AoS Defence and offence battlelines

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Days to Daze, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    First and foremost I want to say hello, and thanks for sharing your Seraphon knowledge with the world.
    I have enjoyed reading through the forum as I learnt how to play, not just Seraphon but Warhammer in general.

    I have been slowly building models ready for my first 2k game.

    I would like to share my battlelines for offensive and defensive lines.
    I noticed that with Seraphon you really need to commit to a play style and build accordingly (offensive/defensive etc) So based on that I built battleline blocks for each which move together.
    Obviously these can be used as single blocks, 2 of each or 1 of each. (I quite like the idea of 1 of each for 1500 points so I can test them both out) I spent a lot of time reading up on the synergies and making a LOT of notes.

    When I come to make an offensive or defensive 2k list. Ill use one block but increase unit size's and add offensive or defensive support accordingly.

    I would love to hear what you guys think, would you replace/add anything to these blocks? Ill be utilising one or preferably both of these blocks in a 2k army probably with a starseer instead of a slann since I wont do any summoning.

    I'll stop here before I start rambling. :)

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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    Qupakoco, Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welome aboard! Your analytics are on point, I assume you are sticking to seraphon only for now. Razordons would work well with your defensive army. If you choose to expand to general order we can give you the units, you can give us the metrics!
  3. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    Yeah Seraphon only. I asked a friend for an underpowered army to get started with so im forced to learn some strategies.
    And after watching and testing a few of my units in some of their games I can see why they are seen as underpowered.
    I realised that Ill have to make the most of synergies to beat an army of sylvaneth for instance.
    Some of his units are ridiculous.

    Is there a thread for conveting models? Im in the middle of painting some cold ones I picked up which I think are for an elven army. (the seraphon cold ones look like they have a disability of some sort)
    Problem is I only have 10. And in total ill need 15 plus one for the Old blood. I dont really know what the best and cheapest way to add riders is.
    I would love to see some other players converted models.

    *and yes my keyboard needs a clean :)

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    Joshua Horchler, Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Yeah the dark aelves cold one is way better. Not sure if there is a difinitive tutorial for conversions on the cold ones.
  5. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    Is there a place to go for general Seraphon conversions? I like the idea of conversions, especially for larger models.
    Ive seen your name around a lot. And judging by your post count I'm sure I'll a lot more of you. Ill check out some of your posts. I'm sure there is some gold in there.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  7. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    Thanks I'll check them out.
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Wow these are some amazingly painted cold ones ! This is not the section for it but may I please ask how did you paint the whitish parts? :D
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    I feel like I'm being trolled :)
    They are only my second painted unit.

    I painted some skinks as my first try but the skin was very boring and just base coated white.
    With these I did the same but dry brushed it into the top half a little then dry brushed the white with a fine layer of Zandri dust.

    I think they look good without the red and black too. I've attached a photo of the unfinished models in the unit.
    I want a total of 20 Saurus cav so might try out different colours for the unit of ten and two units of 5.

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  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice work!
    I like our Cold Ones as well, but I admit the Dark Aelves' Cold Ones look better.
    Looking forward to seeing more from you, it seems you are quite talented! :)
    Seraphage, Gradeaal and Bowser like this.
  11. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Far from trolling I assure you. The color combinations are amazing and by the way, picking the color combinations is always the hardest part for me and probably most time consuming :D
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Looking good Days! I would suggest maybe thinning down a brown or red wash and applying it over the red scale part. It would do two things, give some depth the scales and also tie in all of the colors. If you had time after the wash, you could water down your red a little and highlight the scales with red on them. It would "pop" a little more but in a good way because you added depth, not just brightness!

    Welcome to the clan and keep up the good work!
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  13. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    Yeah thanks, The thought of a wash is scary, I feel like if it's done wrong I'll be gutted.
    But yeah I'll give it a try. I only had a starter paint sent and was impatient :)

    After reading up on the Knights a lot of people say they are a weak unit.
    I know they have huge movement but I started to agree that they seem a little underpowered, even with the synergies the best I can do is a an extra attack with mortal wounds on a 6. Seems like the buffed guard do a much better job when battlelines are concerned. Do you have much experience with them?

    Unless I take a tonne of warriors, it seems aggressive hard hitting units are the flyers and salamanders. Both of which could be decimated before I get to utilise them. Maybe a defensive army is the way to go? And take just one unit of knights just to charge any pesky battleline units that I see as a threat?
    Bowser and Joshua Horchler like this.
  14. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    When planning an army, always bear in mind that what you want to do is play the objectives, not the armies, so never leave mobility out !
    Before started playing I couldn't really understand the whole "underwhelming unit" thing but after some battles, when you compare your 120p paid in comparison with others - stormcast, destruction and so on - it suddenly becomes pretty clear :D
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I wouldn't call Knights weak. They are glass cannons. Lots of attacks and they do decent damage.
    You are right though IMO. As Battleline guards are better, they can take more punishment.
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  16. Days to Daze

    Days to Daze Member

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    I think my issue is that I wanted to field strong infantry, some buffed knights, some mages and some heavy duty units.
    Problem is that I cant build a balanced army that I am happy with on 2k points.

    Good thing about Seraphon is that I can build several armies and they will all play completely different.
    Its just the middleground army I struggle to build. As far as battlelines go maybe that should be a skink army? save the defensive for guard and agro for knights.
    It at least gives me a reason to but almost everything :)

    I do like the knights though and they have always done me well in small battles vs cheap units.
    So after reading up on some other armies I would love to try this for an aggressive 2k.
    I wish I could squeeze in a starseer for the rerolls at key times.
    But hey-ho ill take what I can get.

    I mainly want to field this as it would look bad ass on the table.
    Im going to sit down and work out synergies, cant be doing that at work... :)
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  17. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Hey Days,

    Washes are very useful for new painters. I wouldn't be afraid to use them. Just be careful not to apply too much. If you do, it will "pool" in the creases and recesses and leave nasty marks when it drys. Also, just be mindful of how the wash, especially a heavy brown or black, will darken the model. This is okay because you want contrast and depth and the worst thing that could happen is you just have to repaint some highlights.

    One simple method for painting Seraphon and anything with scales is: paint on a base layer, then dry brush a bright hightlight or two. I would actually go very bright with the highlights. If you go really bright, then you can apply a medium to heavy wash and it brings it all together. Not only will the wash fill in the recesses between the scales, it will also tone down your bright highlights. It's simple, fast and effective and perfect for a good tabletop level.
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  18. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Also, I love that list. We have had some good discussions about those exact type of lists. You should check out the Quad Carnosaur post and also some other posts on the tactics forum. I have a similar list and people gave some great input on my Dino Deathstar post.
    Gradeaal and Bowser like this.

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