with 3 objectives across middle of table, only hero's could score points. Important to mention, 1 of the campaign rules states you cannot win by tabling an opponent.
    Round 1
    Was rather uneventful. Both armies ran all out. I set my Sunblood in the middle with a unit of 10 flanking each side. His Blood Master was centered and opposite my sunblood with his blood letters to the left. Roll off for round 2 was important to get the first charge and control objective. I won ☺
    Round 2
    I use my hero ability to reroll to hits against a unit, I chose his hero thinking if I kill him I have to win as long as I get some points. My unit on my left fails charge to tie up blood letters, my saurus sunblood tried to run to an objective and came up short ( only needing to roll a 2 on the run I rolled a 1) my other unit of 10 saurus made there charge and get ready for battle against his hero. I made some great rolls and had 5 wounds on him, he rolled his save (2,5,5,5,6) I couldn't belive it, only one got threw. His hero only killed 1 saurus and his bloodletters piled in killing 2 more. On his half of round 2 he was only able to kill 1 more saurus while I rolled 4 hits on his hero and followed it up with a 2,2,2,1 on the wound. The dice gods where clearly not on my side. I won roll off for round 3
    Round 3
    My hero took an objective, used his same command ability to reroll hits but this time against his bloodletters. My other saurus charged in against his bloodletters hoping to thin out the herd. I killed 3 bloodletters with my pack of 10. His forces beat down my first unit of saurus down to 2 models, and killed 1 from my other unit. Nothing else happened of any importance on my turn. His turn he used a bonus he had purchased that let him roll a dice for every fallen model on a 6 he would get to return a fallen model. He rolled 1 6 and got a single bloodletter back.He killed 3 models from my big unit and finished the last 2 from my first unit. He rolled and won initiative on round 4.
    Round 4
    His hero charged my sunblood, his blood letters finished off my saurus warriors. Finally the big showdown of hero vs hero. He dealt my hero 4 wounds on a massive roll with his hero I whiffed on all the saves (At this point I had missed every single save throw throughout the game. Luck was not on my side so I changed the only thing I could..... My Dice) My Hero fought back knocking him down to 2 wounds. Now my turn on round 4. My only option was to stand and fight. If I survived this round I would win on points alone. My Sunblood hit his hero for 3 wounds with his main weapon, he saved 2. Now his jaws and shield, both hit, both wound only needing 1 wound to kill his hero. He rolls 2 6's lol. This guy had some great dice rolls all game. He fights back with his hero knocking my sunblood down to 2 wounds and his Blood Master Herald has an ability letting a khorne unit pile in with in 3 inches. just when I thought I am out of the woods he has 3 bloodletters that can reach me on pile in. They all hit, I cant believe this is happening, there wound rolls are 5, 5 and 6 to wound. The 6 being an instant mortal wound. This is it, 2 dice to roll and I need 2 saves. All game I haven't had a single save. I roll my dice, look down to my amazement there is a 5 and a 6. I survive the round. With only one round remaining he cant beat me. I cant believe it I finally made a save roll.
    He one the roll off for round 5 and hacked me up with 3 unsaved wounds but I still won the day lol. We counted our points and although I won he got alot more points for the following Rounds. I was beat up, got less points out of it but I moved up the ladder. After the battle we roll dice and on a 1 or 2 that model is permanently slain. I lost 3 saurus from 1 unit and 2 saurus from the other. Even saved my General for the next battle.

    Conclusion: 2 things really hurt me in this game against his khorne.
    1) His ability to do mortal wounds on a roll of 6. His dice where hot and the six's kept coming. Nearly half the wounds to my saurus warriors where from him rolling 6's.
    2) His Blood Master has an ability to let a unit to pile in and attack after him, as long as they are with in a certain distance. Every single fight round he would attack with his Blood Master and get to wound me further with his bloodletters before I could Fight back.

    My forces although battered and bruised are alive and victorious. Time to go back to the drawing board and regroup. Gonna have to sit down and figure out how to bolster my force for the next round with the points I have left.
    MerciaBear, Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Great battle report. Always hard to battle when the dice gods are cruel but there you stand victorious !

