7th Ed. Lizardmen List For New Fantasy Player

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by runer60000, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. runer60000
    Jungle Swarm

    runer60000 New Member

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    I have been playing 40K for about a year now, and lately i have been really interested in fantasy. at first i was thinking of dwarves, but now ive decided that lizardmen is going to be my army of choice for starting fantasy. heres my proposed list(this is based off the old armybook because i havent been able to get a look at the new armybook, so please bear with me):

    Saurus Scar-veteran: Light armour, shield, Blessed Spawning of Tzunki and Quetzl, Scimitar of the sun resplendent.

    Core Units:
    (2)Saurus Warrior regiments: 18 warriors, spears, Blessed spawning of Quetzl
    Skink Skirmishers: 12 skinks, need opinion on whether to give javelins or blowpipes
    Temple Guard(if legal): 10 guard

    Special Units:
    Saurus Cavalry: 8 cavalry

    Rare Units:
    Stegadon: weapons? need opinions, seems to me that the stegadons in the new armybook have a lot more options.

    Every unit will also have all the musician, standard bearer, and champion upgrades. i would apreciate if someone could explain to me the new stegadon options, from what ive read on sites it seems they are a lot different. i would also like to know what the advantages/disadvantages of skink javelins and blowpipes are. the reason why im wondering about the temple guard being legal is because in the old armybook, it states that "0-1 temple guard units per slaan in the army", and im wondering if the rule still stands in the new armybook.
  2. gmurie

    gmurie New Member

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    You'll need the seventh edition army book. There's nothing about sacred spawnings in the seventh edition one.

    I'm in about the same position as you. I've not played WFB for over ten years, but I got sick of PP, and I needed an outlet for painting and such.

    From the few games I've played I can say the following:

    Ten man skirmisher units with blowpipes and blocks of 15/18 saurus with spears do rock. The skinks just nibble away at the flanks of an enemy army and annoy the snot out of your opponent, while the saurus blocks suck up punishment like nothing else.

    Ranked skinks are just as good, because they cost so few points. Advancing and harpooning with poisoned shots gives them a nice punch against enemy models with low armor, and on that first salvo a bit more range than the blowpipes when you factor in the hit penalties for moving and shooting at long range.

    Also, sadly, Kroxes are not all that great. They used the be the bee's knees, but reduced to strength and toughness of four they're just sad. Knights get a 5+ armor save against them, and they pretty much used to pay for themselves on having strength five in the good old days. I haven't yet experimented with using on in a small unit of ranked skinks.

    A minimum unit of three Kroxes is 165 points. A unit of five terrradons is 150 points and the money outlay is about the same. The terradons (two wounds each still!) outperform the poor big dumb kroxes.

    Temple guard without a Slaan is a waste of points. Save your money till you hit 2000+ points, since they don't get Stubborn or Immune to Psych until there's a Slaan in the army. Fourteen of them seems to be the magic number.

    Personally, I have dreadful luck. I would never use cold ones except in a unit of five with no upgrades as a disposable shock troop. I know that I'd blow the stupidity check at least once a game. Again, for 185 points I'd value them more highly than the mere twenty points more than they'd cost for a unit of three Kroxes.

    And I really LIKE the krox models.

    I can't say much about the steg in the game, but as a model kit it's got a lot of extra bits and parts, and it's a formidable project just to assemble.
  3. ilnar

    ilnar New Member

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    hmmm,,,, well the only thing id say is the unit of 8 coldones, with full command is very expensive, think about taking 5 with a banner/ maybe musician.
    stegs come in two types, ancient and regular, and can either have a giant bow, blowpipes, and can be a mount for a skink chief. or can be a mount for a priest, in which case it gets an engine of the gods on top, powerfull magics,

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