    Looking forward to your next report :D
    MerciaBear and Bowser like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This campaign sounds awesome! Good call with the sunblood, he's a beast. Should be a lot of fun for you.
    MerciaBear likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    First of all, congrats for your victory! to lose by models and to win by objectives, means that you played smart. ;)

    Funnily enough, we are going to start a campaign and our rule is almost the opposite: if you win by objectives but you are wiped away, you don't score a victory (because you phisically don't conquer the territory)... but at least, your opponent doesn't obtain a crushing victory!
    if you win by objectives but if a single model survive, then it's a crushing victory for you.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Webb8

    Webb8 Member

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    Hey Everyone. Another month has passed which means another round in the campaign. I was hoping to get a few games in this round but I was only able to make it down to my gw store for 1 game.
    I reviewed my game from last month and found several areas where I went wrong. I won last month but I believe I could of done alot better. After last month's narrow victory I had few points to spend so I wasn't able to bolster my forces very much. I wanted a bigger block of saurus warriors but there is a campaign rule stating that once a unit is purchased you can buy back fallen warriors but the unit cannot grow In size. So I discarded my 2 units of 10 saurus warriors. I then bought 1 unit of 20. I had 160 points left over so I bought 20 skinks with blowpipes. I figured that would get me some range support.
    My army going unto round 2
    Saurus sunblood -General
    Saurus warriors shield and spear -20
    Skinks blowpipes and shield -20
    Total point cost 480. I didn't have any rewards since I didn't have any points to purchase. I was hoping to play someone with roughly the same size force..... my hopes where severely crushed. I drew up a player named Garry with his Death Army. My first indication I was in trouble was when he rolled up to the table with 2 good size Rubbermaid containers with his army inside. He had a list that consisted of 3420 points. As Garry started pulling out all his monstrous creatures and his legions of undead warriors I put my shoe box down with my small force. Garry smiled and told me not to worry he would tone it down and only bring a small list to do battle with. I was happy to see the varghulf and the skeletal dragons go back along with his legions of undead warriors. In the end Garry brought out a Ghoul King on a Terrorgheist- General
    skeletal archers-30.
    This gave me some hope, not alot but some. We rolled off for scenario and rolled a 5. The scenario with 3 objectives in the middle that only a hero can claim. Same scenario as last month. I won the roll off for deployment but I let him go first. He put his terrorgheist down in the center I placed my saurus warriors down directly across. His skeletal warriors went down to the right of his terrorgheist. I placed my skinks wide right of my saurus warriors and my Sunblood to the right of them. He had the center of the board locked down so I hoped to take the right side while trying to tie up his terrorgheist with the saurus warriors. Maybe win on points again. He finished deploying first but wanted me to go first, I had hoped he would take first go. Oh well
    Round 1
    I ran everything up. I had hoped to reach the 3" mark of the far right objective with my general but I came up an inch short. My warriors moved up towards the center objective and my skinks tried to move central behind a tower to keep out of sight from his skeletal archers .
    Now I didn't know much about the enemy I was facing and was surprised to find out his terrorgheist had a 14" move. He claimed the center objective and prepared to rain down death on my warriors. His archers shifted to the side so they where in line of sight of my skinks. Shooting phase his terror whiffed , his archers sent 60 arrows my way, he ended with 8 wounds on my skinks. I rolled saves and got 3 6's, I was happy to only lose 5, i ended up losing 1 more to battle shock. He charged my warriors with the terror and succeeded. In the combat phase he only killed 3 saurus I piled in and put 2 wounds on him. So far so good. He got the early point which was a disappointment. So much for winning with points. But if I could start getting points for round 2 and some how kill his general in the following rounds,maybe just maybe I could win. I won roll off for round 2.
    Round 2
    My general used his command ability giving reroll to hit for saurus warriors. I used it against his general. He then moved forward to claim his objective on the right. I shot with my skinks into his general causing 3 wounds he saved 2. My warriors piled In for combat and attacked causing 1 more unsaved wound he attacked back killing 2.
    He healed 2 wounds back to his terror on his hero phase. His archers killed 3 skinks and his terror shrieked killing 1 saurus warrior. Combat phase he killed 4 saurus warriors they fought back causing 4 wounds he saved all for. I rolled a 6 again on the battle shock losing 1 more saurus. He won initiative for round three.
    Round three
    He healed his ghoul king terrorgheist back to full. He also summoned some zombies but kept them back with his archers. His archers unleashed a volley killing 4 more skinks and his terrorgheist missed his shriek. Then came the combat phase. He rolled big. Killing all but 1 saurus warriors.
    My turn consisted of me missing everything and losing my last warrior. I won roll for turn 4.
    Turn 4
    Well the game was all but over. But as long as one of my lizardmen can fight they will fight. My general used his command ability on his zombies he moved his max towards them. No point trying to get objective points if i can't win, time to unleash the carnage. My skinks fired there volley in to the terrorgheist doing nothing. My general needed a 9 to make his charge and rolled a 7. So much for the last hurrah.
    His turn he summoned 10 more zombies buy his other zombies. His archers rolled big against my remaining skinks causing 12 wounds, I saved none and perished . His first unit of zombies charged my general making the charge. This didnt scare me 10 zombies cant hurt much......They rolled huge, needing 5's to hit he rolled 5 hits. Then he rolls needing 6's to wound. He rolls 4 six's with 5 dice, Wow four 6's. I saved 2 taking 2 wounds. I attacked back killing 4 zombies. I won roll off for the fifth and final round.
    Round 5
    My general used his command ability on his 6 zombies. Then he attacked killing all 6.
    His turn he declares a charge with his remaining 10 zombies. I stopped him for a second and told him he forgot his shooting phase. Garry smiled and told me he didn't want to kill off my general, he was happy to win without complete destruction. His zombies charged and attacked doing nothing. My sunblood fought back killing 3. End Game. I rolled for all my slain models. On a 1 or 2 they are dead and need to be repurchased. I lost 5 saurus which was great, rolling 20 dice and only getting 5 ones or twos was nice. My skinks lost 8 models which was alright. Only have to purchase a single unit of each to bring them back up to full count.

    Well I was hoping to do alittle better than that. His ghoul king terrorgheist regenerating d3 per hero phase really put a kink in plan to go all out against him. Thankfully my saurus warriors tied him up for most the game. The one plus to this game was I got a ton of points. Even though he only brought a fraction of his list out when counting points it goes off total list points. 3420 - 480 = 2940 ÷ 2 = 1470 plus 50 for playing a game and another 60 for killing his unit of zombies. Total of 1580 points earned. I purchased back my dead models bringing me down to 1400. Time to start building an army. I will be asking you all lots of questions over the next month to figure out how to spend these to properly build a list. I'm looking forward to bringing out some of the heavy hitters for round 3. Thanks for reading everyone, look forward to comments or any suggestions on what I could of done better
    Qupakoco, Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  6. Webb8

    Webb8 Member

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    I was looking up the standings for our campaign. We have 46 people that are involved. They only show the top 20. The rest of us are all grouped together. My last opponent Garry and his death army are ranked tenth. I realize he brought a small fraction of his force but he obviously has alot of experience playing. This was my second game, ever. I don't feel so bad with the beat down. My "Doom Brigade" is about to grow. I will make my push for the top 20 next month. They will fear my lizardmen........
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    The result aside, you seem to be having one of the most awesome tournaments going on ! Awesome !

    Well now that you have points, no matter what, my suggestion is the obvious :
    Do yourself a favor and buy a Bastiladon.
    Never mind he huge damage output he can bring out, he can tank most things in game. Tanked a Maw Crusha 2 turns without a problem
    Well time for the rest to say their opinions !
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Nice move from him! :woot: THat's how things should...

    Bowser likes this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sounded fun, not much chance to win but at least you played and tried! 1400 points I might go something like:
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    - Warblade
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)

    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    1 x Gryph-Hound (40)

    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)

    Total: 1400/1400

    Or Shadowstrike building towards bloodclaw in the future:
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Skink Starpriest (100)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)
    - Warblade

    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (80)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)

    Bastiladon (300)

    Shadowstrike Starhost (120)

    Total: 1400/1400

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